F3 Knoxville

Fun with Friends

AO: thequacken
Q: FixerUpper
PAX: Z-Pack, Evan Wilson, Spellcheck
FNGs: None
WARMUP: Warmup stuff

Moseyed up Panda Express to the base of the Gresham Middle School stairs. Noted that we need a name for the stairs. The Jade Palace, maybe.

1 PAX ran up steps to top of hill and did 10 merkins, while 3 remaining PAX did AMRAP exercises with coupons. Once running PAX returned, we rotated through the exercises / run.

Round 1
60# sandbag – clean and squat
40# sandbag – overhead press
CMU – curls

Round 2
60# sandbag – rows
40# sandbag – squats
CMU – side bends*

Round 1
60# sandbag – lying down press
40# sandbag – sandbag burpees
CMU – WW3 situps

*Spellcheck noted that we should not lose our butts at this point

Actually did this today!
High plank position – 20 plank jacks, four count in cadence
Low plank position – 20 plank jacks, four count in cadence
High plank position – 20 plank jacks, four count in cadence

Check Slack and F3 Newsletter

In Psalm 18 David went through a trial. He wrote of how God helped him and delivered him from death. Also, David had kept his hands clean as he went through the trial. He “kept himself from sin” in verse 23. I reflected on a recent difficult situation and this part of PS 18 came to mind. I know that I am not perfect, but I didn’t have anything that I needed to reconcile, make up for, apologize for, etc. It doesn’t always happen like that for me, but in this case, I was glad that I could say that.

Still in need of sharpening – YHC, FixerUpper