F3 Knoxville

Strongman Medley


THE SCENE: 28, clear skies, thankfully not windy and mostly dry.

SSH x 10, CMU shoulder press x 5, Willy Mays x 6, Derkins x 5, Seated cross over toe touches? x 6 LBAC x 10, Reverse LBAC x 12, Night Clubs x 10, Hallelujahs x 10, Tempo Squats x 5 long hold on last.
Mosey down to the Medley area. Split into teams of two. Assign six exercises to the corresponding faces of a dice block. Each group will complete the entire Medley alternating turns. Before beginning roll dice block to determine line work. After team mate 1 is back from a run 2 picks up and does the same run. When the team ahead is on the third lift the next group can start. Everyone waiting is on the line doing whichever exercise was assigned to the number on the rolled dice block for the duration of the medley.

  • Farmers carry CMU’s with pinch grip down and back to first set of cones.
  • Heavy bag carry Zercher/ Hussafel to first set of cones. 20#,60#,120#
  • Kettle bag Circus press x 3 each arm. 35# 53#
  • Load sled and push full length to farthest cones. Unburdened teammate runs down and pushes the distance back and unloads the sled.
  • Dice exercises included: Merkins, awkward turltes, squats, monkey humpers, hold plank, flutter kicks.


  • After two full rounds meet up in the circle of pain. Each man leads a short burst exercise of their own choosing until time is up.


Lucille, Bobbitt, Skeletor, Piston, Stetson, Airborne, GoDaddy, Hasselhoff, Spielberg, Feeny, Runaway Bride, Ride Along, Bazinga, Candy Crush, Chicken Wing, Daniel Son, Tarantula

17 including 2 young FNG’s
John 21. Jesus is waiting on the shore for us to come back to Him.
Great VQ, learned a lot about organizing and leading a group in something new, and will improve for the next Q.
Painting for Mrs. Cardinal soon. Potential order of Rampart merch.