F3 Knoxville

Circle Drill at Big Ball

THE SCENE: Low 30s, calm.

SSH – x25 IC 4CT

Imperial Walkers – x10 IC 4CT

Annie’s – x10 forward arms, x5 backward arms. IC

Cherry Pickers – x10 IC

Mosey to the Big Ball stairs

  • 25 BBS OYO at the bottom level
  • 30 Merkins OYO at middle level
  • 35 LBCs OYO at the top level

Mosey to Circle by Convention Center entrance

  • Do 1 lap after every set. Go down the list and then work your way back up the list. Flutters or BBS when done.
  • 35x Cobra Merkins
  • 35x LBCs
  • 35x Plank Jacks 1CT
  • 20x Man Maker Burpees
  • 35x American Hammers
  • 35x Squats

Mosey to top of Big Ball stairs.

  • 35 LBCs OYO at the top level
  • 30 Merkins OYO at the middle level
  • 25 BBS OYO at the bottom level
  • Plank when done for some plank exercises and 1 tempo merkin.

Mosey back toward AO –

  • Mosey backwards for half the long stretch of road by the park
  • Sprint second half

Choose your own adventure – 20 reps of an exercise from each of the PAX. I was so tired I’ve already forgotten them all… Burpee drill until time at the end.
The Voice, G-6, Abort, Ivy, Reverb, Filter
Pat Summitt’s Definite Dozen – Be accountable! To one another, to yourself, admit your mistakes.
G-6’s son, Filter’s MIL, Aunt-in-law, and mom, Swanson and fam,
The Quacken launch on Friday, March 1 at 5:30am.

Thunderstruck Annie OTB

THE SCENE: PERFECT – Low 50s. Cloudy. Dry.

I, sirs, am not a professional.

SSH x25 IC 4CT

Cherry Pickers x10 IC

Annie IC – 7 each arm forward and back IC

  • Plank position. Extend one arm out to do a BAC 7x forward. Switch arms and repeat. Switch arms and reverse rotation. Bonus points for doing them at the same time…

Air Squared –

  • People’s chair with 20 overhead claps OYO

Mosey to parking lot across the street.

4 stations, 30 reps each lap, 5 laps total.

  • 150 merkins
  • 150 imperial walkers 2CT
  • 150 overhead claps 1CT
  • 150 curb jumps

BBS when done.

Time left –

  • Sprint one end of the lot to the other. Do 1 burpee. Sprint back. Repeat 3x.

Mosey back to AO.

PAX selected 20 reps of their favorite exercise for the group to do:

Flutter kicks 4CT IC, BBS OYO, American Hammers 4CT IC, Squats IC

Thunderstruck – do one pushup every time they say “Thunder” or “Thunderstruck” and plank otherwise for the duration of the song.

Tempo Squats until time. 20 IC

Mr. Wedgie, Frasier, Abort, Clinger, Herbie, Filter
Prayers for Wedgie’s mom, Filters mom, MIL, and aunt-in-law, Frasier’s big decisions,
Philippians 2:3-4 – “Do nothing from rivalry or conceit, but in humility count others more significant than yourselves. Let each of you look not only to his own interests, but also to the interests of others.”
AO launch on Friday, March 1 at 5:30am!

surf and turf ruck

THE SCENE: 52* and rainy, great day to build some character

Gear inspection and move out, no warm up here.  Gear included: all ruckers with rucks at challenge weight + water, one 60 pound sandbag (Irene), one 80 pound sandbag (Black Betty).  Ruck up and move to Emerald Youth soccer fields.

Quick warm up there:
Tempo squats
BAC forward
Chinooks (or Sudokus)

Workout began with pushup and situp test from APFT/Heavy PT test.  Partner up and hold each other’s feet, then fist on the ground for pushups while partner performs 2 minutes max pushups and 2 minutes max situps.  PAX to try to remember and see how they improve after 2 month winter challenge from Charity Challenges.

Next was to dine on some surf and turf, stolen from Brickyard workout A-Rod posted last week.

