F3 Knoxville

Staying Alive With 5

AO: asylum-pm
Q: Steam
PAX: Lizzy, Tenderfoot, Swimmies (Nathan Chesney), Pusher, Pele (Jon Lindberg), Drum Major, Down Under, Abacus, Lilydipper, Brick, CRISPR, Title IX (Christian Prescott), F3 Pluto ( Hugh Nystrom), Crash Dummy, Blindside, Rooney (Carl Whipple), Whitey Titey, 0
FNGs: 1 0
– 5 man-makers
– 5×4 cherry pickers
– 5×4 squats
– 5×4 merkins
– 5×4 rockettes (slow and high)

(1) 5 Laps Of 5
– 5 POC: Top of the stairs, bottom of the stairs, bottom of the next set of stairs, bottom of the Summit, top of the Summit
– There will be an X on the cone at each POC
– Everything is 5 reps on a 1 count
– 5 rounds = do cone 1, run all the way around the loop back to cone 1
– Then do cone 1, cone 2, and run all the way back to cone 2
– Same with cone 3-5
– (Do one practice lap together with all of the Xs before starting)
– 1: SSH
– 2: Merkins
– 3: BBS
– 4: Imperial Walkers
– 5: Squats

(2) Wall 2 Wall
– Get a battle buddy
– 2 walls: this one and the one up there
– All Xs will be done down here
– Start with 5 reps each X, then run up and touch the wall
– Rinse and repeat 4x, adding 5 reps each round
– 1: 5
– 2: 10
– 3: 15
– 4: 20
– 5: 25

– Mosey back to the flag with a new battle buddy and do 2 things:
– Find out something that has been challenging in their week so far
– Find out something that has been good in their week so far
– ATMs

Your Non-negotiable 5

The theme for the day is 5, obviously being the 5th of March. You see the number 5 in a lot of places such as books, articles, media, studies, and more:
– The 5 love languages
– 5 voices of communication
– 5 steps to living a healthier life
– 5 investments to increase your portfolio this year
– We have 5 fingers and 5 toes on each hand/foot (well, most of us)
– The song Mambo #5 (might not be a great example)

Humans clearly are drawn to the number 5 to remember things, to do things, to activate things in life, etc.

I’ve shared this before:
1% of your day = 15 minutes. When broken down into 5-minute increments of focus (example: 5 minutes of silence, 5 minutes of prayer, 5 minutes of reflection), can be a powerful way to purposefully take ownership over 1% of your day.

We’re in week 10 of 2024 – the 1st week in March. How are those New Year resolutions doing?

So while tapping into the number 5, the challenge is this: identify your non-negotiable 5.
– This week
– This month
– This year
– Your life?

Non-negotiable = not open for discussion or modification
– If there aren’t any non-negotiables in your life — everything is up for discussion or modification
– With others, sure, but also with yourself

I discipline my body like an athlete, training it to do what it should. Otherwise, I fear that after preaching to others I myself might be disqualified.
– 1 Corinthians 9:27

Add To

AO: asylum-pm
Q: Piston
PAX: Swimmies (Nathan Chesney), Steam, Abacus, Mo Rocka (Joshua Miller), Drum Major, Glamper, Sparkler, Honeydew, Duggar, Z-Bone, Pele (Jon Lindberg), Brick, Lilydipper, Title IX (Christian Prescott), Piston, 2
FNGs: 1 2

Disclaimer given while holding plank
13 SSH
13 Tempo Squats
13 Tempo Merkins
5 Knox Cherry Pickers
6 Willie Mays Hayes
13 LBAC forward and backward
15 Seal Claps
Take a second to warmup anything necessary
Each set add one exercise and run approximately 100 meters
5 Burpees
10 Heels to Heaven
20 Merkins
30 Dips/Carolina Dry Docks
40 Freddie Mercury’s
50 Squats
60 LBCs/Undertakers
70 Fire Hydrants (35 each leg)
80 Toe Merkins
MARY: Nope
ANNOUNCEMENTS: See Slack and Brick
COT: ”But also for this very reason, giving all diligence, add to your faith virtue, to virtue knowledge, to knowledge self-control, to self-control perseverance, to perseverance godliness, to godliness brotherly kindness, and to brotherly kindness love. For if these things are yours and abound, you will be neither barren nor unfruitful in the knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ. For he who lacks these things is shortsighted, even to blindness, and has forgotten that he was cleansed from his old sins.“
‭‭II Peter‬ ‭1‬:‭5‬-‭9‬ ‭NKJV‬‬

