THE SCENE: 35 and clear
- Reach for the sky
- Let it hang
- Monkey humpers IC
- Hand release merkins x 5 OYO
- Plank jacks IC
- Carolina dry docks IC
- 50% run down and back
- 75% run down and back
- Bobby hurleys x 5 OYO
- Iron mikes x 5 OYO
- Smurf jacks x 10 OYO
First, The Hub. Nine cones surrounding a center cone. Exercises at each cone around the wheel. Perform the exercise, sprint to the center cone, Bernie to the next cone clockwise. Repeat until time is called (5 minutes).
Exercises were;
- 10 hand release merkins
- 15 bobby hurleys
- 30 mountain climbers (15 each leg)
- 10 carolina dry docks
- 20 iron mikes (10 each leg)
- 15 plank jacks
- 10 diamond merkins
- 15 smurf jacks
- 20 imperial walkers (10 each leg)
Mary to rest. Then repeat. This time go farther! (I believe every man did go farther – nice work!)
Next: Cone War. Half the PAX are “Team Up” – half are “Team Down”. Cones set out in a circle with some in the middle. Run to a cone, perform exercise, then put the cone down/up depending on which team you are on. Repeat until time or until a Team has all cones up/down.
Round 1: 1 burpee
Mary to rest. Then repeat.
Round 2: 3 star jacks
Team Up crushed it both rounds.
Next: Sixes at the Corners. Exercise at each of the four corners then side shuffle/sprint/Bernie to the next corner
Round 1: 6 burpees at each corner
Round 2: 12 merkins at each corner
Round 3: 18 squats at each corner
PAX choice for 5 minutes
12 + 5 Rushing
Q Source 1.11 is “Study”. The Daily Exploration into The Foundations of Faith. I love that description…”exploration into the foundations of faith…”. The QSource says, “Faith is a practice that requires Study to Accelerate.”
I have found a lot of fulfillment and excitement from studying the context of scripture. I’ve enjoyed it because understanding the context is an antidote to the two main reasons I don’t want to read my Bible; either 1) I find it confusing, and/or 2) the richness of scripture goes over my head because of the difference in culture, language, location, etc. Exploring those differences and really seeking to understand who these people were, what they meant when they said that, where they were living – I have found that it can unlock treasures within these ancient writings.
There’s a free app called “Bible Hub” that can help you mine the scriptures for treasure. You can read the Bible in tens of translations, you can see a dozen different commentaries on every verse, in some cases you can see scans of the original papyrus scrolls. I enjoy using this app to look at the original words of our Bible (I don’t read those words – I’m not smart enough to read Greek or Hebrew, ha) – one feature of the Bible Hub app (Interlinear Chapters) allows you to see English and Hebrew/Greek scripture side-by-side. You can click on a Hebrew/Greek word and see the definition…how it might be used symbolically…and links every other place that word is used in the Bible. That information is so powerful and might even provide a texture to stories that you’ve read a dozen times.
Verses we explored;
- Numbers 15:38-40
- Malachi 4:2
- Mathew 9:20-22
Context and detail can provide richness to your reading. I encourage you to explore into the foundations of your faith daily. One way of doing that is by studying the original words, people, and places in order to better understand and appreciate what you are reading.
Prayers for Booster’s friend’s family, who has suffered a recent tragedy.
Nice to have Mr. Slate transplant to us from Lexington!
QSource 1.11, Study
Bible Hub in the Play Store
Bible Hub in the Apple Store