F3 Knoxville

Got The Led Out

AO: the-equalizer
Q: Bookman
PAX: Stripped, Smithers, Ice Cold, Cheney, Bookman
FNGs: None
WARMUP: SSHs, LBACs, Cherry Pickers, Mosey to Splashpad


Tumblin Dice

Burpees in the middle
XYs, Catalina Wine Mixers, The Bruce’s or The Caits, Dead Bugs, Upper Deckers on the outside

Roll the dice and use that number for the amount of reps at each station, always coming back to the middle after each outside exercise

Pax was nervous Q would make them do double the number of burpees in the middle. Like Danny Glover in Lethal Weapon, Q is too old for that ish.

We listened to Physical Graffiti.

MARY: none

ANNOUNCEMENTS: 11/16 convergence

COT: practice gratitude every day, even in the hardest of times