F3 Knoxville


THE SCENE: 60 with Misty Mountains
Apologies for the mislabels, and mis-anything.

A few of these, a few of those.  Pre-cursers of criss crossy things to come.


At base of JUCOManjaro.  Each HIM within a team of 4 takes turns carrying a CMU to the top of JUCOManjaro.  As they carry the CMU to the top they cross over to the other side of the road where they will find a orange cone with a exercise on it which they will do.    There were 9 stations to get to the top which were labeled:

  • 50 Imperial Walkers
  • 25 Cross Toe Touches
  • 50 Freddy Mercuries
  • 25 Mountain Parkers
  • 50 Scissor Kicks
  • 25 Plank Destroyers
  • 50 Travoltas
  • 50 Windmills
  • 50 American Hammers

As the group finishes, do American Hammers with the CMU’s being passed from HIM to him in a back facing circle of HIM’s on their six.  Keep doing CMU American Hammers until the whole group is in the circle.  Switch directions a couple times.

Take CMU’s back down to the A.O.


Had a fun time naming our FNG who is now Blackbox.



Through him all things were made; without him nothing was made that has been made. In him was life, and that life was the light of all mankind. The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome[a] it.

Fellowship reference: https://fellowshipknox.org/wl?c=1 (5/5/2019)

Hardship Hill coming as well as Bridge.


THE SCENE:  60s and almost too nice

Merkins x30, Air Squats x30, 6inch LBCs x30, Burpees x10, MCs x30, Merkins x30, SSH x30, Flutter Kicks x30,  Burpees x10, Monkey Humpers x30, Merkins x30, Smurf Jacks x30, Pickle Pounders x30, Burpees x10, Freddy M’s x30, Merkins x30, Jump Squats x30, Hello Dollies x30, Burpees x10, Merkins x25.

Once nice and loose, .mosey to soccer field for grinder.  PAX performed exercises at each end of field, running to and from continuously while one PAX performs farmer’s carry with two CMUs around entire field.  (Everyone got to do the carry once).  Exercises:

  • Hold Squat 10 sec, do 10 Squats
  • Run to other side
  • Hold 6inch Merkin 10 sec, do 10 Merkins
  • Run back to Start
  • (Repeat at 20 sec, 20 reps and 30 sec, 30 reps)
  • Start over at 10 sec, 10 reps when complete.

Mosey to Playground – find a place to hang.  Body Hang on bar x30 Sec, drop and perform Flutter kicks x30; Hang 30 sec, Hello Dollies x30; Hang 20 sec, MCs x30; Hang 20 sec.  Burpees x 21 for UNC Charlotte hero who gave his life to save others.
10 Strong
As men, we were created to work.  Since God tasked Adam to tend the Garden of Eden this has been our purpose.  Proverbs 24 reminds us of the pitfalls of laziness.  We can drum up all kinds of excuses as to why those dishes can wait or the laundry can hold off or why you just need a few more hours sleep.  Sleep is blessing, a gift from God but not something we should value so much we live for it, or idolize it. Work hard at everything you do!
HH and other get-togethers coming up. Stay tuned in to Groupme.

Mental Toughness

TTHE SCENE: Mid 60’s. Humid.

SSH x 25 IC
OH Claps 4-ct x 25 IC
Squat x 25 IC
Dips x 25 IC
Alt Deadlift Squat x 25 IC
Calf raise x 25 out/fwd/in IC
Little this/that
Michael Phelps
Each man grab a station. AMRAP 1 minute at each station. Hit each station 4 times.
1. Shrug the twins/buckets of rocks
2. Weighted squat ruck or sandbag front load
3. Weighted dips ruck or sandbag
4. Sandbag deadlift
5. Lawnmowers with plates alt each 10
6. Weighted calf raise alt each 20 in/straight/out
30 seconds of LBCs
16 brothers
6 exercises to improve mental toughness:
1. Get rid of extrinsic motivators – no music, no training partner. Suffer in silence alone
2. Develop good habits – Mentally tough people are more consistent than you. They create habits and relentlessly stick to them
3. Learn to ignore things you cannot control – Stoicism is the ability to endure pain and hardship without display of fellings and without complaint
4. Ruck – put a heavy pack on and go walk for hours.
5. Farmer carry – pick up some heavy shit and go for a mile walk.
6. Hang – grab and pullup bar, a tree branch or some playground equipment and start a timer. Work up to 60 seconds.
No cardio but still worked up a great sweat and burned a lot of calories.
OEW night at Abridged May 9 at 6pm.

