F3 Knoxville

September You vs. You Workout

AO: asylum-pm
Q: Steam
PAX: Curveball, Glamper, Eliza, Doubtfire (Nick Bond), Crash Dummy, Abacus, Tenderfoot, Lizzy, Brick, Swimmies (Nathan Chesney), Lilydipper, Dung Beetle (Scott Kimsey), F3 Pluto ( Hugh Nystrom), Mr. Fred, Messi (Eliza’s 2.0)
FNGs: 1 Messi (Eliza’s 2.0)
– Cherry Pickers: 10×4
– Mosey to the cul-de-sac to the right of the Coliseum
– 5s: Cherry Pickers and Good Morning Americas

SeptemberYou vs. You workout


– 8 year anniversary / Brolympics on November 4th here at the Asylum
– Annual Asylum PM migration down south to the lower parking lot: Thursday, Nov. 2nd

QSource 3.12 – Courage: Setting Aside Fear To Turn Hardship Into Grace

Here are some of the things that stuck out to me from this week’s QSource content:
– To give over completely to one’s instinct to avoid danger, regardless of the consequences, is the opposite of courage.
– Courage begins with the recognition that while peace should always be our goal, there are some threats that confront the Community that simply must be fought.
– (talking about the Jester) He is a master corrupter, who hollows out a man’s vitality from the inside, leaving him too exhausted to overcome hardship.
– The virtuous leader intentionally exposes himself to expected hardships in order to build the durability he will need to overcome the unexpected hardships that await him so that he can turn them into grace.

October and Octopus

AO: asylum-pm
Q: Curveball
PAX: CRISPR, Lizzy, Steam, Pusher, Abacus, Tenderfoot, Brick, High Heels (Henry Ritchie), Dung Beetle (Scott Kimsey), Piston, Drum Major, Swimmies (Nathan Chesney), Curveball
FNGs: None
Cherry Pickers
Tie Fighters
On a hill 5 merkins one way then opposite
Abe Vagodas

Congested Reverse Route 66
11, 10, 9…. Merkins, Squats, and LBC
Everyone circles to pick up six. All finish together.

Pure Burn (on fence 3 rounds to 10)
10 each Side crunches,
30 Calf Raises

Doracides. Suicides to 3 cones/trees. 1 burpee, 2 burpees, 3 burpees.
100 Merkins
150 LBC
200 Squats
R/R until until six is up.

Three trees or points 20 yards apart in a triangle. At each spot 5 merkins, next round 10, final round 20. 105 total.

10 flutters, 10 Gas Pumps, stretch a little, 1 minute or so Superman.


October is spelled similarly to Octopus. Googling one can take you down the curiosity path of the other. Sy Montgomery is an naturalist who tends to speak on Octopus. The octopus is really cool creature. And October 8th is World Octopus Day! Not national but world. So, it’s a big deal and kind of fits in the whole October original thought process.

Anyways, Sy has this quote: “I think all animals have souls. I feel certain that if we have souls, octopuses have souls, too. If you grant something a soul, it demands a certain level of sacredness. Look around us. The world is holy. It is full of souls.”

The move to fall/October has me thinking about holidays/football/Cubs playoffs/etc. And because of the constant interaction with my father and family while dealing with my father’s skin cancer and congestive heart failure, football is a popular topic. And my family is upset with the Chicago Bears. Cubs too. At first I believed that stress and non football issues played a roll in my anger and frustration towards my favorite franchise. But then I realized that I’ve always been like this. Not sure why? However, the thought expressed above by Sy helps. Remember, that those that anger you or disappoint you to a point of fury or action (throwing a remote, for example) have souls. Are part of a holy world. For me, this simple thought lessons my emotional extreme. It may help you too.

St. Ruby

THE SCENE: Cloudy, low 70’s but muggy

20 Side Straddle Hops, 5 Burpees, 10 Iron Mikes, 4 Burpees, 10 Twistees, 3 Burpees, 10 Windmills, 2 Burpees, 7 Pterodactyls Forward and 7 Backwards, 1 Burpee, Little of This and That.
Mosey up Mini Cardiac.  We will stop to do 10 Tempo Squats.

