F3 Knoxville

IPC Week 3 at The Project

THE SCENE: Clear, warm, perfect for IPC week 3

A quick warmup before starting the challenge:  10 SSH, 8 Windmill, 10 Moroccan Night Club
Mosey to the playground for the IPC week 3 challenge.  This one was a total reps challenge in 43 minutes.

  • 10 pull-ups
  • 15 burpee coupon jump overs
  • 20 coupon curls
  • 25 squat thrusters
  • 30 gas pumps (reverse crunches)

AMRAP until time was called.

Walk to the shovel flag with the CMUs?
7 HIMs today at the Project
Matt. 7:1-5 – The Iron PAX challenge has gotten a lot of banter between PAX on Twitter.  This got me thinking about accusing someone of being dishonest or any thing in that arena.  The idea of this challenge follows a standard of form for each exercise.  We can judge each other to this standard and help each other make corrections.  Following the standard is up to each PAX and their proctor.  The Bible teaches us that we are to judge each other by the true standard:  the Word of God.

IPC Week 2 + Tyranny Over the Mind of Man

THE SCENE:  Cool and clear.  A gaggle of joggers today!
F3 WELCOME & DISCLAIMER:  Administered 

IronPax Challenge Week 2
Two waves of HIMs – one starting at 0500 – another at 0530

4 Rounds for Time (Elapsed time scoring):

Round 1:

  • 10 CMU Manmakers
  • 20 CMU Overhead Presses
  • 30 CMU KB Swings
  • 40 CMU Goblet Squats
  • 50 Incline Block Merkins
  • 1600 meter run

Round 2:

  • 10 CMU Manmakers
  • 20 CMU Overhead Presses
  • 30 CMU KB Swings
  • 40 CMU Goblet Squats
  • 50 Incline Block Merkins
  • 1200 meter run

Round 3:

  • 10 CMU Manmakers
  • 20 CMU Overhead Presses
  • 30 CMU KB Swings
  • 40 CMU Goblet Squats
  • 50 Incline Block Merkins
  • 800 meter run

Round 4:

  • 10 CMU Manmakers
  • 20 CMU Overhead Presses
  • 30 CMU KB Swings
  • 40 CMU Goblet Squats
  • 50 Incline Block Merkins
  • 400 meter run


This and that while the six comes in.


21 HIMs

Last week, I took the family to Washington D.C.  For the first time in my life, I visited the Thomas Jefferson Memorial, just south of the National Mall.  It honors a true HIM among HIMs.

Inscribed in the rotunda are these words, “I have sworn upon the altar of God eternal hostility against every form of tyranny over the mind of man”.  He wrote these words specifically about religious freedom – that no one should be forced into a belief in an ideology.  But since reading them, I’ve replayed them over and over in my mind, “eternal hostility against EVERY form of tyranny over the mind of man

Oppression – domination – subjugation…  Ask yourself this – “Is there tyranny over your mind?”.  What holds you back from your potential as a man?  What limits your effectiveness as a father? What restricts the love you give as a husband?  What keeps you distant from your creator?  What stops you from being a great friend?

Maybe you bend the knee for our preferred tyrant in the 21st century, Busyness, and are ruled by your calendar and commitments.

Perhaps you devotedly serve a tyrant with a 5-inch screen (your smartphone) – to be endlessly entertained instead of engaging with a world that desperately needs your presence.

Maybe your tyranny is Self-Sufficiency – which is a source of your pride, but also the cause of your isolation and loneliness.

Or maybe you’re ruled by Idleness – rather than reading a book about growth as a father or husband, you’d prefer to Netflix and chill every night of the week.

Or maybe you have no idea what authentic lovemaking looks like, because you have greedily lapped up the lies of a tyrant named Pornography.

Or, perhaps you are like me – haunted by all of these and many more, and often ruled by a heartless tyrant named Selfishness.

That thing which keeps you from investing in relationships…from studying…from praying…from improving day-by-day…from becoming the best version of yourself – that is the tyranny of your mind.  It has dominion over your life.  Regardless of how good it may feel to serve that tyrant, IT IS YOUR ENEMY.

I challenge you to follow Jefferson’s example – pledge eternal hostility against that tyrant which you have served.  Resent and cast off that oppressor which has ruled you and held back your potential.  Refuse to let it govern your life and legacy.

Fighting your enemy will be hard.  You will at war with yourself.  But there’s good news – many men have gone before you and they have provided resources for you.  Study up on strategies to defeat your enemy (read a book about your struggle), form alliances with others who are fighting the same fight, and you can seek wisdom from those who have found success before you.

Romans 8:5-6, “For those who live according to the flesh have their minds set on the things of the flesh, but those who live according to the Spirit have their minds set on the things of the Spirit.  Now the mind-set of the flesh is death, but the mind-set of the Spirit is life and peace.”


Follow-up challenge.  One of the best strategies to combat a tyrant of the mind is to form alliances with like-minded men.  You and I need accountability in order to overcome our entrenched adversaries.  After you unmask that thing which has been holding back your potential (your tyrant) – do something courageous and post about it in JUCO GroupMe.  Answer these two questions:  What is the thing that has oppressed your mind and limited your potential as a man? – AND – What step(s) are you taking to overcome it?  Form alliances with others who are in the same fight – pray for, encourage, and provide accountability for the men around you.


