F3 Knoxville

Motown Beatdown and Tabata Burpees


THE SCENE: A Bill Withers kinda morning. Rain and “Ain’t No Sunshine”. We met under the pavillion.



  • SSH – 15
  • Projectivator – 10
  • Abe Vagoda – 6 or 8
  • Knox Picker – No one knows. Tuba, this is your fault! 🙂
  • Tempo Merk – 10
  • Apollo Ono – 7
  • LBAC – 10
  • RLBAC – 10
  • Grady Corn – 10
  • Moroccan Night Clubs – 10
  • Hallelujahs – 10
  • Chattanooga Cherry Pickers © – 10
  • SSH – 15
  • 5 Burpees OYO


PAX performed a Burpee Tabata. 30 seconds of burpees with 20 seconds rest for 11 rounds.

  • Round 1: 1 burpee (hold plank)
  • Round 2: 2 burpees (hold plank)
  • Round 3: 3 burpees (hold plank)
  • etc.

11 rounds = 66

The “rests” became a cruel joke as we got into the higher numbers. Something about doing burpees while the timer clearly says to rest.

PAX then rolled dice for the following routine. Roll a 1, do 10 reps of exercise #1. Roll a 2,  do 10 reps of exercises 1 through 2. Roll a 6, you guessed it. Do 10 reps of exercises 1 through 6. Many 6’s were rolled to where PAX accused YHC of loading the dice. YHC had no comment.

    1. SSH
    2. shoulder taps
    3. hr merkins
    4. big boys
    5. basilisk
    6. bobby hurley

Rejected! PAX had the choice of Mary or flipping the cards for more dice games. They chose to continue rolling the dice for the following exercises.

    1. climbers
    2. toe merkins
    3. monkey humpers
    4. undertakers
    5. dry docks
    6. heels to heaven


YHC might have misinformed the dear PAX of Rampart at a previous COT. The popular notion is that willpower functions much like a muscle and is prone to get tired. This might not be true. New research (see article here) says that your mindset matters more, when it comes to willpower. In other words, your attitude towards willpower affects willpower. The reasoning is as follows: If you believe that your willpower is limited, willpower is limited. If you believe willpower is unlimited, meaning you get strength from the victories of using your willpower, then you might still be able to use your willpower at full strength.

What does this mean for us? Celebration Matters. When you pass on the cookies don’t mope. Don’t act like you’re deprived. You just defeated that sucka! Celebrate! You might just find a deeper well for more willpower!

It also means that mumblechatter matters in the gloom. Ever notice when someone calls you out you seem to get grittier? We find more energy somewhere when other people talk us up. Mumblechatter and encouragement changes the atmosphere.

YHC would like to introduce the idea of zeal. That’s not a word we use a lot today. The thesaurus gives words such as devotion, determination, diligence, eagerness, fervor, gusto, intensity.

Romans 12:9-12
9 Love must be sincere. Hate what is evil; cling to what is good. 10 Be devoted to one another in love. Honor one another above yourselves. 11 Never be lacking in zeal, but keep your spiritual fervor, serving the Lord. 12 Be joyful in hope, patient in affliction, faithful in prayer.

We should do faith with our heart! With zeal! Zeal for the Lord! W should do discipline with our heart! Zeal!
determination, diligence, eagerness, fervor, gusto, intensity. We should do marriage, fatherhood, work, leadership with our heart!

Attitude Matters!
Mindset Matters!
Outlook Matters!

Talk to yourself the right way… you may have a deeper well than you think.


  • Welcome FNG-Wilbur!
  • T-Claps to the Project boys, Mathlete and Tuba for coming down.
  • Surprise visit from Airborne was nice. We thought you were DR.
  • Total Burpees for today was 76. The rest are on you.
  • Prayers for Cardinal and Feeny.


  1. Ain’t No Mountain High Enough – Marvin Gaye, Tammi Terrell
  2. Express Yourself – Charles Wright and the Watts 103rd Street Rhythm Band
  3. Ain’t Too Proud to Beg – The Temptations
  4. I Want You Back – The Jackson 5
  5. The Tears of A Clown – Smokey Robinson & The Miracles (You’re better than this, Pam)
  6. Mr. Big Stuff – Jean Knight
  7. It’s Your Thing – The Isley Brothers
  8. Your Love Keeps Lifting Me – Jackie Wilson
  9. Get Ready – The Temptations
  10. Signed, Sealed, Delivered (I’m Yours) – Stevie Wonder
  11. It’s The Same Old Song – Four Tops

MABA continues. Stay on it, men!
Convergence Saturday. Meet at Rampart at 0545.
Skeletor: Monday.
Cardinal VQ (!): Wednesday.
Wingman: Next Saturday.