All Around JUCO

THE SCENE: Beautiful 50 something.

15 SSH, 10 tempo squats, 10 tempo merkins, 15 Moroccan night club
In an attempt to run around all of JUCO, begin mosey toward the Sophomore.  At the four corners,

  • 20 merkins
  • 20 squats
  • 20 mountain climbers
  • 20 Freddie Mercury

Continue run around the back of the maintenance building to the grassy hill.  Run up the hill 5 times while zig-zagging around each tree.  At the top, alternate with 15 diamond merkins and 15 lunges each leg. Squats at the bottom at the end until the 6 gets in.

Mosey to the small parking lot next to the pond and do 20 Flutter kicks IC.  Run around the walk path and stop as instructed to perform exercises:

  • 10 burpees OYO
  • 20 Hello Dolly IC

Cut off the walk path at the large parking lot northeast of the school.

  • 10 8 Count body builders IC

Run to the next corner of the parking lot towards Hardin Valley road.  Perform exercise at the intersections.

  • 20 squat jumps
  • 20 star jacks
  • 20 iron Mikes
  • 10 burpees back at the shovel flag

LBC smoker:  10 of each of these LBCs, reverse LBCs (moving the lower body only), 6 inch LBCs (LBCs with legs straight and 6″ of the ground), and full-grown LBCs (regular and reverse together).
13 HIMS made it all the way around JUCO this morning!
Take time to appreciate the mothers and especially stay-at-home mothers in your lives.  They do not get the credit they deserve, but try your best to remind them how important they are.
May 9th fund raiser for Operation Enduring Warriors at Abridged. May 19th Hardship Hill.

Shame Fest

THE SCENE: Beautiful Spring morning in the mid 50’s.

No FNGs, but some HIMs from other AOs came out for the VQ. I made sure everyone was aware that I’m not a professional, given the fact that I’ve never Qed before.


  • 25 Side straddle hop IC
  • 10 Cherry pickers IC
  • Bat Wings
    • 20 baby arm circles forward IC
    • 20 baby arm circles backwards IC
    • 20 seal claps IC
    • 20 overhead claps IC
  • 10 Tempo squats IC
  • High knees to the end of parking lot
  • Butt kicks back
  • 50% jog to the end of the parking lot
  • 75% jog back


  • Bataan Death March (Indian Run where last guy does 2 burpees before running to front) from AO to coupon pile behind Maintenance Depot building

Wall of Shame

  • Ascending Testicles OYO
  • Princess Tea Party(PinkiesOut!)
    • 1st time – 10 Pattycake Merkins/30s back to back wall sits – OYO
    • 2nd time – 20 Pattycake Merkins/60s back to back wall sits – OYO
  • 10 Wonderbra IC
  • 15 Chicken Peckers IC
  • 10 Donkey Kicks OYO

Four Corner Escalator

  • Mosey to Sophomore Hill & explain exercises (all single count)
  • Corner 1 – 10 squats
    • El Capitan Lunge to Corner 2
  • Corner 2 – 10 squats, 20 hello dollys
    • Duck and/or Crab Walk to Corner 3
  • Corner 3 – 10 squats, 20 hellos dollys, 30 iron mikes
    • Crawl Bear to Corner 4
  • Corner 4 – 10 squats, 20 hello dollys, 30 iron mikes, 40 side straddle hops
    • Sprint back to Corner 4

Mosey back to AO


Circle Burp (high knees and each HIM calls out “Down” in ring of fire fashion for a total of 13 burpees)

15 Pickle Pounders OYO (it’s probably illegal to do these in cadence)

15 Pickle Pointers OYO


13 HIMs

Guano, Abacus (not Pusher), Peek-a-boo, Unibrau, Erector, Commission, Belding, Chaco, Spotter, 5K, Uncle Rico, Rocket, Booster


We all face a lot of shame, humiliation, feelings of embarassment, and inadequacy. It’s usually in those moments that we face defeating thoughts and thus act out in negative or destructive ways. Challenging thought: When do you feel shame most? Encouragement: remember in those moments to recognize your shame, but then but in the context of God’s grace, truth, and surround yourselves with community.


No prayer requests


Thanks for all those who supported me on my VQ. I hope you enjoyed the beatdown and the new or unfamiliar exercises that were thrown in. I will be Q-ing again on Friday, May 3rd at JUCO if you want some more of that action!