Submit your scores on https://f3greenwood.com/ironpax-form/

TTP tomorrow
2.0 Workout in two Sundays

9-11 Memorial Workout

THE SCENE:  Clear and comfortable


3 count Moroccan NIght Club x 10, 5 Burpees Cherry Pickers x 10, 4 Burpees, Little Baby Arm Circles-Front x10, Little Baby Arm Circles-reverse x10, 3 Burpees, Tempo Squats x10, 2 Burpees – Mosey


Mosey to Mt. Jucomajaro. Proceeded to attempt 4 ascents to the top, 1 ascent is equal to approximately 25-30 flights of stairs. The goal was to attain 110 flights, equal to 1 of the World Trade Center Towers. some PAX added burpees , etc. at the top of each lap to add to their challenge. a few completed 4 laps. most got a solid 3 to 3-1/2 in.

Group finishing their last lap at base of Mt. Juco held an Al Gore until most arrived, Flutter Kicks x20, Freddie Mercury x20

Shared Matthew 5:38:39 in light of the days significance. See the link to the youtube video I mentioned.https://youtu.be/VV6BtdNaI8E

Matthew 5:38-48 English Standard Version (ESV)


38 “You have heard that it was said, ‘An eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth.’ 39 But I say to you, Do not resist the one who is evil. But if anyone slaps you on the right cheek, turn to him the other also. 40 And if anyone would sue you and take your tunic,[a] let him have your cloak as well. 41 And if anyone forces you to go one mile, go with him two miles. 42 Give to the one who begs from you, and do not refuse the one who would borrow from you

Prayer Requests for Mermaids moms surgery and Trolleys family member with a Thyroid issue. (Apologies Trolley, I forgot the person you mentioned name)
Insert information about upcoming events, 2nd or 3rd F opportunities, and any other announcements.


THE SCENE: The Project, clear, not too humid

15 SSH, 15 mountain climbers, 10 tempo merkins, 15 Morrocan night club, 10 windmill
Mosey to the playground (YHC’s favorite spot!).  Perform 10 pull-ups each circuit

  • After pull-ups, run to the amphitheater and perform 20 derkins.
  • Run up the hill and perform 20 squats
  • Run around the loop northeast of the amphitheater stopping at the turn point for 20 heels to Heaven
  • Return to the playground for round 2 (repeat previous).
  • Round 3:  after pull-ups, 20 box jumps
  • Run up the hill and perform 20 merkins
  • At the loop turn point, perform 20 big boy sit-ups
  • Return to the playground for round 4 (repeat previous).
  • Cash out with burpees and pull-ups:  2, 4, 6, 4, 2 of each

15 Freddie Mercury, 15 American Hammers, 8 side crunches each aide
6 HIMs today
The words we use are impactful. How we react in certain situations and even our typical presentation of ourselves says a lot about who we are. If we are to be true HIMs, we have to be different than the rest of the world. Proverbs 17:27-28 says that even a fool is considered wise when he keeps silent. Know when to speak and choose our words wisely. YHC’s main concern is serving God. If I can’t be identified as a follower of Christ by those around me because of how I conduct myself, I have a lot of changes to make. I recommend everyone evaluate themselves and make sure you are presenting yourselves as different than those that are only concerned about worldly matters.
Iron PAX week 2 at JUCO Friday, TTTP Saturday

Full Body Burn

THE SCENE: Beautiful calm morning.  Watch out for Ants

Cherry Pickers, SSH, Partner Leg Swings

Reverse Indian Runs to CMU pile: Squats, Merkins, Burpees

4 Corners (75% mosey on the long stretch, recovery mosey on the short stretch).  Drop last Corner each round until only 1st Corner remains:

  • 1st corner w/ CMU’s
    • 25 Squats
    • 25 OH Press
  • 2nd corner(4 count)
    • 25 Freddie Mercuries
    • 25 Flutter Kicks
  • 3rd Corner
    • 25 Merkins
    • 25 Plank-Ups
  • 4th Corner
    • Superman Hold – 30 Seconds
    • 50 Feet Crossovers (single count)

Upper Body Burn

  • 25 Curls
  • Jog to other end
  • 5 Burpees
  • Jog back to start
  • 25 Tricep Extensions
  • Jog to other End
  • 5 Burpees
  • Jog back to start
  • 15 Curls
  • Jog to other End
  • 5 Burpees
  • Jog back to start
  • 15 Tricep Extensions
  • Jog to other end
  • 5 Burpees
  • Jog back to start
  • Calf Raises

No Time for Mary!
25 Hims
A strong-hearted man mean having the power and freedom to be the man you want to be, no matter the circumstance and also knowing the only real and true thing about us is what God says about us

Faith is never static… If it is not increasing, it is decreasing.  Just like we exercise our bodies, we need to exercise our faith each day.
Prayer Requests: Pool Boy – Finances/Family, Judge Judy – wife’s anxiety, Mr Rogers, Jim Johnson