F3 Knoxville

Highs and Lows

Bomb Shelter

THE SCENE: A chilly start (40s) quickly remedied…

20SSH, 10 Tempo Merkins, 10 Tempo Squats, soccer warmup lap

Stop 1: Grinder
Roll a 20-sided die. 1-10 is that many reps of high intensity work. 11-20 is that many reps of low intensity thing. Some sort of travel between station. 10 min timer, then run to the next spot.

Spot 1: The Grinder
Near side: 1-10 Clap Merkins | 11-20 Merkins
Run to Far Side
Far side: 1-10 Squat Jumps | 11-20 Squats

Spot 2: Mount Suckmore
Near side: 1-10 Iron Mikes | 11-20 Lunge (single count)
Burnie up the hill
Far side: 1-10 WWIIs | 11-20 LBCs
Bear crawl back down

Spot 3: Homerun Hill
Near side: 1-10 Hand Release Merkins | 11-20 Ranger Merkins
Run to bottom of the hill
Far side: 1-10 Iron Squats | 11-20 Monkey Humpers (single count)
Run to top of hill

Table Top for time (barely made it back in time)

5 PAX. Solid turnout on a Saturday!

Had an odd dream that exemplified my state of life right now. I knew something was off when I started grating the dirt in my living room to get ready for seeding. Then a big rain storm hit and the roof was leaking like crazy! I went to get buckets to catch the water, and all I had were plant pots that have the holes in the bottom. When the rain stopped, my M was like, “we should think about hiring someone to help us with this house.”

I wanted to talk about asking for help. Don’t be like dream me and wait until things are falling apart to ask for help. On the flipside, I think I could do a better job opening up more of my time, not for “me time” but for the sake of being available when a brother asks for help. Let’s lock shields this week, men!


Brolympics! Nov 5