As men, so many times we get stuck “in routine” or “on brand”. We plateau in some area of our lives and that’s where we stay.
Can’t lose that extra 10 lbs
Can’t get that promotion
Can’t connect with my spouse/girlfriend the way I should

But one major aspect I think we miss is changing so we can get those things. To add the missing components to break through that barrier.

It’s the same spiritually. Our text talks about adding things to continue to grow and not to stagnate.

That’s why we do things like F3.

47 More

AO: asylum-pm
Q: Steam
PAX: Pele (Jon Lindberg), Drum Major, CRISPR, Jeevan Kypa (Scrubs), Glamper, High Heels, Brick, OnStar, Lilydipper, Rooney (Carl Whipple), Switchhitter (Tony), Tenderfoot, Pusher, Kung Blue, Abacus, MD Hammer, Crash Dummy, Cheetah Boy, Cleopatra
FNGs: 1 Cleopatra
– Cherry Picker: 5×4
– Rockette: 10×4
– TN Rocking Chair
– Baby Arn Circles (F): 10×4
– Baby Arm Circles (B): 10×4
– Mountain Climber: 10×4
– Merkin: 5×4

(Mosey to the BP)

1 — January PFT (6-10 minutes)
– 2 minutes of squats
– 2 minutes of merkins
– 2 minutes of BBS
(Log your reps + 2miler here for January: docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSe6g_CIi1YToaVu8_-URG-0TUYgvJoT7J4fOboUuH3Ru5dJHQ/viewform)

(Mosey down to the NP)

2 — Part of Cardinal
– Nickel + Dime
– 2 POC: The Island
   – 2 yellow cards (5 + 10)
– Do the 5-card, run around The Island, and execute the 10-card
– Everything except burpees will be on a 2-count

(Mosey back to the AO lot for Mary)

Cherry Pickers: 5×4

Checkout the weekly newsletter for all of the events coming up – there’s a ton 💪

Don’t Stay Submerged
– Extraction quote: “You drown not by falling into the river, but by staying submerged in it.”
– This reminds me of the ministry of Jesus
   – He loves people better than anyone
   – He would find someone in their current state — love them right where they’re at — but also love them enough to not allow them to stay there. John 5 is a great example of this: www.bible.com/bible/116/JHN.5.NLT
       – He saw this man by this pool and had compassion and understanding for him because he realized he had been there for a long time.
       – Boom – Jesus loved him right there where he found him – but he also loved him enough to not let him stay there
           – I always wondered if that man went back after he was healed. Did he come back to that pool that he was lame at for years and years and share what Jesus did for him with others. Woo……….
What if we did that? With every man in this COT – whether you’ve been here for 1 workout or for 100 workouts. (“Man, I love you and I see you – but I love you enough to not let you stay where you are. Let’s figure this out together. Let’s journey together.”)

– Takeaways –

  – Who can you call on to help pull you back to the surface?

  – Who can you challenge + encourage to not stay submerged?

  – 47 more weeks to go this year
       – Which is exactly 7,896 hours (if Google is correct)

What are you going to do with that time?

Cardinal 1 Year Anniversary

AO: asylum-pm
Q: Drum Major
PAX: High Heels (Henry Ritchie), Switchhitter (Tony), Lizzy, Pusher, Lilydipper, MD Hammer, Pele (Jon Lindberg), Pac-man, Tenderfoot, Rooney (Carl Whipple), Rooney(Carl Whipple), Abacus, Dain Bramage (Will Olson)
FNGs: None


• 15 Side Straddle Hops

• 10 Tempo Merkins

• 10 Flutter Kicks 

• 10 Little Baby Arm Circles Forward

• 10 Little Baby Arm Circles Backward

• 10 Hallelujahs

• 10 Knoxville Cherry Pickers

• 20  Sec. Samson Hold

• 10 Willie Mayes Hayes – sideways lunge

The Thang:
Choose two points about 100 yards from each other – these will be Point A and Point B. Starting at “Point A” perform Set 1 exercises, then run to “Point B” and repeat those same exercises. Run back to “Point A”.
Repeat this sequence for exercise Sets 2, 3, and 4.  

