F3 Knoxville

[mountainbiking] Gotta get 10

Asylum AM
AO: mountainbiking
Q: Tank (Chris DeFranco) , Billy Goat
PAX: Abscess, Bling, Imaginary, Sambo, Murlock, Spicoli, Tank (Chris DeFranco), Billy Goat, Toebox
FNGs: None
WARMUP: none

THE THANG: Aspire Park, Billy Goat led us around the horn and then climbed up to the ridge by way of challenger. Two options: Easy or Hard rocks. Met back up for everyone to head down the fast downhill trail Maverick. Climbed back up and took Dragon tail back down the other side. Looped around again for some extra credit. (Merlock and Tank went back out and hit Maverick a couple more times only to get a front flat and have to walk out)

ANNOUNCEMENTS: Bentonville trip in Sept. vote on your preferred date

COT: Marriage is not a race or competition against your spouse. If you’re in a competitive race, you’re going to do things and have things that are better than your competitor. Better coaching, better nutrition, better shoes, bikes etc. It about how you can be better than them. In a marriage we can’t think that way. We have to think of our spouse like we are in a relay race with them on our team. You want your team to be the best it can be. If you have ways of competing better, you share it with your team, if you have shoes or a bike or anything that will give you a competitive advantage, you share it with your team. Treat your marriage the same. Help your wife be the best she can be and it will strengthen your relationship.