F3 Knoxville

Station Work

THE SCENE: 45, clear, dark


Warm up was explaining the exercises

Seven stations in a circle.  Do 25 reps at each station, then run a lap around the outhouse.  Rinse and repeat while dropping 5 reps each circuit until your last circuit is 5 reps per station.

  1. KB Swing:  several size KBs
  2. Squat Press:  20# slam ball, 25# med ball.  Hold the ball, squat down and press it as high as you can throw it.
  3. Curls:  25# & 30# dumbbells
  4. Squats:  60# sandbags
  5. OH Press:  35# dumbbells, golden cmu
  6. Bent over rows:  barbells with 35# on one end
  7. Lunge:  35# weight plates.  Lunge out & back.


I-Beam, Mayberry, Bueller, Junk, Swirlie, Tweet-E, Butters, Abacus, Bartman

Spoke from Matthew 14.  The story of Jesus walking on water.  Prior to walking on water, Jesus told the disciples to get into a boat and go out on the sea.  Later on, while they were on the water a storm came up and they were afraid, then Jesus walked out to the boat and calmed the storm.   This mornings point was that the disciples did exactly as Jesus told them to do, yet they still encountered a storm.  Life is this way – Jesus told us the Christian life would be difficult.  Do not believe the lie that says storms only arise in your life because you are outside of the will of God.  Quite the contrary, storms are often the mark of a Christian following God’s commands.



Slow & Heavy Wins the Race

THE SCENE: Cool and Gloomy

SSH x30 IC, Baby Arm Circles Forward x10 IC, BAC in Reverse x10 IC, Stretching OYO
20 Minute AMRAP: With a Battle Buddy PAX Completed the Following with a Ruck/Sandbag/ or CMU

  • 20 Curls
  • 20 Presses
  • 4 Ct. Flutter Kicks
  • Squats
  • Coupon Carry to the end of Parking Lot and Back


  • Partner A Bear Crawls to fence and back while Partner B begins with the following exercises and reps:(Swap when partner A returns and the reps are cumulative between the two partners)
    • 200 Rows
    • 150 Coupon Swings (Just like kettle-bell swings)
    • 100 Tricep Extensions

60 second Hello Dolly Burnout

Something that I have been struggling with as of late is speaking too much and not listening nearly enough. Challenge for the day is to listen more and talk less and see how much it steers our day on a more fruitful and prosperous path for everyone. God gave us two ears and one mouth for a reason. 
Insert any personal comments, notes, devotion content, etc.
Insert information about upcoming events, 2nd or 3rd F opportunities, and any other announcements.

Left vs Right

THE SCENE: Just like the perfect date. Not too hot, not too cold.  All you need is a light jacket!

Left and right theme today.  All excercises have delayed symmetry…
15x Left Straddle Hops IC
15x Right Straddle Hops IC
10x Travoltas (right side)
10x Travoltas (left side)
10x Buddy the Elf (left side)
10x Buddy the Elf (right side)
15x Sundials (left side)
15x Sundials (right side)

Mosey up to the Forbidden Parking Lot, line up on the curb…
10x single-leg calf raise
Mosey to other curb
10x calf raise on the other leg
Mosey back
R&R 3x, getting a bit faster each time.

Mosey on up the Matterhorn.
Stop halfway up and BooBoo Bear Crawl (bear crawl with one leg) for 25yd
Switch legs and continue BooBoo Bear Crawl for another 25yd
Mosey to the Pavalon

Perform the following exercises all on one side, run up the hill and back, then repeat with other side
10x Hanging Knee Tucks
15x Merkins – one hand and one foot on the bench
20x Step-ups (same leg)
15x One-sided LBC
10x One-handed Dips

Everyone made it through the list at least 4x (twice on each side)

Mosey back to the cones on the Matterhorn and BooBoo Bear Crawl back down.

