F3 Knoxville

Spacing is important

THE SCENE: Humid but cooler

Rocketts, cherry pickers, Merkins
Run around Course (roughly 1/8 mile)  stopping at cones (6) to do exercise. Change exercise after each lap. Exercises were:

  • 20 Merkins
  • 20 plank jacks
  • 5 burpees
  • 30 dry docks

Mosey to lower lot and do side lunges with jumping 180 from one end to the other.

Mosey back up top to do another lap of 1/2 20 4-Ct LBCs and 1/2 20 4ct flutters
No time for that mess

Get to Know the Taste of Love (pulled from a MS devotion)

God, seeing what was happening on Earth, sends, as an act of love, His Son on a rescue mission to stop further deformation and to renew our likeness to God. Jesus Christ came to Earth to save people, to show us God’s love, and to show us how we should live to please God. He presents us our destiny and shows how this destiny will be fulfilled.

Christ came to this world because the Father wanted to be reconciled with humanity. God the Father wanted to fix the relationship we have with Him. He gave us the example of love. He wants us to trust Him and come to Him with no fear or dread.

The passage from the Gospel of Luke shows the picture of God that is dearest to me. This story shows God who is not a heartless judge, but a loving father. He is the Father that can feel sadness, joy, and who can be deeply moved. I can imagine how happy the father in this story was when he finally met his younger son! He was full of emotions! Before this meeting, the father was probably worried sick. He was wondering what was going on with his son. There were no mobile phones, so the son couldn’t call or text: “Hi dad! I’m in Jerusalem. Things are going great.” There was no Facebook or messenger (I know it’s hard to believe). There were no highways that could be used to travel quickly and visit your family. However, there was continuing uncertainty. That is why, when the father saw the son (even though the son looked nothing like the kid he used to be), he was delirious with joy! The moment he saw his son, he didn’t wait for his son to come to him. Instead, he ran toward the son and embraced him. The son, probably with tears in his eyes said: “Father, I have sinned against heaven and against you. I am no longer worthy to be called your son.” And what does the father do? He gives him presents! He doesn’t reproach his son; he is just happy that his son is safe. He accepts him back and forgets everything that has happened.

It’s exactly the same with you! It doesn’t matter what you’ve done, it doesn’t matter how dirty you feel. God loves you! You have the gift of God’s love. Do you know it?

I believe the cone were too clustered when you do 60 Merkins in 20yds. Dry docks were not fun either.

Keep going, don’t give up. Plank destroyers for all!

THE SCENE: Nice balmy morning at the dog pound.




Mossied over the the dock area.

rounding the parking lot stopping at every light pole we do the follow exersies. 1 per pole

  • plank destroyers
  • crabets
  • donkey kicks
  • mountain climbers
  • Freddy Mercurys
  • burpees
  • squat walkers
  • iron mikes
  • monkey humpers
  • peter parkers

11 HIMS made it happen today.
Thank you guys for coming and pushing me. This group keeps me aright in a busy and crazy life.
hold me accountable to Q once a month at least.

Two Deion Sanders Equals a Ronnie Lott

THE SCENE: Beautiful East TN morning, not too hot, not too much humidity (we could breathe and weren’t swimming).

42 SSH IC, 21 baby arm circles forward IC, 21 baby arm circles backward IC, 42 merkins OYO, 42-second squat

Mosey to the weekday A.M. parking lot via the dragon’s tail – pass a light post, do a burpee.

Workout stations in all four corners of the parking lot – CMU curls, CDDs, burpees, and squats.  Do 40 reps of the exercise and run to the center and do 2 round-the-clock merkins.  Run up mini-cardiac/mini-Everest and back down to the next station.  Do 40 reps of the exercise, run to the middle and do 2 RTC merkins, Bernie up the hill, and run back down.  Repeat until all stations are done, alternating between running up the hill and Bernie-ing up the hill.

Bear crawl to the flag pole next to the Pavillon.  Circuit with 4 stations of exercises, 10 reps each, and 2 burpees at the flag pole.  The exercises were: box jumps in the play area (aka the Cloud), pull-me-ups (table rows) in the Pavillon, pull ups in the dugouts (or where ever a pull up could be found, e.g., a tree branch), calf raises on the stairs (10 each leg), plus the aforementioned burpees x 2 at the flagpole.  Ran the circuit until the Q called time.

