F3 Knoxville


Big Ball

73 and Clear

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SSH                             ICx15
Squats                        ICx15
BAC                             ICx10
Reverse BAC               ICx10
Calf raises                   ICx15

Mosey across Worlds Fair Park and over to the Locust Street Garage (aka The Deathstar).

The Deathstar
PAX were instructed to begin with 10 merkins, climb six flights of stairs to the top of the garage and do 6 burpees- then run back to the first floor via the descending parking deck.  10 more merkins at the bottom, 5 flights of stairs, and 5 burpees.

Rinse and repeat until all PAX had completed all levels of the garage.

Lunges Down Locust
After completing the Deathstar, the PAX did lunges on Locust Street for an entire city block, from Clinch Avenue to Union Street.  Burn baby, burn!

Circle of Pain
The PAX moseyed back to the Sun-sphere for a little COP:
Mountain Climbers                               ICx20
Merkins                                                 ICx10
Carolina Dry Docks                              ICx20

The PAX moseyed over to the grassy field near the fountains.  From there, the men engaged in an all-out, 100 yard sprint back to the fountains.  Heart rate buster!

At the fountains, the PAX did one set of incline merkins OYOx15.

V-ups led by Rascal                            ICx25
Hello Dolly led by P-nut                       ICx15
Flutter Kicks led by Dimples                ICx20
Peter Parkers led by Proton                on command

Count-o-rama, Name-o-rama,

We are all faced with difficult decisions each day.  Decisions at work, at home and in our community roles.  P-nut told of a mentor that advised him long ago to “look at your daily tasks and decide which item was the toughest/most difficult task you would face that day…and then to do that one first.”  The idea is to tackle your biggest obstacles first- and you’ll feel better/perform better the rest of the day.

Incredible energy and mumblechatter from the PAX.  The Deathstar was fun and full of suck, but worth visiting again (SOON).