Mosey on to the boats for 5x One-Handed 6-Count Body Builders (same as 8-Count but skip the Merkin) with each arm, then head back to the AO

15x Side Crunches each side.
15x (or so) 4-ct Freddy Mercury
16 HIMs this morning.
This politics season we have left and right duking it out as usual, which was what prompted this Left and Right Q, but as I worked on the details, God brought to mind a totally different left and right context in Matthew 6:

Beware of practicing your righteousness before other people in order to be seen by them, for then you will have no reward from your Father who is in heaven. Thus, when you give to the needy, sound no trumpet before you, as the hypocrites do in the synagogues and in the streets, that they may be praised by others. Truly, I say to you, they have received their reward. But when you give to the needy, do not let your left hand know what your right hand is doing, so that your giving may be in secret. And your Father who sees in secret will reward you.

Two points from the above… The first is the obvious one – Don’t do good stuff for recognition from man. Second is just one word – “When”, not “If”. It should be the default that we are going to help others – Be on the lookout for opportunities to practice “When”.

Lovely concert during the beatdown from trumpet virtuoso Sparky!
F3 anniversary 11/3-4 – Sign up for picnic! Service ruck 11/17. Sign up online (links for both on GroupMe)

Knockin’ the Cobwebs Off

THE SCENE: Upper 40’s & frickin’ gorgeous

  • Little bit o’ this
  • Little bit o’ that
  • High Knees
  • Butt kickers
  • Broad Jumps
  • Inchworm merkins


We moseyed to the roughly 1/2 mile to the PAVILON and then performed a long, grinding CINDY. For those not familiar, CINDY is an AMRAP of 5 pull-ups, 10 merkins, & 15 squats for 20 minutes.

After our 20 minutes was completed, we eased back to the AO by way of the Pee Rock pile. We used some nice, heavy pee rocks to get a set of 7-ups in.


  • Freddie Mercury x 30 IC
  • Flutter Kick x 20 IC
  • Mountain Climber x 25 IC


We discussed the giving of yourself to help others. It’s an incredibly hard habit to make and can be exhausting, but the results are a legacy that will far outlast your lifetime.
Thanks for the grind today, PAX – I needed it!
F3 Anniversary weekend is on the horizon.

Bend into the wave

THE SCENE: In 60’s, cloudy with some drizzle.

Plank Lifts, 15 Plank Jacks, 20 Side Straddle Hops, 10 Stretchers, 10 Windmills
Mosey to Boulder Pile.  Grab appropriate size boulder.  25 Overhead Presses, 25 Curls, 25 Rows, 25 Squats with Boulder at Chest.

Mosey on roadways to Outdoor Chapel.  20 Hello Dollies.  Sevens starting with six Burpees at one end of chapel and one Decline Merkin at stage end of chapel.  Elevens starting with ten Big Boy Sit-ups at one end of chapel and one Bench Dip at stage end of chapel.

Mosey north on roadway to parking lot that is just below Pickett’s Charge.  Do 20 American Hammers.

Mosey to Dragon Tail.  We will do Route 66 up Dragon Tail with the following exercises (doing exercise at each light):

  • Squat Jumps
  • Dive Bombers

Mosey to sidewalk that is at front of Admin Bldg.  Do Bernie Sanders to steps of Admin Bldg.  Then do 20 Shin Lifts on a step of the bldg.

Mosey to AO.

Eleven men.  No FNG’s.


In a book I am reading called Tears of an Innocent God, the author, Elias Marechal, talks about a Rabbi that was the only survivor in a shipwreck at sea.  When asked how he survived, the Rabbi recalled, “Whenever a wave arose, I bent into it.”  In our lives we cannot expect all to go smoothly for us.  There are going to be calm and glorious times.  At such times it may be easy to love life, to love our families, to love God.  But there are going to be difficult times as well.  At such times the problems in our life may come like giant ocean waves in what seems like a shipwrecked existence.  The waves appear ready to knock us down and drown us.  At these times it may be very difficult to love our lives, love our families, love God or even believe there is a God.    We must expect the good and the bad.  We must learn to lean into the the waves.  As Elias Marechal states, Good Friday and Easter Sunday are both days to experience God.  We can do so in both good and bad times.  At Steve Earl implies in his awesome song, God is God, God is there and God has the power whether we like what is there for us are not.  Face the hard times.  Trust God and even appreciate Him in those hard times.  Lean into the waves and perhaps, if you can trust God enough, you may even find yourself, as Peter did with Jesus, walking on water, if only for a moment.

Brewski at Union Jacks immediately after workout.