THE SCENE: Cold and clear
- Al Gore for the Disclaimer
- Tempo Merkins
- Windmills
- Walking Knee-to-chest
- Short mosey and do burpees every other light pole, 1, then 2, then 3 etc…just up to 5 and mosey back to grinder
THA-THANG: - 4 rounds of exercises. Do 3 sets of each round and and suicide before moving on to the next round
- Round 1
- 15x Water Pumps each leg
- 5 per arm, 1 arm-assisted merkins (on back of the bench)
- 15 Goblet squats (w/ CMU)
- 15x Curls: 5x ½ High, 5x ½ low, 5 x full
- Round 2
- Box Jumps x 15
- 10 CMU Lawnmower per arm
- Wall Sit Overhead press x10
- 1 leg line hops x 15 per leg (2ct)
- Round 3
- 10 tuck jumps
- 15 hand release merkins
- Calf Raises: 15 each position: Toes forward, Toes out, Toes in
- Upright Rows x 15
- Round 4
- 15 CMU Swings
- 10 Over block merkins (each merkin =1)
- 10 Iron Squats (Iron Mike + deep air squat)
- 10 each side, Elf on the Shelf
- If finished before time is called, do suicides and 20 merkins/20 Big Boy Sit Ups until the end
- Round 1
- Leg circles each way
- Marching Low Planks
- Gas Pumps
- Flutter Kicks
As we look back at the year 2020, it seems like it is expected of us to say something negative about this strange year. We need to make sure we look at it with balanced view: rightly mourn our losses (and there have been many of these: loved ones, friends, jobs, celebrations, opportunities for fellowship) but also celebrate the blessings that we have enjoyed (including those unexpected blessings brought about by changes in our circumstances do to the pandemic). In all these circumstances and as we look ahead to the new year whatever it may bring, let the words of the Doxology remind us what we should do everyday: “Praise God from whom all blessings flow, praise him all creatures here below, praise him above ye heavenly hosts. Praise Father, Son and Holy Ghost. Amen.” - MOLESKIN:
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