F3 Knoxville

Swimming with Bricks

THE SCENE: Slight breeze and a warm 61oF

  • Baby arm circles, Forward 10x, Reverse 10x IC
  • Side Straddle Hops 25x IC
  • Suzanne Summers 20x EL IC (cross jacks)
  • Cherry Pickers 10x IC
  • Micheal Phelps 20x OYO


  • Mosey to my truck to grab bricks
  • Mosey while doing The Swimmer around outer parking lot to starting point
  • Iron Hulk
    • 1 Merkin:4 Air Press (with bricks)
    • 8x increasing by 1 Merkin and 4 Air Presses each time (8 Merkins, 32 Air presses)
  • Dora 1-2-3 with bricks
    • Find a Battle Buddy
    • P1
      • 100 Merkins on bricks
      • 200 LBC with bricks on chest
      • 300 Goblet Squats
    • P2
      • Run around outer parking lot with bricks either doing The Swimmer or the Airplane
    • Plank until all are finished
  • WonderBra 15x IC
    • PeoplesChair against wall. Hand at chest with bricks, Push out, in and up
  • Iron Hulk 5x
  • Lap around the parking lot to AO


  • Flutters 15x IC
  • Box Cutters 10x IC
  • Bruce Lees 15x 
  • Squat to Crawl to Merkin and repeat 10x
  • Boat Canoe
  • Dealers Choice:
    • Circle of Pain – Mr. Wedgie
      • 5 Merkins, 4 Knuckle Merkins, 3 Ranger Merkins, 2 Wide Merkins, 1 Diamond Merkin
    • BBS – Hands behind head, fingers interlaced 20x – A-Rod
    • Slutter Kicks – Fast-n-Easy

Being authentic. Too many times we put on a persona of what we think people want to see. We act differently around our family, friends, church and co-workers to meet expectations. Social media has elevated this to an unhealthy level where we only post the most perfect moments in our lives and compare ourselves in all of our imperfections to other’s most perfect moments. We need to strive to be authentic in all aspects of our lives and stop comparing ourselves to these micro snapshots from others.

Looking for Jenny

THE SCENE: Dry and balmy 50.  Perfect.

SSH, Goofballs, and Windmills
Mosey to the back parking lot.  Run to cones doing the following:

  • 8 – burpees
  • 6 – lunges
  • 7 – imperial squat walkers
  • 5 – merkins
  • 30 – plank jacks
  • 9 squats, plank up at start until all accounted for.
  • Repeat

Mosey back to front of school/planters.

  • Rockette dips in sets of 8,6,7,5,3,0,9 with 4 jump squats between each set.  This seemed to be a bit confusing as some thought we were doing box jumps and weren’t sure about the rockette dip numbers per set.  More on this later.

Mosey over to the playground splash pad and did this routine 3x.

  • 8 – Descending carolina dry docks
  • 6 – Big boy situps
  • 7 – mountain climbers
  • 5 – merkins
  • 3 – burpees
  • 10 – SSH
  • 9 – squats

Mosey across Emory Rd up to car wash and did 10 merkins.

Mosey back to school planters.  Since we had confusion (VQ issue) before and some wanted to do box jumps, we did 2 sets of 20 box jumps.

Moved over to starting circle for Mary.


all in sequence – flutter kicks 20, hello dolly 20, Thors to 5.

Finished the search for Jenny fun by listening to the inspiration for this Q, 867-5309 while holding a plank position.  Performed a plank jack anytime we heard Jenny (11) and a merkin for every 8645309 (21).
8 PAX today
We all fail.  It’s how we react to and overcome failure that matters.  Inspired by Gary Robbins and his missing the 60 hour cut-off time at the Barkley Marathon by 6 seconds last year.  He didn’t quit or give up after this failure.  He came back this year and while no one finished, he made it farther than anyone (3 laps).

