F3 Knoxville

Team Hoyt Mentality

THE SCENE: 45*, clear, and perfect

Squat and reach
4-count merkins
8-count bodybuilders
Quick mosey over to the long, straight sidewalk adjacent to the convention center. Six cones are set up down the length of the sidewalk, spaced 15-20 yards apart.  Each cone has an exercise and rep count, simply run between cones knocking out the exercises.  After completing the last exercise, lunge walk to first cone (fifth from start) and sprint the remainder.  First man back instructed to pick an exercise and knock it out until everyone returns.

  • Cone 1 – 10 burpees
  • Cone 2 – 15 tuck jumps
  • Cone 3 – 20 CDD
  • Cone 4 – 25 merkins
  • Cone 5 – 30 squats
  • Cone 6 – 35 leg lifts

Rinse and repeat, only this time grab a battle buddy.  You both still do all the reps, but you’re not alone.  Quick 10 count and mosey over to the base of the Big Ball stairs. Routine as follows:

  • 10 sit up ups at the bottom
  • Crawl bear up the stairs to the first big landing
  • 10 supermans
  • Wall sit until everyone completes

Assemble in front of the Big Ball, grab a different battle buddy from before.  One man knocks out pull ups on the Big Ball while their buddy does 25 squats.  Flapjack until both have done one round of each exercise.  Reassemble in front on the stairs, repeating the previous routine with another battle buddy.  Again, both doing all the reps, just not alone:

  • 10 sit up ups at the bottom
  • Crawl bear up the stairs to the first big landing
  • 10 supermans
  • Wall sit until everyone completes

Back to the Big Ball, doing pull ups until your partner relieves you.  Squats were substituted for Army quality 4-count merkins before relieving your partner.

Quick ring of fire with merkins, going around doing 1 rep, then 2, etc up to 5 reps.  Recover and mosey back to SP

45* situps on each side
Freddy Mercury
12 Strong: Butterfly, G6, Hoops (FNG), Half Caff, Postman, 8 Seconds, Dovetail, Steam, Jenner, Backdraft, Swanson, Abort (QiC)
Use the Hoyt mentality.  Rick Hoyt was born with cerebral palsy, and despite doctors telling his parents he would be nothing but a vegetable his whole life, his family didn’t give up on him.  They continued working with him with a computer he gained the ability to communicate and eventually went on to graduate college.  Team Hoyt began in 1977 when Rick Hoyt asked his father if they could run in a race together to benefit a lacrosse player at his school who had become paralyzed.  He wanted to prove that life went on no matter your disability.  Dick Hoyt was 36 years old and not a runner.  After their first race, Rick said, “Dad when I’m running, it feels like I’m not handicapped.” This team has completed 257 triathlons, 6 of which are Ironman, 7 Half Ironman, and 72 marathons with over 30 being the Boston marathon.

We were in multiple two man teams this morning, and in that case you are either the fast man or the slow man.  Dick Hoyt would have never began his journey without his slow man.  They have went on to inspire countless people (YHC included) because the push from the slow man.  NEVER DOUBT YOUR IMPACT regardless of how you perceive your abilities.  Also, if you happen to be the fast man, you better be sure you’re bringing someone along.  Dick Hoyt carried his son between events, towed him while swimming, pushed him on the bike and in the wheelchair.  Without his son, he was just another competitor.  With him, a legend.

Big Ballin’ Monday


The Big Ball Ruckers just got done, cars started pulling up, the weather was cooked to perfection.


  • Welcome to F3: Fitness/Fellowship/Faith
  • Name is Steam and I’m honored to be your QIC this Monday morning
  • Any FNGs?
  • Let’s get a couple things out of the way before we jump in:
    • I’m not a professional
    • You’re here on your own volition
    • I don’t know what injuries you may or may not have so while this is a workout I planned – no one is going to make you do every single rep to perfection so if you need to modify anything we do this morning feel free to do so!
  • Here’s the challenge with that – push yourself and the men around you – let’s get to work this morning.



