F3 Knoxville

Round and Round


THE SCENE: 50s, clear, good

SSH x 20 (4 ct)

Michael Phelps

Baby arm circles forward x 10 (4 ct)

Baby arm circles backward x 10 (4 ct)

Big arm circles forward x 5 (4 ct)

Big arm circles backward x 5 (4 ct)

Little bit of this

Little bit of that

Tempo squats x 10

Tempo merkins x 10

Burpees x 10 OYO

Mosey to rock pile, pick up a rock, mosey to flag pole (the light is still working)

Derkins x 20

Dips x 20

Curls x 20

Overhead press x 20

LBCs w/ the rock x 20

Run a lap around the loop

Rinse and repeat for a total of 4 laps (1 mile) and 400 reps

Rows x 100 (2 sets of 50)

Mosey to the rock pile, drop off rock, mosey to the dock

CDDs x 100 (3 sets of 20 and 1 set of 40)

Mosey to the tennis court

One suicide using 6 lines of the courts

Mosey to AO


Flutter kicks x 20 (4 ct)

Hold plank (left arm up, left leg up, reset, right arm up, right leg up, reset, hold 6 inches off the ground for a 20 ct)

6 HIMs
I came across this life lesson from a book: “I’ve learned that if someone says something unkind about me, I must live so that no one will believe it.”

We cannot control what others say or do.  We can only control what we say and do.  Our words and actions should outshine and overcome what others may say about or do to us.

Prayers for Ribbed’s wife and Lillydipper’s wife
5th anniversary convergence at Asylum on 11/7 @ 7:00 a.m.