F3 Knoxville

Pickle πŸ₯’ love

The Project
AO: the-project
Q: Icey Hot
PAX: Ghost Flag (F3Knoxville), Biohack, slappy, Ocho, Mathlete, Flying Dutchman, Tom Tom, Mo Rocka (Joshua Miller), OBrother
FNGs: None
Side straddle hops, Arm circles fwd and back, Torso rotations, Squats


Mosey to freedom bell

Set 1 (20 rep)
– Superman
– Pickle Pointer
– Heel Touches
– Toe Touches
– Pickle Pounders
– Hold plank/squat until everyone finishes

Mosey lower loop then pickup the six or hold plank/squat until everyone finishes

Set 2 (20 rep)
– Pickle pointer
– Flutter Kicks
– Bird Dog
– Mountain Climber
– Pickle pounder and reach
– One legged lifts
– Hold plank/squat until everyone finishes

Mosey lower loop then pickup the six or hold plank/squat until everyone finishes

Repeat Set 1 (15 reps)

Mosey lower loop then pickup the six or hold plank/squat until everyone finishes

Repeat Set 2 (15 reps)

Mosey to shovel flag

Convergence at worlds fair park 17Feb24
Escape Ha


Are you going to God with your problems and asking that God give you the solution you desire or are you laying your troubles before God and seeking his will?

I know, I personally struggle with this. Most recently I have been pursuing new employment to cut back on my travels and time away from my family. I’ve been diligent in my prayers and seeking God. It was when my answer came not as a new job but as my current role putting things in my court to solve the problem and letting me do just that. I then realized this entire time I’ve been seeking God to solve things my way and not trusting in his infinite wisdom.

Proverbs 3: 5-6 states:
5.Trust in the LORD with all your heart; do not depend on your own understanding.
6.Seek his will in all you do, and he will show you which path to take.

John 3:30 (ESV) states:
He must increase, I must decrease

This is not a negative position even though it sounds like we must become less the realty is we can only become greater through him. Zach Williams’ song Less Like me chorus says it simply.
A little more like mercy, a little more like grace
A little more like kindness, goodness, love and faith
A little more like patience, a little more like peace
A little more like Jesus, a little less like me

Similar to what @Biohack said, are we seeking Gods wisdom like Solemn?