F3 Knoxville

[qsource-ao] Kickoff for QSource AO

Asylum AM
AO: qsource-ao
Q: Borg
PAX: Mermaid, Spellcheck, Borg, Steam
FNGs: None
WARMUP: Chat until 6a.m.

Started at 6a.m.
Discussion points
1. Vision is for this to grow. Everyone attending can take this and start a new one. The ET Super Region is an easy drive through the valley.
2. QSOURCE AO best practices doc and standardization to maintain duplicatability.
3. Leadership must be Nant’an style, all are prepared to lead each week, just in case. Imagine an Indian warrior just itching to step in and take the lead.
4. Flag Care – the standard seems to be to keep the flag in the vehicle, protected, and the shovel anywhere it will fit.
5. Pushing rope – how do you know when you are? Discussed Examples of getting to know someone who was a pain, and then having a better appreciation for them after knowing their story.
6. How many of your close personal friends have accepted your invitation to F3? For at least two of us it was zero.
7. What is Mutual Competence? Discussed Flesh Anchors and Twelves and the ad/disad of the two. Is there always a Flesh Anchor? QSOURCE says every team has one.
8. So much more as the sun rose on a beautiful morning.
9. Every activity must include an attitude of training.
10. Every activity must include discerning when you are picking up the six vs when you are dragging a flesh anchor who has quit and is just dragging others down. This is a really tough one.

Stopped at 7a.m. But, then discussed what worked and what didn’t in this kickoff, see the AAR, below.

1. Q being prepared with notes.

1. Start by reading the QPoint and Socratics.
2. Plan to split into groups of 3-4 for a specific time period to discuss specific items.
3. Explain the lingo, when necessary.
4. Everyone, be concise when speaking. Be Spartan, “laconic”, in the use of words, so we don’t box others out. The Spartans respected brevity in speaking.
Closed in prayer.