F3 Knoxville

Hills of Contenmt


THE SCENE: 69 degrees, 99% humidity with a slight breeze to make Ol’ GLory show her colors
F3 WELCOME & DISCLAIMER: Check, Check, Check and Check

  • 5-Windmills
  • 6-Cherry Pickers
  • 10-LBAC (Foreward and Backward)
  • 10-Grady Corn
  • 10-Chattanooga (Suck-up) Cherry Pickers
  • 15-SSH

We began our morning with a mini D.O.R.A., PAX split into groups of 2. PAX 1 started doing the exercise while PAX 2 ran 100 yards and did 5 burpees, then ran back and switched.

  • 50 Merkins
  • 100 LBC
  • 200 Squats

Mosey to small hill next to light pole and completed 4 rounds of climbing exercise.

  1. ROUND 1-Welsh Dragon up, increasing in reps until reaching 10. Mosey down the hill, 3 Merkins at bottom.
  2. Round 2-Buddy up. PAX 1 hold Al Gore while PAX 2 does 50 1-count flutter kicks back pedal up the hill then 50 Sweat Angels at the top. Mosey down and switch.
  3. Round 3-50 Sumo Squats at the bottom, mosey up the hill 75 Monkey Humpers at the top.
  4. Round 4- FINAL ROUND! Arm Release Merkins at the bottom. Mosey up the Hill for San Antonio Shuffle at the top. start with 2 reps at bottom, 4 at top and increase by 2’s until reaching 10.

5 Min. left, why do Mary when you can play a pleasant game of Rochamburpee. We’ll call it a practice run with no winner. Rules to be slightly modified next time to account for draws.
8 PAX Killed it this morning!!!
1 Timothy, Chapter 6: “But godliness with contentment is great gain. For we brought nothing into the world and we can take nothing out of it.” With all the temptation around us, and everyone trying to keep up with the rat race to take a second and be content with the great things we already have. All the tings we want or think we need eventually all add up to nothing compared to the gift that the Lord has given us. The assurance that at the end of it all we will greet him in the promised land. So just remember to take that second and thank the lord and find contentment in your current situation.
Remembering Olive Oyl with his neck injury and all our others brothers who weren’t there for one reason or another. TAPS gentlemen.
August 6- Service/Work day at Cerebral Palsy Center @ 7:00 a.m. yard work, moving things, cleaning up. Message Judge Judy and see main thread for more info, equipment needed, etc.

July 30- Saturday Beat down with Coffee Whipped Cafe Coffeteria after. Hope to see everyone there!