F3 Knoxville

Some Different Moves

AO: the-equalizer
Q: Madoff
PAX: Cheney, Stripped, Snowbird
FNGs: None
Walk to the Smokehouse to Grab CMUs
10 Little Baby Arm Circles Forward + 10 Backward
10 Tempo Squats
Walk with CMUs to Splashpad

Tabata 20 sec work 10 sec rest x8 (1 min rest between sets)
1. Z press
2. Squat to halo
3. Hollow hold press
4. Sumo squat to CMU curl
5. Upright row
6. Swing to squat
7. Lateral lunge to reverse lunge (1 side each set)


ANNOUNCEMENTS: Roco Ice Bears, Hardship Hill, and Escape from Haw Ridge (check newsletter)

COT: Reminded all that if you get your feelings hurt by someone important to you (someone you care about how they view you) your first reaction may be anger or defensiveness. Encouraged the PAX to try to be introspective in those moments and ask yourself what were they trying to tell me, is some of what they said true, and do I need to be better in that area. Just a reminder to try to not react and also listen to what’s behind the message even if you want to defend.