Mosey on trail toward Lyons Bend until we get to rock pile.  We will each take a boulder to do 25 Overhead Presses, 25 Curls, 25 Tricepts, and 25 Rows.  Place boulders back in rock pile.

We will Mosey north and west on the trail until we get to a grassy area south of the trail.  There is a large tree stump near the roadway south of the grassy area.  We will stop in the grass about 50 yards away from the stump.  We will split into teams of two for Doras. While one partner runs to the stump, touches it, and runs back the other works on the exercises.  Then partners trade places.  Here are the exercises the partners do as a team:

  • 100 Hello Dollies
  • l100 Flutter Kicks
  • 100 Gas Pumps
  • 100 Freddy Mercuries
  • 200 Baby Crunches

Mosey on the perimeter trail pass the entryway from Lyons Bend and to the rock pile that is on the way to Mt. Everest.  Each man will take a boulder to do 25 Overhead Presses, 25 Curls, 25 Tricepts, and 25 Rows.

Mosey to the bottom of Mt. Everest.  We will do 20 Merkins and 20 Big Boy Sit-ups.  We will then run up Mt. Everest heading left by the split and then going to the roadway.  We will do 50 Baby Crunches and 25 Dead Bugs.

Mosey to the Space Needle.  We will go clockwise around the admin building.  First we will run up to the back porch, run across it, then run to the north side of the building.  There, do 20 Diamond Merkins.  Next, run to the front steps of the admin bldg.  Run up the right side of the stairs and run down the left side.  Next run to the south side of the building.  Do 20 Carolina Dry Docks.  Then run to the Space Needle and go up the stairs to the top and back down.  Rinse and repeat the circuit two more times.

Next we will run to the Coliseum Area. Next, we will run counter-clockwise 3/4 of the way around the circle.  At 1/4 of the way around the circle we will do 20 Squat Jumps.  At 1/2 of the way around the circle, run up the right side of the stairs of the admin bldg. and down the lefts side.  At 3/4 of the way around the circle, do 20 Smurf Jacks.  Those finishing the Smurf Jacks first sweep everyone back, clockwise, to where we started in the Coliseum Area.

Mosey to Haslam’s Rock.  We will take a 30 second gander at the best sunrise in America.

Mosey to bottom of Mini Cardiac.  We will race up Mini Cardiac.

Slow Mosey to AO.

10 men, no FNGs.

St. Ruby

Matthew 20:25-28

But Jesus called them to Himself and said, “You know that the rulers of the Gentiles lord it over them, and those who are great exercise authority over them. Yet it shall not be so among you; but whoever desires to become great among you, let him be your servant.

Leadership comes in different forms.  I think that when we generally think of a leader, we think of someone having power or command over others such as the president, the general, the drill sergeant, the CEO, the coach, the quarterback or, yes, the N’antan.  And, certainly, those titles are examples of leadership.  But the power or command type of leadership, as Christ states in Matthew 20, is not the only form of leadership or, to God, the most desired.

Today, I want to talk about a special leader in my life.  She is my mother-in-law, Ruby Grimes.  She is such a good person that those in her family, like me, often jokingly call her St. Ruby.  What is she like?  Well, Ruby Grimes is someone that just makes you feel better in her presence.  What do you feel?  ACCEPTANCE.  With that southern voice of hers you just feel the love. Ruby is going to remember your favorite food and the next time you visit you will get that food.  For me it is always Ruby’s famous Chicken Salad.  She also remembers how I love Pecan Pie and I always get that on my birthday.

Now just because Ruby is a sweetheart does not mean that she is a pushover.  She is going to defend her Kentucky Wildcats to her dying day.  At Christmas time, Ruby has always had two Christmas trees up in the house – the normal Christmas tree and the blue and white Kentucky Wildcat tree.  When you watch a Kentucky basketball game with Ruby you must keep your hands up in the air when a Kentucky ball player is shooting a free throw shot and then come down with your hands yelling ”whoosh” after he makes the shot.

Ruby loves her grandchildren.  And, she has always thrilled with laughter to see their play.  I remember walking into her house, after taking a walk in the Grimes neighborhood, to find my two children, who were young at the time, and their cousins, who are about the same age as them, taking turn sliding down the basement stairs on an old thin mattress.  I exclaimed, what are you doing, you could mess up the stairs, tear up the mattress or get hurt!  “Naw, Gigi gave us the mattress and told us it’s ok.”  I gotta admit that I tried it a few times and had a blast.