( The 1st exercise is________ )

( Ready position: Move! )

( In Cadence: Exercise! )

  • SSH: 20 x 4 IC
  • Imperial Walker: 15 x 4 IC
  • Rockette: 10 x 4 IC
  • Merkin: 5 x 4 IC


[ Ring of Fire – Inside AO ]

  • Assemble battle buddy teams
  • As a team:
    • 50 Incline Merkins
    • 50 Dips
    • 50 pole-pulls
    • 50 box jumps
  • BB1 is executing their exercise while BB2 is taking 2 laps around this ring because we’re 2 days into March
  • If you get done: flutter kicks on the bench

(10 count please)

(Mosey to the top of Amphitheater)

[ 11s ]

  • Top: chin-ups/pull-ups
  • Bottom of your respective side: Squat (1 count)
    • Start with 1 chin-up :: 11 calf-raises
  • Recover on the stage when you’re done
  • PAX executes core work and then picks up the 6 team

(Mosey to Big Ball Stairs)

– PAX bear crawls up 2 flights of stairs and then holds the squat until everyone bear crawling is on top

*1 of the PAX goes down – breathing and conscious, but just some lightheadedness*

Everyone recovers back at the bottom of the stairs.

Q instructs Swanson to lead PAX up stairs again while Q and north provide support for downed PAX member.

Q talks and provides minimalist support while Abort sprints back to cars to get water. Q had a ruck with medical gear & CPR but made the final decision before leaving the car to not bring water in the ruck.

LESSON: You don’t need it until you do. Better to have it and not need it than need it and not have it.

Downed PAX recovers, slowly, drinking water, and the rest of the PAX finish from bear crawl stairs.

Abort and Jenner provide support as Q leads PAX in 1 final bear crawl/merkin charge up the stairs and beyond and back. When they arrive back down where Abort and Jenner and downed PAX member is, the decision is made for one final exercise and to hold the COT here,  instead of moseying back to AO, taking into consideration the recovering PAX member (Great suggestion by G-6).

PAX circle it up and execute 20 down/up merkins. Done.


17 PAX – No FNGs


(1) 2 Timothy 1: 1-7 & (2) 2 Timothy 4: 6-7

(1) You then my child, be strengthened by the grace that is in Christ Jesus, and what you have heard from me in the presence of many witnesses entrust to faithful men, who will be able to teach others also. Share in suffering as a good soldier of Christ Jesus. No soldier gets entangled in civilian pursuits, since his aim is to please the one who enlisted him. An athlete is not crowned unless he competes according to the rules. It is the hard working farmer who ought to have the first share of the crops.

(2) For I am already being poured out as a drink offering, and the time of my departure has come. I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith.

My aunt read this to us at the dinner table this past weekend and it made the hairs on the back of my neck step up. It challenged me to ask myself a few thought-provoking questions (TPQs) such as:

  • What do I allow myself to get entangled in throughout the week that is preventing my from being who God is calling me to be?
  • Who am I aiming to please this week // Who is enlisting me?
    • Work? Circumstances? Jesus? Etc Etc Etc…

The run you race as a man is a long one. It’s one that is righteous, but it is one that is long and difficult as well sometimes. I love in 2 Timothy 4:6 that it says “I am already being poured out as a drink offering…” You are being utilized for the Kingdom and for the Lord already, in your home, in your relationships, in your work, in every sphere of influence He has uniquely placed you in. To bring glory to Him – keep running that race, keep fighting that good fight, and keep the faith, even when the race gets dark and heavy, remember to look up and realize the name of the game is one foot in front of the other.


  • It’s okay when things don’t go to plan. You must learn to react and adapt swiftly and appropriately, especially when there is potentially a life at stake/a downed PAX member


  • You will never be 100% prepared for every single scenario that you might encounter. HOWEVER, it is important to be as prepared as you can. I did not put water in my ruck when I left my car and walked to the AO this morning. It was right there and I left it in my car. And a time came when one of the PAX under my command/responsibility needed it and I didn’t have it on-hand. You don’t need it until you do – and it’s better to have it and not need it than need it and not have it. This was a great example of that this morning.
  • This is what High Impact Men do – step up, react, and adapt. Special shout-out to Abort and Jenner and Clark for doing just that this morning.



