F3 Knoxville

Han Solo

The Project

THE SCENE: Very cold for May.  Clear skies. Full moon

  1. B wings (projectivator)
  2. Imperial walkers
  3. Tie fighters
  4. X wings (overhead claps)
  5. Spice miners (cherry pickers)


Mosey to ORAU. Read the quote and complete the exercise then run up and down the hill.  Hold a podracer (Al Gore) for the six.


  1. “I have a bad feeling about this” – 10 thrusters
  2. “Then I’ll see you in Hell!” – 10 Blockees
  3. “Boring conversation anyway” – 50 curls
  4. “I thought they smelled bad on the outside!” – 30 heavy squats
  5. “Never tell me the odds” – 30 overhead press
  6. “You like me because I’m a scoundrel. There aren’t enough scoundrels in your life.” – 30 heavy freddy’s
  7. “No reward is worth this.” – 10 Urkey Durkery’s
  8. “One thing’s for sure, we’re all gonna be a lot thinner.” – 100 LBCs
  9. “What an incredible smell you’ve discovered!” – 20 heavy lunges
  10. “Great, kid. Don’t get cocky.” – 20 heavy pickle pointers
  11. “I know.” – 30 tricep extensions

Imperial Walkers and AT-ATs (bear crawl)
Use the TAGS on right-side to record PAX (BE SURE TO INCLUDE YOURSELF) in attendance. Be sure to select the AO in CATEGORY above TAGS and then delete these notes!

Star Wars is the classic melodrama: Good guys wear white and bad guys wear black.  You know who’s who from the start of a scene.  Han Solo is the one exception:  he wears black over white.  He starts out as a bad guy:  selfish, obsessed with money, and only looks out for number one.  However, he undergoes a change during the movie; the classic protagonist.  At the end of Episode IV A New Hope, after fleeing with his reward, he returns dramatically to save Luke and help destroy the Death Star cementing his place in the Rebel Alliance.

The journey of Han is an example of coming of age.  Look back at yourself as a child and a youth.  Were you selfish, obsessed with money, and only looking out for number one?  At what point did this start to change for you?  When did you start to love sacrificially? Look at your children.  Do you see Han Solo in them?  Teach them diligently and with patience.  With God’ grace, they too may return to dramatically save the day and cement their place in the Rebel Alliance of life.

Flag handoffs for JUCO (May 19) and Rampart (May 27)