Dry the Concrete

THE SCENE: 54 degree morning

SSH x 40, T plank BAC X 10, Tempo Squats 15, Tempo Merkins 15, windmills 15, Hand release Merkins 15


7 cones to change your life.  first cone advances the entire group, you do the exercise until the first HIM moves you

  • first cone 10 burpees
  • BBS
  • CMU Tricep lifts
  • Merkins
  • CCD
  • Baby crunches
  • 5 burpees then run around the parking lot to the beginning , wash, rinse, repeat, and then do it again!!

over the boxes, 20 Incline Merkins, 20 Derkins, 20 derkins in a CCD pose, 20 CCD incline

grab a post, merkin, walk up by hand uneven merkin, incline merkin, walk down by hand uneven merkin, then merkin, again, wash, rinse, repeat
all in sequence — Bruce Lee leg raise 20, flutter kicks 20, hello dolly 20
8 HIMs
cherish the moments with family, prioritize your life, and ensure that you take advantage of time you have with your personal self and Jesus.  there is 168 hours in a week, how much time do you give Jesus, your family, your job??

Look over everyone involved with the Marathon run this Sun, especially our team members A-Rod and Norm


Muricans make you strong

THE SCENE: 50 cloudy

Cherry Picker x 10 IC

Tempo Squat x 15 IC

Tempo Merkin x 10 IC

Lunge Padiddle x 10 EL IC

5 Burpee OYO

SSH x 30 IC

Catalina Wine Mixer x 10


4x4s: From standing position drop and do 4 murkin, 4 mountain climbers, and back to standing for one rep. Total of 10 reps.

Bench Work: Partner up, 4 Rounds, each round 2.5 min with 30 sec rest between. Partners switch exercise after P1 completes 15 reps

  • Rd 1: Step ups x 15 EL and Bench dips
  • Rd 2: Bulgarian split squats x 15 EL and murkins
  • Rd 3: Side step ups x 15 EL and decline CDD
  • Rd 4: Box jump x 15 and BBS

Mosey to big lot

Death Star: Ten cones set out in star pattern. Do 30 murkin at each cone. Total of 300 murkin.

Mosey back to start

Flutters x 30

Imperial squat walker x 20

Watching my sons learn the proper way to hit a baseball has been an exercise in patience. For me and them. To hit a baseball you have to have your upper body in an athletic position, your legs and feet set in the correct position, your hands “hidden” by your ears with the bat in the right position. When you swing you drive with your hips with your hands bringing the handle of the bat toward the ball and drive through. Your back leg/foot pivots and your head stays down on the ball. You get all those things working together, you hit the ball.

We must do the same with our minds and bodies when it comes to our relationship with God. We must be disciplined, self controlled, and ready to listen. Pray for the aspects in which we are weak and be ready to be instructed. The Lord will guide us in His ways. He wants us to succeed at life and to live for Him and serve Him.


Fun & Games at the Brickyard: 4x4x4 Relay

THE SCENE: Clear and a cool 28oF, not a cloud in sight

  • Baby arm circles, Forward 15x, Reverse 15x IC
  • Side Straddle Hops 25x IC
  • Lunges 10x EL IC
  • Hand Release Merkins 15x OYO
  • Imperial Squat Walkers 15x IC

43 Relay: 4 Stations, 4 Exercises, 4 times around
Pace and station changing is controlled by Station 1. When exercise is finished at Station 1, run to 2, and so on. Each time you come back to your starting station, move to next exercise.

Depending on number of HIMs in attendance, at least 1 per station at start.

  • Station 1 (start)
    1. Round 1 – 50 Merkins
    2. Round 2 – 50 Carolina Dry Docks
    3. Round 3 – 50 Hand Release Merkins
    4. Round 4 – 25 Burpees
  • Station 2
    1. Squats
    2. Jump Squats
    3. Side Straddle Hops
    4. Al Gores
  • Station 3
    1. Mountain Climbers
    2. Shoulder Taps
    3. Peter Parkers
    4. Plank
  • Station 4
    1. Big Boy Sit-ups
    2. Little Baby Crunches
    3. Flutter Kicks
    4. Bruce Lees


  • Captain Thors to 20
  • Boat Canoe
  • Box Cutters 10x IC
  • Hello Dollys 10x IC
  • Dealers Choice: 10 slow merkins, 10 fast merkins

A-Rod, Tractor, and Herbie.

Now after this the Lord appointed seventy others, and sent them in pairs ahead of Him to every city and place where He Himself was going to come. 
Luke 10:1‭ NASB

We are not meant to operate alone. Find a brother who can hold you up when you struggle, call you out when needed and be there for you always. The key to this is that you have to do the same for them.