F3 Knoxville

Simple Plan

The Dog Pound

The Scene: 45 and clear

Welcome and Disclaimer


SSH x15 IC
Tempo Squats x10 IC
Cherry Pickers x10 IC
Little some o’ this/that

To the tennis court:

4 corners of pain – Indian Run Style
Run counterclockwise around the court until you get to an open station, then do that exercise until the person in the station behind you gets past you to the next open station. Continue for 25 minutes
Corner exercises 1) Merkins 2) Squats 3) Carolina Dry Docks 4) Pee Rock weighted sumo Squats

Mosey to the rock pile

Medium sized rock, curl-press-tri burnouts 15-14-13-(audible)-10-9…

Small rock – weighted shoulder blasters

Mosey back for some Mary
Hello Dolly x20 IC
LBC X100

Be confident in this, that he who began a good work in you will bring it to completion at the day of Jesus Christ.
‭‭Philippians‬ ‭1:6‬ ‭

You were selected before the foundation of the world to be who you are, where you are and with a purpose for which He designed you. Don’t grow weary in that.Look for what it is and come to that.

It’s tough to get better with just 4 guys, but we have it a great shot. The guys worked hard and none of us can lift our arms