Bear crawl back to the parking lot to do four more stations of exercises, this time CMU triceps extensions, merkins, lunges, and a PAX choice (hello Dollys).  Due to time, do 20 reps of the exercise, run to the center and do 1 8-count Bodybuilder (basically a burpee with a plank jack added in for good measure), and then run to the next station and repeat.  We left out the runs up the hill in between stations to make sure we had time for Mary.

Cash-out sprint up the hill to get to Mary.


The Q was out of breath trying to chase Edit up the hill, so Crawdad led the PAX through 21 box cutters on a 4 count.  Then, the PAX did 42 LBCs OYO.  Ended with a 42-second plank right on time.

16 total PAX.  High Heels left early to meet the cable guy, but he conveniently reappeared at Panera for Coffeteria.  Veggie was there, but his tag was not in the system.  One FNG who was visiting Goober from Indiana (Goober has brought a lot of his friends to F3, either Goober likes us or hates his friends).  He was named Brown Bag.  Unfortunately, the Q forgot to get his contact info, so hopefully Goober can provide it.

My birthday was the day before.  Try to guess how old I am.  Talked about Ecclesiastes – my favorite book in the Bible.  Read it for yourself.  Here’s my summary: bad things happen to good people, good things happen to bad people, but do what is right regardless because that is what God wants.  Talked about time because the most famous part of Ecclesiastes is the passage on time, just ask the Byrds.  Time is my enemy.  There is never enough of it, it goes by too fast, and you can’t get it back once it is gone.  It goes by faster and faster as the milestones of life pile up.  Talked about my dad and him being diagnosed with Parkinson’s disease when I was in high school and how that affected him physically and me mentally as I watched the disease progress over the years.  He died in 2017 at the age of 79.  I was 40.  No one knows how much they have left or what they have left.  But we all know what we can do today.  When I am tired or want to be lazy, I think of my dad and other people who cannot do what we do in F3.  One day, I won’t be able to do it either, for whatever reason (injury, age, disease, death).  So, I do it now.  I get up and do it for my dad and those who can’t and for the me one day who won’t be able to do it either.  That way, when I can’t, I can at least say and know that I did.  When I could, I did, and I did until I couldn’t.  No waste.  No regrets.  Carpe diem.
Prayed specifically for Junk’s wife, Crawdad’s wife, and Thunderstruck’s mom.  General prayers of thanks for the precious time that we have, for the ability to make the most of it and to build a foundation of better living for our family and friends and to make great memories that last a lifetime even as the time passes, and for the peace to let time go and to accept the next season (as Ecclesiastes calls it) of life when it comes.
Convergence at Big Ball coming up in a couple of weeks followed by the third F at Redeemer.

P.S. Thanks to Sleepover for suggesting all the burpees.

Walking with God

THE SCENE: Insert info about the weather, etc.

20 Plank Jacks, 10 Cherry Pickers, 10 Windmills, 40 Above Head Hand Clappers (4 count), High Knees to end of parking lot, Butt Kickers back to start of parking lot.
Mosey on roadway toward gate entrance at Lyons Bend.  Stop on right side of road where walking trail hits road. 20 American Hammers.

Mosey to Cone that will be about 30 yards east on trail. We will do Route 66’s to cone that will be on trail east and then south on trail.  We will come back to starting cone after each Route 66.  We do four Route 66’s with the following exercises:

  • Mountain Climbers (4 count)
  • Merkins
  • Big Boys
  • Dive Bombers

Mosey west and cross roadway.  We will stop to do 20 more American Hammers.

Mosey on trail to bottom of Mt. Everest.  We will do the following exercises then run to summit of Mt. Everest and repeat the exercises.

  • 10 Burpees
  • 20 Merkins
  • 30 Squats
  • 40 Baby Crunches

Mosey to stop sign at northeastern corner of Admin bldg.  We will stop to do 20 Hello Dollies.

