F3 Knoxville

Sorry Circle

AO: juco
Q: Guardrail
PAX: Wheelchair (Jonathan Perelman), Lt. Dan, Love Shaq, Wanderer, Booster
FNGs: None
WARMUP: Usual suspect. Windmill, SSH, Thai Chi Warrior, cherry pickers, tempo merkins and tempo squats.

THE THANG: Stop at the guardrail for some dips, then head to the circle of 5 cones set up. 1 team clockwise, 1 team counterclockwise. at Each cone do 20 of the written ab exercise. When opposite teams intersect, “Rock”(squat), “Paper” (Burpee), “Scissor” (Star jump) to see who has to go back to the previous cone to do 10 before moving on. Move the marker with each lap. The other team will be moving it back. Game on. Repeat with Arm and then leg exercises. Might have worked better with more guys

MARY: Small campus tour, Core work, Calf raises, etc.

ANNOUNCEMENTS: Dad camp mid aug

A look at Hebrews 4:13: We do not have a high priest who is unable to sympathize, but who was tempted in every way like us but was without sin.

When we suffer, find someone to encourage, learn from it and don’t waste your suffering. Also, know that Jesus knows your pain and you are not alone. If that’s covid or physical pain or an injury, or disappointing progress or an emotional hurt, Jesus has been there and wants you to lean in to knowing Him more.