F3 Knoxville

[qsource-ao] Candor is not a place in Star Wars

Asylum AM
AO: qsource-ao
Q: Borg , Spellcheck
PAX: Spellcheck, Borg
FNGs: None
THE COMMON GOAL: Consistently invest the time necessary to grow into Virtuous Leaders surrounded by men we know we can trust.

THE THANG: Discuss how our individual beliefs create a personal lens that affects how we attempt to lead with examples of successes and failures. Today, specifically, CANDOR.

MARY: Team exercise: Stretch our mindsets by listening and connecting to each other’s worlds, looking for what’s missing/hesitations, laughing and commiserating.

1. Unanimous team agreement to move to a different place and time. We crave sustenance and warmth in the wee hours. Details to come.
2. UpandRunningAgain has started and the men are seeing improvements after only one week. Goal: We started with 12, we will end with 12 at The Secret City Half Marathon. You can still volunteer to run alongside these men who are working thru rehab programs. It may change your life. Reply here or DM Borg for details.

COT: Closed in prayer.