Mosey to Monument and then down the Dragon Fly to the shaded parking lot across the street from parking lot at entryway to Northern Ball Park.  We will have the following races across the parking lot with the man winning the most races getting a free breakfast from Lily:

  • Bear Crawl Race (small length of parking lot)
  • Hop Race (small length of parking lot)
  • Bernie Sanders Race (long length of parking lot)
  • Frisbee Accuracy Throw
  • Sprint Race (long length of parking lot)
  • If there is a tie between the winners (for example, five different men win the above events) then we will have a playoff with a Paddle Ball Accuracy Contest

Mosey to AO.

Use the TAGS on right-side to record PAX (BE SURE TO INCLUDE YOURSELF) in attendance. Be sure to select the AO in CATEGORY above TAGS and then delete these notes!

What Does A Walk With God Look Like?

Have you ever wondered what taking a walk with God would be like?  What would he want to talk about?  How often would he glance at you as you walked along a path?  What would it be like to have Him in your presence?  Would it be comforting?  Scary?  Terrifying?  Wonderful?  Would God be gazing at nature as He walked along with you?  What would you want to say to Him?  What would you want to ask Him?  What if he touched you?  What would that be like?

In the Bible, we read of those who are awestruck in the presence of God.  They fall to their knees before Him.  Yet we also read of God being the great Comforter, the great Physician, the rock upon which we can lean and rest.

The Bible teaches us that God is always with us.  He is omnipresent.  As we walk along in our journey of life, He is there.  So if He is truly there, why not talk to him?  Why not ask Him what He is thinking?  Why not talk to Him about both the beauty and ugliness you see in this world.  Why not ask Him for his strong and steady hand?  Why not lead on him like he is your father, your Heavenly father?

I got the idea for this message when I was listening to Careless (Shawn Slate) deliver a sermon at Redeemer Church of Knoxville.  He talked about taking walks with his wife.  He commented that he tends to walk with a fast pace, rushing ahead, wanting to hurry up and get to whatever the destination is.  His wife, meanwhile, walks much more slowly, not so rushed, wanting to gaze at the scenery, the world around her.  Careless said he has learned more about walking with God by walking with his wife.  He has learned to slow the pace, take time to see the beauty of God’s world, and also take time to talk to the woman he loves and married.

I want to spend more time walking with God.  I need to take the time to do that with a slower pace in mind.  I need to truly focus on Him better when doing so, actually think of Him being in my presence, truly there with me.  When I pray, I need to think of Him reaching out to touch me.  It may raise some hairs on my head but it will also bring me closer to Him.  That’s what He wants.  And, when I think about it, that’s what I want to.  Furthermore, isn’t that what YOU WANT?  Use your imagination if you have to at first.  Expand your thoughts, think of Him with you, walking beside you.  Slow your pace for a while and converse with God.

Prayers for Junk’s wife, for Thurnderstruck’s mother, for Crawdad’s wife, for Farva’s friend who died, and for Baby Smalls who was recently born.
Next 3rd F is August 10 at 8:30, Redeemer Church of Knoxville.

Merkin Circuit

  • THE SCENE: Wet

    SSH, cherry pickers and examples of merkins below
    Mosey by Indian run past the boat to lot. Looping course of merkins and LBCs. Do merkin type and qty and 10 4-count LBCs at each cone.
  • Reg merkins x10
  • Cobra merkins x5 each side
  • Wide merkins x10

run up hill to the Rock and back

  • Diamond Merkins x5
  • eagle merkins x5
  • BBS rolling merkins x5
  • dry docks x10
  • superman Merkins x5 each arm
  • T merkins x5 each arm

throw in a faster mosey lap around without the exercises, and a speed round doing only one rep and running to next

mosey back stopping for burpees at each light pole.

Dealers choice, Box cutters, hello Dolly’s and another hello dolly thing with legs in the air, more merkins
10 pax with one FNG Tadpole.
God has this, ask him.

“Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.”
‭‭Philippians‬ ‭4:6-7‬ ‭NIV‬‬
Great effort today, some serious sweat angels were out today. Coffeteria was good to connect afterwards. Great to see my man Booger out this morning!!!
Trucking to the pound, F3 dad’s camp