F3 Knoxville

DORAS Galore!

THE SCENE: Rare gem of a day! 80 degrees, sunny, low humidity.


Done and Done!

– 20 SSH (4-ct), in cadence

– 10 Windmills (4-ct), in cadence (We came close to starting over because PAX lost count, except for Jetlag, who bailed everyone out.  Then the smart-alecks started exaggerating the count, shouting it out excessively loudly, which was actually kind of hilarious)

– 10 Steve Earles, (4-ct), in cadence

– 20 Grady Corns (4-ct), in Cadence


MOSEY to rock pile below Coliseum. BATTLE BUDDY UP!  Each set of partners pick up a pair of equally sized rocks. Alternate carrying the rocks between the partners as we run around.  High Heels picks up a pebble so small that a toddler could easily lift it. 🙂

MOSEY to parking lot below Coliseum. DORAS! WINGS UP x 100

  • Partner 1, RUN up to end of roundabout, 10 ROCKY BALBOAS (2-ct), run back
  • Partner 2: Do exercise, until cumulative total = 100

MOSEY to stop sign at southern corner of circle drive. DORAS! WINGS DOWN x 100

  • Partner 1, BERNIE to tree about 50 yards away, 10 SSH, run back
  • Partner 2: Do exercise, until cumulative total = 100.

MOSEY to Amphitheater. DORAS! WINGS OUT x 100

  • Partner 1, Run up hill, 10 JUMP SQUATS, run back
  • Partner 2: Do exercise, until cumulative total = 100.


  • Partner 1, Run down stairs, 10 HAND RELEASE MERKINS, run back
  • Partner 2: Do exercise, until cumulative total = 100.

MOSEY to Stop sign at northern corner of circle drive. DORAS! CURLS x 100

  • Partner 1, BEAR CRAWL to edge of guard rail, 10 Diamond Merkins, run back
  • Partner 2: Do exercise, until cumulative total = 100.

MOSEY to grassy area on north side of Pickett’s Charge. DORAS! ROWS x 200 (since these are easy…)

  • Partner 1, EL CAPITAN to tree about 10 yards away up the hill, 10 IMPERIAL SQUAT WALKERS , run back
  • Partner 2: Do exercise, until cumulative total = 100.

MOSEY to Rock Pile. DORAS! PUNCHES x 100

  • Partner 1, REVERSE LUNGE up hill, 10 MOUNTAIN CLIMBERS, run back.  (These didn’t work too well.  Really tough to actually reverse lunge uphill, although Abscess gave it his absolute best.  This was actually hilarious, as he was trying to go backwards, but really not going anywhere.  TClaps for trying, though). Modified to forward lunges or Bernie up the hill instead.
  • Partner 2: Do exercise, until cumulative total = 100.


Leg Stretches
18 strong! No FNGs. Grid Iron not tagged.

The Screwtape Letters were written by CS Lewis to his good friend, JRR Tolkien. The character Screwtape is a senior demon in hell who counsels his nephew, Wormwood, how to corrupt a human (called “The Patient” in the letters).  Wormwood is rather incompetent, and wants to try all sorts of extravagant tricks on the Patient, but Wormwood counsels him to take a more nuanced approach, such as the one depicted in this letter.  As he says to Wormwood in another letter, “… the safest road to hell is the gradual one – the gentle slope, soft underfoot, without sudden turnings, without milestones, without signposts“.  The take home message of the letter that Judge Judy posted in the 3rd F channel is that disagreements on things such as politics can distract us from our internal (i.e., religious) growth and development.  So next time you feel your blood pressure rising after watching cable news, or see you that one post on Facebook that you are just dying to respond to, maybe try to take a deep breath, disconnect, and focus on something you can do to serve your community, your family, your God

Prayers for several PAX going through difficult challenges, particularly with health issues to them or their families.
Wesley House work day this Saturday! Off the Chain CSAUP coming up.  Start thinking about Hardship Hill teams!

Happy Father’s day Asylum Beatdown!

THE SCENE: 72 degrees cloudy sky!


Baby Arm circle

Cherry picker

calves stretching

Slow Merkins

slow tempo squat

Mosey to the lower parking lot and has 4 stations. Each station has 4 exercises. 10 repetitions each exercises.

1st station: Merkins, Dry docks, Shoulder taps and Diamond Merkins

2nd station : Squat, Lunge, Jump Squat and Hold Squat for 10 secs

3rd station: Side straddle hop, rocky balboa, High knees and 20 secs breathing exercises

4th station: all 4 count -Flutter Kicks, Hello Dolly, Box Cutters and Bigboy sit ups
3 Rounds all Stations:

then Mosey to the Dragon trail

ROUTE 66 : each light pole add 1 squat all the way to 11, And mosey back to light post 1 and start with Jump squat and mosey again back to 1.
then Rocover to the Haslam Rock and mosey to the North of the Colisium.

Doras: start with 25,50,75 and 100 reps x 2 rinse and repeat!