  • 100 yard bear crawl
  • Take a break with 5 rounds of Amazon complex with 60 pound sandbag
  • 100 yard crab walk (this was funnnn)
  • Another break with 5 more rounds of Amazon complex (burpee over bag, strict curl, clean, squat, press toss to next man)

Ruck up and move back towards start point.

Once back at start point for false finish, take sandbags off shoulders and hold them in front for some extra distance carries.  Basically walking and kicking the sandbag while smoking already toasty shoulders.  Trade out sandbags at even intervals.

No time for Mary, which was nice since it was soaking wet (though we already were too).

4 weirdos: Swanson, Pfeiffer, Amazon, Abort

Ringing the B.E.L.L.S.

THE SCENE: Nice and crisp – feelin’ like a spring day!

  • 15 Baby Arm Circles – Reverse it
  • 25 SSH
  • 10 cherry pickers
  • 15 tempo squats
  • 10 tempo Merkins
  • 10 MTN climbers

Mosey on offer to the hill near the ‘ol Chocolate Factory, grab a partner and tackle the Burp Back Mountain.  100 total burpees.  While one partner does burpees the other sprints to the top of the hill, turns, and runs back.

Mosey over to the stairs beneath the glorious wig housing Big Ball and get ready for Elevens!  Start at the bottom of the stairs with 10 squats, run to the top, and perform 1 8-count bodybuilder.  Run back down the stairs for 9 squats, run up, 2 8-count bodybuilders… Keep going until 1 squat and 10 8-count bodybuilders.

Mosey over to the bridge beyond the big pond. Make your way across with Lt. Dans. Lt Dans = Lunge with right leg, lunge with left, squat… Repeat until halfway down.  Turn and mosey back towards the AO.  Stop just underneath the Big Ball and SPRINT back to the AO.

  • Burpback
  • Elevens
  • Lunge
  • Lunge
  • Sprint

= B.E.L.L.S.

Use the TAGS on right-side to record PAX (BE SURE TO INCLUDE YOURSELF) in attendance. Be sure to select the AO in CATEGORY above TAGS and then delete these notes!

Joan Cronan was the Athletic Director for the Lady Vols and worked with Pat Summit to help oversee much of the women’s athletics program’s success.  I once saw her give a talk about ensuring that every day you ring your B.E.L.L.S.  The B.E.L.L.S. are

  • Bible
  • Exercise
  • Learn
  • Letter of gratitude
  • Special project

These are daily habits that help ensure a well rounded and focused mind. Spend time in the Word, take care of your body daily, learn something new (as simple as a new word), let someone know you are grateful for them (read Ephesians 1:16 – pray for them by name), and take 5 minutes to straighten a junk drawer or toss old food out. That few minutes of chipping away at a bigger thing helps you eat the elephant one bite at a time.

CSAUP with the Bombshelter on Saturday! On a personal plug: fundraising pint night at Elkmont Exchange on Wed for Cystic Fibrosis 5-9pm

Nightmare after the Super Bowl

THE SCENE: Cool and crisp. Nice morning.

BAC x10 IC
Little bit of…
Sumo Shoulders x10 IC
Tempo Squats x10 IC
Merks 4ct x10 IC
5 Bodybuilders IC

Shoulder Shredder – 100 4ct OH Claps

Approach big hill near AO start. Going uphill: Bear crawl 12 paces, crawl bear 6 paces. Repeat until reaching the top

Mosey down to new lots.

Escalator using 4 corners: Perform exercises at Corner 1, run lap, Corner 1 + Corner 2, run lap, keep building for 4 corners
Corner 1: 10x Bodybuilders, 10x Merkins
Corner 2: 10x Bodybuilders, 10x Sit-up-ups
Corner 3: 10x Bodybuilders, 10x Crab Cakes
Corner 4: 10x Bodybuilders, 10x Angle Grinders

Mosey back to AO

Shoulder Shredder again

Discussed Jim Collins 20 mile march concept. Choose a goal and consistently move toward it instead of balls to the wall on good days and no movement at all on bad days. Apply this to the push-up/sit-up charity challenge and don’t get behind.  https://www.artofmanliness.com/articles/whats-your-20-mile-march/ 

2nd F lunch Wednesday @ Jamaica Sunrise in Maryville
CSAUP at Bomb Shelter this Saturday