THE SCENE:  A balmy and crisp 37.
F3 WELCOME & DISCLAIMER(Explained Importance of Qing, common anxieties and tips on how to overcome them, discussed mistakes Q has made and the importance of making adjustments ) Free, Voluntary, Q not a professional, here at own risk, know limitations – modify if needed.

WARM-O-RAMA: (Explained Calling Exercises and Cadence) SSH (IC)x20, Imperial Walkers (IC)x15, Tempo Squats (IC)x15, Tempo Merkins (IC)x10, Mountain Climbers (IC)x15, Flutter Kicks (IC)x25, 8ct Body Builders (IC)x7.

THA-THANG: Mosey to lower parking lot…..

4 Corners: (40,30,20,10) of Merkins, then Squats.  Mosey to Playground parking lot:

Quarter Pounder (4 cones separated by comfortable distance, Cone 1-25 Merkins, Cone 2-50 Squats, Cone 3-75 Mountain Climbers, Cone 4-100 SSH). Run back to start after each completed cone.  Mosey to bathroom parking lot….

Totem Pole: 10 Burpees, 9 OHC, 8 Merkins, 7 Mountain Climbers, 6 Squat Jumps, 5 8ct Body Builders, 4 Diamond Merkins, 3 Calve Raises, 2 SSH, 1 Good Morning – Perform all exercises then run to other side of lot and back, knocking off the top exercise each round. Mosey to Dragon’s Tail……

1 Burpee at each light pole as we mosey up the hill back to shovel flag.

Dealer’s Choice: Had a few of the PAX who have not Q’d yet call the exercises and cadence. They did awesome!

37 Strong to include FNG “Twilight.”

Talked about two actions/traits that helped early Christians overtake the Roman Empire against insurmountable odds:
1) Love – they demonstrated a type of love that had never been seen before in Roman society. They loved sacrificially. They loved the unloveable. It was strange and did not make sense to the largely unbelieving Roman populous. Unbelievers took notice and were attracted to it, adding to the numbers of believers.
2) Generosity – They gave sacrificially to the poor and outcast with joy in their hearts, people who were marginalized by Roman society. Again, unbelievers noticed, were amazed, and added to the Christian population.

How can you cultivate this type of Love and Generosity in your own life?

When we all go home today, you will be surrounded by a different “PAX”: your wife, your kids, your friends, coworkers, etc. Step up and be their “Q”, leading virtuously. Let what we learned out here today transition and have an impact in our daily lives outside of F3. That’s what F3 is about!
There was a lot of discussion and “teaching” by the Q.  I hope the men that showed benefited from my efforts.  It was a blessing to lead today.  Grow School afterwards was awesome: Abscess talked leadership and more Q101 while Steam showed his tech skills and showed everyone how to post a BB, add FNGs, etc.
Dog Pound Pull-Up Bar Install immediately after.

friday friyay

THE SCENE: cold, but dry
10 ea:
Flutter kicks
Baby arm circles (both ways)

R & R


Mosey to the coupon pile at Nicholas Cage’s temple. Pick your coupon wisely!

Go to hill between the church and masonic temple

20 curls at bottom
Over head carry to top of the hill
20 coupon squats
Drop coupon
Run back to the bottom of the hill
20 merkins
Run to the top of the hill
20 ssh
Over head carry to the bottom of the hill

R and R

Mosey to the parking lot on Hotel

CMU Circut:
25 KB swings
20 OH press
15 squat press
10 curl & tricep ext
5 block burpee press

25 bbs

R and R (total three rounds)

hold plank in front of CMU for no particular count.
move hands on top of CMU and perform 2 merkins
move back to ground, then to elbows, back to standard plan, to CMU and perform 2 merkins.