Set 1
5 Burpees
5 Big Boys
5 Heels to Heaven

Set 2
10 Burpees                                                 
10 Little Baby Crunches
10 Mt. Climbers Double Count

Set 3
15 Burpees                                                 
15 Air Squats
15 Freddy Mercury’s

Set 4
20 Burpees

Hallelujahs = a shoulder burn exercise. Hands up at ear level. Raise up to full extension I cadence. 1 up, 2 down, 3 up, 4 down.
Samson Hold = Arms extended straight out like your pushing against two pillars.

ANNOUNCEMENTS: Convergence at Big Ball on 1/20. And Ababus winner of 1st annual Asylum PM Fantasy Football League. Congrats Abacus!

I did not know Cardinal, but have heard he was kind, generous with what he had and a loving individual. Why he was chosen to leave us in such a way is beyond the understanding of everyone standing here tonight. All I know is he was not granted the opportunity to tell his own story after that sad day nearly a year ago.

DO NOT take one second in this life for granted. We are not guaranteed one more split second on this earth. Nobody is promising us one last laugh with friends, nor one more hug from a loved one. Appreciate the gift all of us have that Cardinal was not given. Go enjoy that gift. Be kind, be generous (whether it is with time or money), show love over hate, be a light in others lives and not darkness. Choose to live a life of enjoyment over disappointment and sadness. There is so much good in this world. Seek it out and shun the bad. It IS a choice we all make every conscious minute we are blessed to experience. High Heels the other day said this is the best AO he has experienced in all his travels and said it may be due to the 2nd F efforts, and while I thoroughly enjoy our 2nd F excursions, I think there may be a bit more to it. Do you think it also may have something to do with the positive and kind influencers we have surrounding us every time we step into this circle? I don’t just think that….I know it. We are a special group, and I couldn’t be more proud to share with others I am a part of it.


AO: asylum-pm
Q: Waxjob
PAX: CRISPR, Glamper, Rooney (Carl Whipple), Jeevan Kypa (Scrubs), Steam, Tenderfoot, Pele (Jon Lindberg), Drum Major, Brick, Down Under, Crash Dummy, Guppy, Abacus, Lilydipper, Waxjob, Whitey Tighty, Cheetah Boy
FNGs: None
A lovely, clear, and crisp winter afternoon. About 40°
20 SSH
24 LBAC each way
5 Knoxville Cherry Pickers
10 Hindurkins
15 Tennessee Rocking Chairs
10 Failure to Launch
5 Burpees OYO
2 Burpees OYO
Head to the top of Cardiac, make good use of the benches for 24 dips.
Next up is Traveling 11s with Merkins and BBS. Reps are as normal, but instead of just moving between two places, advance one light pole after each set. Mosey after the even number sets, and bear crawl the odd.
This took us all the way to the next intersection, so we cut cross country up to the Pavalon:
10 Table Rows
10 Step Ups each leg
10 Table Rows
24 Calf Raise (Straight)
24 Calf Raise (Toes-in)
24 Calf Raise (Toes-out)
10 Table Rows
1-Minute Balls to the Wall
10 Table Rows
Head back up to the parking lot for Mary!
24 Flutter Kicks IC
24 LBCs IC
12 Side Crunch each side
A little bit of planking
Finish it off with some leg stretches
Ps 119:8-16
How can a young man keep his way pure?
By guarding it according to your word.
With my whole heart I seek you;
let me not wander from your commandments!
I have stored up your word in my heart,
that I might not sin against you.
Blessed are you, O Lord;
teach me your statutes!
With my lips I declare
all the rules of your mouth.
In the way of your testimonies I delight
as much as in all riches.
I will meditate on your precepts
and fix my eyes on your ways.
I will delight in your statutes;
I will not forget your word.