F3 Knoxville

Ghost Flag Ruck

AO: thequacken
Q: FixerUpper (Patrick Core)
PAX: Lizzy, Gmail, fast-n-easy (Nate Votta), Z-Pack (Brian Brockman), Geppetto (Christopher Bennett), Drive-thru (Mikel Towe), Appleseed (Jon Smith), Glamper, Doubtfire (Nick Bond), Spellcheck, Swanson (Eli Cockrum), Brick (Chris Tittle), Postman (Scott Colby), FixerUpper (Patrick Core), Crash from Louisville
FNGs: None

WARMUP: some stretching, some mumblechatter about which PAX goes with which AO

ruck to Central HS, option to do ruck PT or continue on track. Ruck back. 3 sandies came along.
Ruck PT – 15 min AMRAP
10 burpees (slick, ruck, or sandbag option)
20 HR Merkins
30 Thrusters
40 Ruck swings
50 Squats
1 trip up and back the bleachers

YHC caught some grief since the stadium lights were not turned on, a gate was locked, and the track did not have stripes. Even though these difficulties were overcome, any further complaints should be directed in writing to Knox Co Schools.

A team sand bag toss for distance competition between Big Ball and Asylum PM was the Ghost Flag tiebreaker.

MARY: no time

ANNOUNCEMENTS: Welcome Crash DR from Louisville.
Ruck from Asylum to Big Ball tomorrow AM. Check #ruck channel for details.
Ghost Flag returns to Asylum PM.
Ruck from The Quacken to Big Ball next Saturday 8/26

Proverbs 16:1-3 are my theme verses for The Quacken this year.

The LORD knows my motivation and how I can either be on the campaign trail to get guys to come to the Quacken and not really care about them and be more concerned with my own agenda OR I can be discouraged and think this is not worth doing, too hard, etc.

Scripture is a way to correct both of these harmful ways of thinking. It says to me “Continue to work hard! Remember that it is not all about you!”

Prov 16:3 Commit your work to the LORD, and your plans will be established.