F3 Knoxville

Track Day at Shamrock

THE SCENE:   33 and clear.  Perfect for a beatdown.
F3 WELCOME & DISCLAIMER:  Administered

  • Phelps
  • KCP
  • Seal squats
  • Merkins
  • Mountain climbers


Mosey to the track.

5 Rounds

Each Round perform these exercises then run.

  • 10 Burpees
  • 20 LBCs
  • 30 Merkins
  • 30 SSH
  • 20 Hello Dolly
  • 10 Bobby Hurley


Round 1 – 1 LAP

Round 2 – 2 LAPS

Round 3 – 3 LAPS

Round 4 – 2 LAPS

Round 5 – 1 LAP



PAX choice


Me and 12 of the best men I know.


Esse Quam Videri (EQV) – To be, rather than to seem.

Strive for authenticity.  Strive to be a HIM and do the things we talk about during the BOM, don’t just listen and let no application take root in your life.

James 1:22-25, “But be doers of the word and not hearers only…the one who looks intently into the perfect law of freedom and perseveres in it, and is not a forgetful hearer but a doer who works — this person will be blessed in what he does.”



Progress has to be measured


Perfectly chill with a touch of mist (mid 40s)


Some SSHs in honor of Pool Boy; Tie Fighters because they are the best; Squatting Grady Corns; a few Merkins; a jog to touch a light pole (any will do); and some Cherry Pickers


Fitness Test: recorded number of reps for each PAX doing 5 different exercises (will keep and check in again later to see progress); exercise 1 was 2 minutes of T-Merkins (AMRAP); exercise 2 was 2 minutes of bear crawling scoring 1 for each parking space passed through; exercise 3 was 2 minutes of Big Boy Situps (knuckles to pavement up and over to touch toes – AMRAP); exercise 4 was 2 minutes of Back-n-Forths (running from one spot to another and back like suicides – about 25 yards, scoring 1 for each length ran); exercise 5 was 2 minutes of Lunges (each leg counts as 1 – AMRAP).

Keeping anonymity the following scores were captured… showing first initial of name with scores in order in parenthesis… B (45,12,40,12,56); M (41,22,42,15,65); B (38,21,41,14,68); S (50,23,59,15,62); A (52,37,62,16,62); P (19,21,27,16,75); B (17,16,39,12,39); P (36,27,50,15,60); S (29,22,31,14,50); C (40,22,40,14,57); D (40,32,64,15,70); O (48,27,60,15,63); C (29,22,40,15,49)

Mosey to CMU pile for some 4th quarter closeouts… Rifle Holds; Curls; Bent Over Rows; Dead Lifts; Bench Presses; and Face Smashers


Mosey back to starting point and finished with some dealers choice core exercises!


13 HIMs with no FNGs


Reflecting on encouragement from Jesus in Matthew 7 to remove the log in our own eye to better serve our brothers who need help with a speck in theirs… encouraged the PAX to set goals, share them with others, and then measure their success or failure to achieve.  We all need to strive to progress in our fitness, fellowship, and faith and we all need accountability to help us along the way.


Christmas party and parades coming up

Filling in for Anchorman

THE SCENE:  Cold, unseasonably so for October 19.  Feels like 30 degrees


Motivators from 6
cherry pickers
baby arm circles
then get on the move to combat the cold
Mosey to the football field
Set up 4 corners, from the back of the end zone to the 30 yard line.
At corner 1, perform 40 reps, corner 2 perform 30 reps, corner 3 perform 20 reps, and corner 4 perform 10 reps for a total of 100.
We went upper, lower, abs, then repeat that sequence and a total of 10 rounds.  We ended up with 400 upper body reps, 300 lower body reps, and 300 abdominal reps of various exercises.

no time for Mary today

We talked about the Lord’s Prayer, praying, and the importance of the praying in general.


“What we do with our dash matters”

THE SCENE:   50ish and clear.  Perfect for a beatdown.
F3 WELCOME & DISCLAIMER:  Administered

  • Phelps
  • Finkle swings
  • Willy Mays Hays
  • Merkins
  • Down/Up dog
  • Quick mosey


11s at the hill.  Star jacks, up the hill, derkins


Mosey to the field

Starting in the endzone – 10 burpees, 10 merkins, 10 (4-ct) LBCs.

Sprint to the other endzone and decrease rep count by one – 9 burpees, 9 merkins, and 9 LBCs

Repeat until you finish 1 burpee (10 rounds).


Mosey to the 50-yard line.  Guantanamo


Mosey to the 20-yard line:

  • 5 monkey humpers
  • 4 shoulder taps
  • 3 diamond merkins
  • 2 donkey kicks
  • 1 broad jump
  • Repeat until you get to the endzone.

Jelly Legs:  30 second Al Gore, 30 squats, sprint.  20 second Al Gore, 20 squats, sprint.  10 seconds Al Gore, 10 squats, sprint.

Bear crawl


Mary – PAX choice


Me and 9 of the best men I know.


The inspiration for the Word came from Caveman.  Last time I led at Shamrock, I talked in the BOM about legacy.  Living in such a way that we leave the legacy that we want to leave.  After the workout, he made the comment, “What we do with our ‘dash’ matters….”.  What was he talking about?  He meant, that one day your body will be ash and there will be a tombstone with your name on it.  It will have the day you were born and the day that you died – and in between, there will be a DASH.  That dash represents today, this week, this year.  You are living that DASH.  What we do with our ‘dash’ matters.

  • Are you doing your utmost to use your precious few years wisely?
  • Perhaps there is a hatchet that needs to be buried
  • Perhaps there is a neglected relationship that needs investment.
  • Perhaps there is a bad habit you need to put to death
  • Perhaps there is a good habit you need to build into your lifestyle
  • Are you using your precious few years wisely?

Psalm 39:4-5, “Lord, remind me how brief my time on earth will be. Remind me that my days are numbered— how fleeting my life is. You have made my life no longer than the width of my hand. My entire lifetime is just a moment to you; at best, each of us is but a breath.”

Psalm 90:12, “Teach us to number our days carefully so that we may develop wisdom in our hearts.”



Nice Pants!

The Scene


F3 Welcome and Disclaimer

Fitness, Fellowship, Faith, Free, Modify, Not Professional, Own Volition, Social Distance, Phone


BAS Forward and Backwards


Cherry Pickers

Mountain Climbers



Mosey to Half Circle Lot in front of side entrance to the school



Leg Lifts

In between each round mosey around the circle


Mosey to the big parking lot of the school

20 Jumping Squats

15 Hand release Merkins

20 lunges

In between each round run around the median (We did 4 rounds)


Mosey to Run it Back segment


Mountain climbers

After each set of mountain climbers run to the yellow parking pole/red water thing and back to starting position


No Time


7 High Impact Men


Hebrews 3:13 ‘But exhort one another every day,as long as it is called today, that none of you may e hardened by the deceitfulness of sin.”

Especially with our M’s but this applies to everyone we come in contact with. If you have something nice to say, go ahead and say it. Give the word of encouragement, give the compliment, and speak the words of praise. It will make a massive impact on people’s lives.