F3 Knoxville



SSH IC x 20




Burpees OYO 10


  • Mosey to Jucomanjaro
  • Indian Run up Jucomanjaro with PT along the way (flutter kicks, swims, and merks)
  • At top 30,30,30 (Merks, squats, 4 count flutters)
  • Mosey Down with PT on way down
  • 30,30,30 at bottom
  • 4 sets of sprints next to AO with PT after 2nd set
  • Some lunges and mosey back to AO


Bitterness is not a useful state of mind. Many things will happen in your life that are unfair and horrible. Do not let yourself become bitter. It is not productive to wallow on things. Be proactive, if you cannot be make the best of your situation. There are many people who live meaningful lives in conditions that would seem to breed contempt. Be a HIM. Thankfully, F3 provides an opportunity to support and strive to be a HIM together. I appreciate you all.


Good to be back with you guys for a short while. I will be back out of town soon, but being out with you guys keep me trying to be a HIM

Bear v. Crab

THE SCENE: Beautiful – 68 degrees

Follow the leader, highlighted by a bunch of grown men skipping under the lights.  Toe taps, leg pulls, side shuffles, skips, cross overs, bernie sanders, run, run (double time). Approx 5 mins.

THA-THANG: Bear v. Crab

1st Half and 2nd Half:

Two teams (approx 12 persons each team), attempting to get 5 small balls into a small hockey net all the while remaining in either a bear craw and crab craw (alternating 3 minute increments before switching positions), the HIM with the ball only able to advance 5 steps before passing. Balls in the center to start game play, with crab v. bear crawl race to retrieve them.

Each ball had two exercises written on it – one a harder exercise (merkins, burpees, squat jumps) and one an ab exercise (flutters, LBC, leg raises).

The team that scored did the ab exercise written on the ball that went in the net; the team that got scored on did the harder exercise written on the same ball.

Initially, I was concerned there would not be enough scoring with the small net.  After the 5th set of 15 burpees – in the first quarter – that was no longer my concern.


Round 1 (with pee rock): Squat Pulses x20; Kettle Bell Swings x10; Lunge&Twist x5 (each leg); Run; Single Leg Calf Raises x10

Round 2 (with pee rock): Biceps x20; Rows x20; Triceps x20; Overhead Rock Run

Rinse and Repeat

None.  No time for a victory lap, even though my team clearly won.

23 stronger, sweatier men.

I have an uncanny ability to think that I can solve all my own problems and those of my family.  I will reason or motivate (carrot or stick) through the issue, or at least I will try to.  I was reminded again recently — for the hundredth (x100) time — that this thinking/behavior is quite a vice, and some circumstances (and by “some,” I really mean “all”) are best left to God.

After a week of my 5-yr old daughter’s inexplicable fear/panic/stubbornness to swim across the pool for swim team practice and in the swim meet (one of which she scratched from last minute), I was at my wits end.  I knew she could do it; I’ve seen her swim the pool length innumerable times.  She simply refused and melted down day in day out at the prospect of doing what she could do.  It was so obviously mental, but at 5 years old, she could not work through it or verbalize the issue.

Then it dawned on me: I don’t know her thoughts and fears, but God does. So we prayed, together, that God would intervene.  We prayed over Joshua 1:9 (“Be strong and courageous. Do not be frightened; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go.”).  And, you guessed it, she had changed, she swam, and in the process she conquered a huge obstacle in her life.

So, I am reminded again, to petition God, even for the seemingly small things in life, because He is there and here, and because the small often turn out to be big.

Staying busy with Martha

THE SCENE: seventy two degrees and clear

Ssh x twenty cherry pickers x five merkins x ten

Mosey to CMU pile stopping for twenty wall burpees on the way

at CMU pile do twenty curls presses and tris

mosey to the  sophomore  hill for three rounds of four laps of exercises

Round one, 20 reps of power cleans, toe touch planks, squat touches, and Merkens. On the second lap the reps are 15, and the third lap the reps are 10

Sprint on the straightaways an alternate bear crawls and Bernie Sanders on the uphill and downhill.

Do 20 more reps of curls presses tris

Return CMU  to the coupon pile. Mosey back to the AO

Circle of pain with his leg lifts
12 pax
We talked about taking the time, spending it with the people that you love and not worrying about other things. The example of Martha in the Bible where she was too concerned about cleaning and cooking and spending time with Jesus. There are many areas of our lives that we spend time on that we will certainly regret later.
Welcome speedo from Tallahassee to knoxville for the next few weeks. Great job by everyone this morning. Not being at juco too often, I see marked improvement in the pax there
Prayers for Hillary and premature labor, Eric and his job search, vacation Bible school starting this week.

What a Difference a Year Makes

THE SCENE: Lovely.  No breeze, but not overly hot.  Probably high-60s and clear.

Imperial Walkers x 15 IC
Windmills x 15 IC
Cherry Pickers x 15 IC (OK, we really did 9)
SSH x 15 IC
Mountain Climbers x 15 IC
Plank Jacks x 15 IC
Hand Release Merkins x 15 IC
ISO Squat x 15 IC
Mosey to JUCOmanjaro
Monkey Humpers ’til 6 arrives
Loop-d-loop up the hill
Monkey Humpers ’til 6 arrives
Loop-d-loop down the hill
Monkey Humpers ’til 6 arrives

Mosey to the Strip (little strip mall parking lot)
Quarter Pounder….with cheese please!  Today, it’s Cake and Ice Cream!
25 yard sprint, 25 merkins, back shuttle to the start, 10 burpees (the cheese  Ice Cream)

50 yard sprint, 50 squats, back shuttle to start, 10 burpees

75 yard sprint, 75 MTN Climbers, back peddle to start, 10 burpees

100 yard sprint, 100 BBS, back shuttle to start, 10 burpees

Mosey back to AO Hey, we got done a little early! Once more up JUCOmanjaro to collect the cones.  At the top, you guessed it.  Monkey Humpers ’til 6 arrives.

Now mosey back to the AO

Slutter kicks x15, Hello Dollys x15, Side Crunches x10 each side.
Nothing profound today, just a “Thank You” to those here today and by extension to all my brothers in F3. This workout was a copy of the first one I attended at the Dog Pound a year ago today (thanks, Ratchet!). At that time, I believe I skipped about half the loops and didn’t even make it to the Big Boys on the tennis court. Since then, I’ve had an amazing experience of all three F’s over this past year.


Just Keep Pressin

THE SCENE: In the 60’s and felt great!

SSH x20 IC
LB Arm Circles x12 front and back IC
Cherry Pickers x10 IC

Mosey to brick wall for 11s with derkins and BBS, then mosey back to AO.


We did four corners with CMUs. 20 reps of each exercise except the sand bag clean and press (only 10 of those). On the short sides of the rectangle, we did bears and blocks. On the long sides we did a mosey with the CMU. After completing the merkins, run up to the guard rail and do 20 dips, then run back down and continue on.


  • CMU Merkins
  • CMU Burpees
  • Sand Bag Clean and Press (60lb bag, modify with CMU if needed)
  • Curl, press, tri (changed to just curls after the first round)


Our Mary was led by Snorkel.

Captain Thor 5×20
Franklin Flutters x20
Superman Banana xa lot

13 PAX strong with two men joining us from out of town! Speedo and Quami!

Kinda reused a Bomb Shelter BOM here:

Don’t be scared to live your life. Growth and true happiness occurs outside of your comfort zone. We have to push ourselves in every aspect of our lives to step out and do something different. Don’t shy away from something just because it is scary or unknown. Just do it. It’s better to try and fail than to never know what could have been.