R and R


King, Queen , Jester

Q 101 Saturday at Asylum

Sweet, Steamy 16


Colder than a polar bear’s toe-nail in the middle of winter in Antarctica – BUT GOOD TO BE ALIVE


  • Welcome to F3: Fitness/Fellowship/Faith
  • Name is Steam and I’m honored to be your QIC this morning
  • Couple things before we begin:
    • Not a pro
    • You’re here on your own volition – you made a choice to be here this morning: make it count!
    • If you need to modify anything we do this morning feel free to do so but push yourself and those around you. They deserve it and so do you.
  • I will have my phone, water, CPR and a med kit inside my ruck just so everyone is aware as well. If you got keys/wallet/whatever go ahead and throw em in there



  • SSHs: 12×4 IC
  • Rockette: 12×4 IC
  • Windmill: 12×4 IC 

  • Baby Arm Circles: 6×4 F & 6×4 B
  • Mountain Climbers: 12×4 IC
  • Army Standard Merkins (shoutout to Soot): 12×4 IC



(Mosey to new small track)

  1. The 50 Cent
  • Battle Buddy up
  • Execute 10 BB sit-ups (only 1 BB)
    • Take a lap together
  • Execute 10 BB sit-ups (other BB)
    • Take a lap
  • Rinse & Repeat until each BB has completed 50 total BB sit-ups
    • As a team y’all will switch who is executing the BB sit-ups before the lap = 10 laps total as a team

(15 count)

(Q calls on the 2 FNGs to share a fun fact about themselves as PAX are catching their breath)

(mosey to closer side of the small bridge over WFP water)

  1. 27s
    • Battle buddy up
    • 1 side of the water/abyss: merkins (1 count)
    • Roundabout (other side): lunge (1 count)
    • Start with 26 merkins here :: 1 lunge there

(Q reminds PAX that it’s okay if the plan doesn’t go exactly as planned – push hard for 10 minutes and see where we are together)

  • PAX gets down to 20 merkins together and CRUSHES 10 minutes of 27s

(PAX mosey up the stairs towards the big ball and then back down facing the greenspace)

  • 2 columns
  • BB American Indian Run back to the AO
    • BB team in the back sprints up and recovers to the front
  • A Big Ball Classic: Cadence Call on the mosey back home aka Call & Repeat
    • “F3”
    • “Good for You”
    • “Good for Me”
    • HOOAH”
    • “HA-HA”
    • “HOOAH”
    • HA-HA”
    • “1 2 3”
    • “I love F3”
    • “4 5 6”
    • “Picking Up Sticks”
    • ” 7 and 8″
    • “F3 is great”
    • “9 and 10”
    • “Let’s do it all again”
    • “HOOAH”
    • “HA-HA”



(PAX circle back up in the AO with 60 seconds left in the game)

  • SSH: 20 x 4 IC


14 PAX – 2 FNGs

PAX: G-6, 8 Seconds, Clark, Swanson, Backdraft, Post Man, Half-Calf, Abort, Amazon, Dovetail, Bubblewrap, Reverb, Walrus, Steam

FNGs: Juice Box and Waco



[ The Process of Pruning ]



  • John 15:1-2 = “I am the true vine and my father is the vinedresser. Every branch in me that does not bear fruit he takes away, and every branch that does bear fruit he prunes, that it may bear more fruit.”
  • Definition = “to trim by cutting away dead or overgrown branches or stems, especially to increase fruitfulness and growth”
  • Wikipedia: The practice entails targeted removal of diseased, damaged, dead, non-productive, structurally unsound, or otherwise unwanted tissue from crop and landscape plants
  • This is not an easy process or even a fun process for the tree I’m sure.
  • Thinking about the process of pruning, think about this: The pruner cares too much/loves too much to let their tree/shrub be covered with structurally unsound or diseased/damaged limbs. The Father loves us so much – that He would lead us into the fire and walk with us through it as He continually prunes us and refines us as High Impact Men for HIS glory.

Keep the Faith & Fight the Good Fight men!