Merkins, Bigboy, dry docks, jump squat

Mosey to the center of the Colisium (all clear)

In cadence Flutter kicks 25 4 count, hello Dolly 25 reps 4 count, Box cutters 15 reps and big boy 10 reps. Then mosey back to AO


Happy Father’s Day and honoring our Mother too! Always exercise and push yourself even you have some aches and pain, Modify your exercises!
My Mom’s Death Anniversary. Praying for all the people who are in pain, praying for all Cheatsheet mentioned. HAPPY FATHER’S DAY TO ALL THE FATHERS!

Run-a-thon Father’s Day Special

THE SCENE: Sunny with a high 85F temperature.


Welcome to F3, Fitness, Fellowship and Faith. F3 is a free workout program designed to improve fitness, share some camaraderie, and foster male leadership in the community. I’m Jetlag and I will be your Q today.  I am not a professional, and I do not know your fitness level or injury history.  Please push yourself, but modify the workout as necessary to avoid making any existing injuries worse.  The goal is to get better together!


  1. Motivators
  2. Raise the roof
  3. Tempo squats
  4. Leg stretches


Workout 1:

  1. Slow mosey to road going down Everest
  2. Mountain climbers in cadence on the curb

Workout 2: Mosey to bottom of Everest

  1. High knees
  2. Butt kicks
  3. Side straddle hops
  4. 4x sprint up to tree then back down
  5. Charge up to Basecamp

Workout 3: Hill repeats on Basecamp x5

  1. Mountain climbers 4ct in cadence
  2. Shoulder tapos 4ct on top

Workout 4: Colosseum rounders – run around colosseum with mountain climbers in between sets.

Workout 5: Indian Run going to colosseum then back to AO. Mountain Climbers in between runs. 


12 HIMs including a 2.0

Father’s Day is coming up this weekend and last Tuesday, during the board meeting at the Asylum PM, Mr. Jinxy said something that really struck me, “Quality time with your children is important, so as quantity”. As a young father, this really hit home for me. Being with your 2.0s physically makes a big impact on their personal development. We only have a limited time with our fathers. And I’m pretty sure they would love spending time with you this weekend!

So, gents, I advise you to go and spend more time with your children and fathers, better yet, spend time – whether it be breakfast, lunch, dinner, snack or coffee, this Father’s Day. Don’t forget to tell ‘em you love them and how much you appreciate them being there with you.

Prayers for Abacus’ mom as she prepares for surgery.

CSAUP at Dog Pound end of July.

THE SCENE: Mostly sunny and a steamy 80-something degrees

  • side straddle hops
  • baby arm circles
  • rockettes
  • a little of this and that
  • 5 burpees

Mosey to the pit under the coliseum for some doras with battle buddies

  • 100 Merkins
  • 100 Flutter kicks (2 count)
  • 100 Bobby Hurleys

Mosey to the Derby for some Ghosts Baseball – split into 1s and 2s from battle buddies

  • 1s go to first and do 5 no touch merkins and run back home while 2s do dealer’s choice exercise during duration – then 2s go and 1s stay
  • 1s go to 2nd and do 10 no touch merkins and then back, same dealers choice
  • 1s go to 3rd for 15 no touch merkins and then back, same dealer’s choice
  • Last is a simple homerun trot while 2s do burpees through the full duration

Mosey to first hill on the way back towards Coliseum

-a quick 7’s with squats and merkins

Mosey then to the base of Pickett’s Charge hill for the Pickett’s Charge Suicide run

  • Run up to first tier and do 5 prisoner get-up then back to bottom
  • Run up to 2nd tier and do 10 shoulder taps and then back to bottom
  • Last run up all three tiers to Coliseum area and do LBCs until the 6 comes in

Mosey back to AO and we are done



Discussed the following quote: “Snark isn’t wit. Cynicism isn’t wisdom. And arrogance will open a lot of doors but get you nowhere in the room with anyone who actually knows what they’re talking about.”

Discussed not just avoiding those behaviors, but loving on and trying to understand other men who do use them instead of discarding them.


Asylum PM

THE SCENE: 84 degrees warm and sunny with cool breeze

Side straddle hop

Baby arm Circle then reverse

stretching bending forward

Cherry picker

Slow tempo Squat


and stretching one leg at a time in squat position with one leg out.

Mossy to the North of the Coliseum then Pyramid exercises x 10 reps single count start with following exercises

  • Merkins
  • Dry docks
  • Shoulder Tap
  • Squat
  • Lunge
  • Side straddle hop
  • Then
  • Mossy to the other side of the coliseum down to the steps and field.
    Pick up a rock and perform
  • Biceps Curls, shoulder press, rows and triceps. Every exercise, mossy to the base of the steps and back to do another exercise with the rock until you completed all the exercises.
  • then mossy to the Trees (Tres Amigos) Three Amigos then perform Abs Cocktails
  • 20 count Flutter Kicks, Hello Dolly, Box cutter and Bigboy sit ups.

Mossy again to the stop sign and Bernie sanders with 3 stops with Squats each stop and the last top with Side straddle hop. Mossy to the bat cave and abs exercise, mossy down to the steps and another flutter kicks and run to the steps. And Recover


14 HIM came at the Asylum PM

Find Comfort with your life and work hard to achieve your goals
Please say a Prayer to Abacus Mom for full healing and recovery.