F3 Knoxville

Frisbee on the Fly

Big Ball

THE SCENE: warm and humid, sunny, mid 70’s

I tossed the frisbee at random to someone in the circle who then was responsible for leading us in a warm up exercise
The majority of the workout was made up on the spot. I had a frisbee and whoever caught the frisbee outside of when we moseyed was then responsible for leading us in an exercise. If the disc hit the ground at anytime (which it definitely did) everyone owed 5 burpees. When moseying whoever had the disc ran to the front of the line and then throw it to the back, who then also ran to the front and through it back. We stopped in three locations around the park:

  • Sunsphere: Here whoever caught the disc in the circle led us in a leg exercise and then we ran to the top of the stairs and back down. We did 4-5 exercises here
  • Parking lot near campus: Here we did 4-5 upper body exercises
  • Amphitheater: Here we led each other through 4-5 ab exercises

After this we returned to the lawn, numbered off into two teams and play ultimate frisbee. The twist was that if the disc hit the ground everyone owed 10 Monkey Humpers (which changed to 5 squats) and if your team was scored on you owed 10 Jump Squats (which changed to 10 merkins)


Shared about an author who also used to be a part of the ministry I work for that advocated for the practice of “preaching the Gospel to yourself daily”. With the start of this school year I have also started trying to practice this. One of the ways in which he did this was by every morning as soon as he hit his alarm clock he would quote Lamentations 3:22-23 to himself. So I shared the verse also and encouraged us to not only preach the Gospel daily to ourselves but to also remember that God is faithful and never failing