Ruby is like a light or magnet that you are just drawn to.  If you go to the Grime’s church with her, expect to have to wait around forever after the service is over.  Ruby has all these church members crowding around her, jabbering with her before we get to ride home in the car.

It has always been tradition, since I married my wife, Jan, that, wherever we lived, we would be at the home of Ruby, and my wonderful father-in-law, Dorlan Grimes, at Christmas.  When my mother was living, she would look just as forward to going to their home for Christmas as I would.  Ruby and Dorlan were wonderful to my mother.  One year, when we were living in Utah, my mother got pneumonia and we could not go to Kentucky for Christmas.  I remember crying like a baby, not only sorry that my mother was so ill, but also that we would miss out on seeing St. Ruby and Dorlan.

Ruby is now 90 years old, as is her husband, Dorlan.  Ruby has Alzheimer Disease now, has had it for years. If you talk to her, she will sound normal for some time until she asks you the same question three or four times. She can no longer cook because her memory is going.  She and Dorlan sold their home a year ago and now live in a senior living setting – but a nice one where they can interact with friends.  Dorlan must look after Ruby, helping her sometimes with getting dressed.  Ruby can no longer bake me those famous pecan pies or make that amazing chicken salad.  Ruby cannot have the deeper intellectual conversations that she used to.  But she has kept that amazing smile and still exudes that special kind of love.  And what happens when your memory goes?  You get to look at pictures of your family and friends, again and again, day after day, and experience the same joy because you forgot you looked at them yesterday.

Ruby Grimes, you mean so much to me.  I love you Saint Ruby.

Prayers for Kinsey family and Dung Beetle’s son, Baby Cronk, after a recent fender bender.  Prayers also for them financially and personally after some damage to home.  Prayers for father and father-in-law of Q-Bert, particularly for his father-in-law who had recent seizure and possible stroke.  Prayers for Matlock’s 15-year-old nephew, John, who has had significant neurological issues and recently has another surgery where he had 13 more holes drilled in his head.  Prayers for the 18-year-old daughter of one of Abacus’ friends, who also recently went through neurological surgery.  Prayers for those, like St. Ruby, who have Alzheimer’s Disease.
The F3 in the Nude event will be at 7 am at the Cove, next Saturday.  It will be a beach type workout.  Crispr will still lead a workout at Asylum Breakout that morning at 7 am.

Heavy Day Battle for the Ghost Flag at the Equalizer

THE SCENE: Gloomy, but not too humid
F3 WELCOME & DISCLAIMER: Done and done 

Basic Blindside-y warmup things: SSH, LBAC each way, This, That, tempo squats
Sometimes things change. Because it was a heavy day, the Q was expecting a lower number in attendance. What he forgot was that the Ghost Flag was in attendance… so we had visitors.

Quick Mosey to Picnic Table near the Tennis Courts and partner up. Each group will draw a card from the deck, multiply the number of the card by 10 (all face cards are “10” and Aces are “15). Each group is in charge of completing that number of reps of each exercise represented by card suit. Jokers are automatically 25 squats with either the 40# or 60# sandbag on shoulders.

  • Spades: Lunges and Imperial Squat Walkers
  • Clubs: Merkins and 2 count Shoulder Taps
  • Diamonds: BBS and American Hammers
  • Hearts: Flutter Kicks and Hello Dollys

After all the cards were taken, each group were asked to “give up” their highest, lowest, and one other card of their choosing back to the pile.

Once time was called, all of the Shamrock & Asylum PM combined their cards into piles and played a game of WAR. After one round, Shamrock ended with 23 cards and Asylum PM ended with 6. Each group did that # of burpees. Equalizer guys joined in to help.

Asylum PM grabbed the Ghost Flag having 5 guys at the workout!

Not Enough Time.
15 HIMs, 0 FNGs, and a certain number of Ruckers (unknown to the Q)
“Only the guy who isn’t rowing can rock the boat.”
F3 in the Nude –> Saturday, July 29th
Ghost Flag –> Taken by ASYLUM PM

Eat This Bread, Drink This Cup

THE SCENE: Sunny, temp in low 80s

20 Side Straddle Hops, 10 Mountain Climbers, Plank Stretches, 7 Tennessee Rocking Chairs, 10 Iron Mikes, 7 Cherry Pickers, 7 Twisties, 10 Little Baby Arm Circles Forward and 10 Backward.
Mosey to Stop Sign at Northeastern Corner of Admin Bldg then mosey to shade of large conifer tree.  We will do 20 American Hammers.

