THE SCENE: Insert info about the weather, etc.
Insert information about the warmup.
Mosey back to the AO to play some memory. Make a match just do the exercise once and run down to the other end of the parking lot. Don’t make a match, do both exercises and run down to the end of the parking lot.
Stuff on the ground
6 pax quidditch not tagged
Make a list of how you serve others. Are you happy with it? Is your obituary going to be a few sentences or a few paragraphs?
this week I was asked why we do back blasts. And my answer was so people can see what we did and pretend like they’re going to do it at home if they missed. Or people want to see who was at the work out, or they would like to use it another time, or for no reason at all. I told him I’d like to do backblast because I like to write all kinds of weird stuff like the fact I saw a cat that was the largest cat I’ve ever seen this morning. It was white with black spots. it looked like a friendly cat. If I was a cat I think we would be friends. I often wonder about being a cat myself. What would I look like. Would I have a personality like a cat or would I have a personality like a dog. I think I would like to be a cat with a dogs personality. I think that would be funny. Do you like funny things? I like to laugh. Laughing is good. Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha. Do you like soup? Soup is delicious. I’m just kidding I don’t like soup. I like sandwiches. F3 is fun except for when it’s really hard. Then it’s not so much fun. Sometimes I feel like I’m a bird and I can fly way. Again I am kidding, birds creep me out, I’d much rather be a dragon. I hope you have enjoyed reading this. Adios amigos.
Meal train- Butters, Maryville launch