F3 Knoxville

More Doras for the Explorers


THE SCENE: Upper 40’s, damp and dark

SSH x 20, Baby Arm Circles x 20 forwards and 20 backwards, Cherry Pickers x 10, Tempo Squats x 10, Tempo Merkins x 10

  • Doras at the parking lot: each partner does one set of Squats, Big Boy Sit Ups and Flutterkicks while the other partner crabwalks to end of lot and lunges back
  • Doras at the lot again: this time with Smurf Jacks, American Hammers and Boxcutters while the other partner Bernies out and lunges back
  • Doras at the smaller lot next to the church: Carolina Dry Docks, Merkins and Cobras while partner bearcrawls out and back
  • Ring of Fire: First with squats then with merkins. Started with 1 rep each, adding 1 rep as we went around until we reached 5, then went back down to 1
  • Bearcrawl Ladder: Bearcrawls up the hill with parking spots, stopping to do 3 merkins at the end of each parking spot
  • Finished with a lap around the park

Although “it’s beginning to look a lot like Christmas”, it’s actually Advent. Historically this was a time in which the Church would wait in expectation for the arrival of the Messiah through the birth of Christ. This was also a time of mourning and hypothetical reflection on the thought of what would life be like and who are we without a savior and without the grace of God. I encouraged us all to take a moment this holiday season to disengage from the food, music, parties and lights to re-engage with an ancient tradition of waiting in expectation for the coming King
None that I’m aware of