Mosey to small parking lot on north side of park roadway, then go on trail that leads north toward Lyons Bend.  We will stop at rock pile.  Each man grabs a CMU weight boulder to do the following:

  • 25 Overhead Presses
  • 25 Curls
  • 25 Triceps
  • 25 Rows

After putting the boulders in the rock pile we will head north and then west on the trail doing “Run Ten Tens”.  We will run forward ten light posts, then do ten Merkins and ten Big Boy Situps.  We will do this until we get to the park roadway as it approaches the gate at Lyons Bend.

Next, we will Mosey further west on the trail until we come to another rock pile that is at the intersection of the trail we are on and the trail coming down close to Roadshow Run.  Each man grabs a CMU weight boulder to do the following:

  • 25 Overhead Presses
  • 25 Curls
  • 25 Triceps
  • 25 Rows

After placing the boulders back in the rock pile we will run west and then south on the Perimeter Trail until we get to the bottom of Mt. Everest.  We will serpentine from the trail to three different trees on Mt. Everest.  We will do two burpees in the shade of the first tree, run back to the trail, run to the second tree to do two burpees in the shade, then run back to the trail, and finally run to the shade of the third tree to do two burpees.

Mosey back to the perimeter trail and south until we get to the fence that blocks further movement on the trail.  We will then run up the mulch trail until we reach a cone on the trail.  We will do 25 Hello Dollies, 25 Flutter Kicks, and 25 Freddie Mercury’s then run about 40 yards up the mulch trail to another cone to do 5 Burpees.  We will then run back to the first cone and rinse and repeat the above two more times.

Mosey to the little grove of trees at the bottom of the summit of Everest.  We will do 20 Baby Crunches, then run up the summit to the flat grassy area to do 20 Carolina Dry Docks, then run to the Bat Cave to do 20 Sky Jumps.

Next, we will run north to the large tree near the administration bldg roadway.  We will run around the tree and back to the AO.

Next we will run down the stairs by the Bat Cave, run toward Mt. Everest, and go back up the summit. We will then head back to the AO.

We had 17 men and one FNG, Karter Moore, whom we named “Decal”.  Some of our men rucked today.

I have been watching the Tour de France the past few weeks. The bikers in the tour bike over 100 miles per day in frequently mountainous terrain.  They burn so many calories that they sometimes must eat food while riding their bikes.  That food can make the difference between winning and losing the race.  If they do not have enough food they will not have the strength to compete with the other riders.

I was thinking about that when taking communion at church this past Sunday.  When we take in the bread of communion, Christ proclaims to us, “This is my body given for you. When you eat it, do this in remembrance of me.”  And when we take the wine at communion, Christ proclaims to us, “This cup is the new covenant in my blood.  Do this, when you drink it, in remembrance of me.”  What Christ is essentially saying is, like one of our communion songs says:

Eat this bread, drink this cup, come to me and never be hungry.
Eat this bread, drink this cup, trust in me and you will not thirst.

God wants us to know that there is something much more important than food that can sustain us. And so, week by week, I, with other brothers and sisters, who just like me are imperfect individuals who stumble, remember that I still have a God who loves me.  And I eat that bread and drink that wine, realizing that people all over the world are doing the same.  Are we more deserving than others?  No, we come because we are unworthy.  But it nourishes us.  It nourishes me.  It gives me the strength to carry on, hoping that it may shine a little light on my soul that I can then shine on others.  For that, I am thankful.

Prayers for Brick and his family, for Junk and his injury, for Glamper’s manager of work, and a prayer of praise for Lilydipper’s recovery from shoulder replacement and hip replacement surgery.
We will have a 2nd F gathering at the home of Abacus on July 29. The F3 “In the Nude” workout will be on the morning of July 29.  The F3 Dad’s camp will be on the weekend of August 11-13.  And the 3rd F camp at Doe River Gorge will be the weekend of September 22-24.