F3 Knoxville

Skatepark Beatdown Part Trois

AO: thequacken
Q: Z-Pack
PAX: Lizzy
FNGs: None

Side Stradle Hops IC
Abe Vigodas
Cherry Pickers – IC
Quad Stretch -Flamingo
Overhead Claps
Little this, little that, these, those – Tricep and Shoulder Stretching
Michael Phelps
Tempo Merkins IC
Tempo Squats IC
Mosey over to Skatepark

AMRAP Workout- Do a circuit of exercises around the skatepark

Station #1 Low Rail Blockees – 12 reps
Station #2 Corner Wall climb over the wall 12 times going back and forth. Do a Merkin on each side at bottom
Station #3 Low Curved Wall Do box jumps all the way down the curved wall, jumping a little farther each time
Station #4 Top Flat Level Flutter Kicks – 24 reps on 4 count
Station #5 Rail with Steps Dips – 24 reps
Station #6 Raised Block McDs end Decline Merkins – 12 reps
Station #7 Middle Raised Area Squat Thrusts – 12 reps
Station # 8 Dumbell Curls 12, each arm
Back at starting side of park, bear crawl entire length of park.
Crab walk back to starting side
no, ran out of time
no, need to plan this part better
Hall of Faith- Hebrews 11
It’s not a Hall of Fame, but a Hall of Faith. There’s alot of sports talk about who should be in various Halls of Fame. As a Reds fan I ponder Pete Rose and if he should be in the MLB Hall of Fame.
The Hall of Faith guys and gals are much better though. I am especially inspired by Abraham. God called him to leave his home and even sacrifice his son Isaac. How did Abraham respond? He obeyed in faith. What is God calling us to that might be difficult to do? “Now faith is confidence in what we hope for and assurance about what we do not see.” Let us go deeper in our faith in the Lord.