F3 Knoxville

Hardest way to 10

Bomb Shelter

THE SCENE: Seems like the humidity backed off a tad. Maybe 99%? It was warm and sweaty…

20 SSH, 10 tempo merkins, 10 imperial squat walkers, 10 hillbillies, little of this, little of that.
Run to the lower trail wood bridge. Work back up toward the troll bridge trail.

  • Forward 2 light posts, stop for 10 dry docks
  • Back 1 light post, stop for 10 Big boy twist situps.
  • Rinse and repeat until the troll bridge trail
  • Keep cycling through the reps until the six catches up
  • Sprint back up to the grinder

Part 2: count to 10

Start with 1 rep each, then run and come back for 2 reps, then 3, etc.

  • Hand release merkin–>regular merking–>clap merkin (in that order is 1 rep)
  • Crunch–>BBS–>WW2
  • Get up–>squat–>squat jump
  • CMU shoulder shrug–>upright row–>CMU swings
  • Run to troll bridge and back to increase reps by 1(aiming to get to 10 or until time)

Pax roulette 30 Overhead claps, 25 some sort of shoulder thing, 20 box cutters, LBC to cash out
4 HIMs and 1 2.0
Heard this the other day and made me think. Salvation is not earned by moral perfection, so it cannot be lost by a moral failure. What matters is believing loyalty in the one true God. Made me think of the age old conversation on the predestination/free will dynamic. From our limited perspective, the exact nuances don’t really affect our day to day. What matters is we cling to God day in and day out and give Him our loyalty. Think of the characters in the Bible. God always forgave a repentant person for a moral failure. But where people went wrong was going after other gods or elevating themselves as gods. This week, let’s throw our lot in fully with the God who covers our moral failures and desires our loyalty and relationship.
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