F3 Knoxville

Shoulder day with coupons

Big Ball

THE SCENE: A little cool but overall perfect weather

Welcome to F3 (Fitness, Fellowship, and Faith).  I’m not a professional and you are here on your own volition.  Push yourself but don’t hurt yourself.

SSH x 15 IC

Baby arm circles x 15 IC forward and reverse

Overhead claps x 15 IC

Shoulder taps x 15 IC

Tempo Squats x 15 IC

  • Mosey to coupon pile at the L&N Academy, pick your favorite and mosey to sidewalk across from field
  • Curl, press, tricep, lower with arms extended = 1 rep
    • 30 reps then run to other end of building for 2 burpees
    • 25 reps, run, 2 burpees
    • 20 reps, and so on until finish with 5 reps
  • Walk to the Big Ball with coupons periodically over head
  • At the bottom of the stairs – 30 rows with coupons – with coupons go to top of the stairs for 30 squats
  • Back down for 20 reps, back up for 20 reps
  • 10 reps at the bottom, 10 reps at the top
  • Walk with coupons to stage.
    • Horizontal press x 30
    • Flutter kicks with coupons over head x 20
    • Horizontal press x 30
    • LBC’s with coupons x 20
    • Horizontal press x 30
  • Mosey back to coupon pile to return coupons.
  • Mosey back to AO.


Duggar, Abort, Java, Drive Thru, G-6, Postman, Livestrong
There is a lot of fear and anxiousness going around these days.  Remember Phil. 4:6-7 “do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God.  And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.”
Congratulations to Abort, Swanson, and Trowel for representing the Big Ball well at Hardship Hill