F3 Knoxville

1st Official OTB Ruck Workout at B.B.

Cold. Clear. 30 degrees.

Explained the format of these workouts moving forward. 100% of these will be used for event prep.

  1. Dress as you would for an event. Test out your clothing that you want to wear (i.e. will these baselayers and a small windbreaker keep me warm during the event?, should I try out these new shoes?). Recommended to never wear shorts. Low crawls will occur on the reg.
  2. Pack like you would for an event. Should contain, at a minimum: reflectors, headlamp, 30# weight, full water bladder, ID (don’t worry about quitter’s cash :)) Pack extra weight than you usually do. The worst thing about training with only 30# weight is discovering that your ruck weighs ~48# at the start of an event.
  3. Sandbags and coupons will be present at EVERY workout. You can crush all the ruck PT and cardio that you want, but if you can’t carry heavy shit for long distances, you’re going to have a bad time at an event.
  4. Workouts will sometime consist of only carrying coupons for the entire duration of the workout. Other times there will be shorter distances covered with more sandbag and ruck PT.
  5. This is not an F3 workout. So instead of circling up like an F3 workout, we will line up in ranks & columns like the administrative phase of an event. The QIC will “inspect” rucks for minimum items listed above. This will get you used to unpacking and packing in a hurry. We may do some “dump it” and “pack it” days with time hacks.
  6. Like the Tough page, to Q one of these workouts, you will first have to have completed a Tough or higher event. Light only doesn’t count.

BAC x10 IC
SSH x15 IC
Squat x10 IC
Merkins x10 OYO

Coupons in tow: 80# sandbag, 60# sandbag

Ruck to the soccer fields and onto the turf. All workouts below with rucks on.

Phase 1:
Line up along the end line with sandbags. Partner up. Pick your poison (80# or 60#).
Partner A: Clean, squat, toss sandbag in front of you. Repeat & continue until end of penalty box (18 yds). Shoulder sandbag and run it back
Partner B: 5 Merkins, 10 Ruck Presses, 15 Front Squats R&R until partner returns
2 sets each

Phase 2:
Daisy chain 80# & 60# bags together.
2 people: bear crawl drag sandbag for 12 yards. Front carry it back
remaining team: 10 flutter kicks, 5 get ups (ruck in front). R&R until group returns
Swap out and repeat until every person completes the bear crawl twice

2 sets of Front, Back, Go for 45 seconds.

Phase 3:
Sandbags still daisy chained
2 people: low crawl drag for 12 yards. Farmer carry back
remaining team: 10 squats, 10 merkins. R&R until group returns
Swap out and repeat until every person completes the low crawl twice

1 set of Front, Back, Go

Phase 4:
Circle up. Sandbags are with random PAX.
Burpee, clean & shoulder the sandbag, toss it clockwise to the next person
Repeat until each person tossed the 80# 6 times

5- 8ct bodybuilders

Phase 5:
Partner Up. 3 people on the 80#. 2 people on the 60#
Burpee, curl, clean, squat, toss to next person
Repeat until each person performs 10 reps

PAX head back to AO

5- 8ct bodybuilders

“Leveling Up” our Fitness

THE SCENE: Cold, wet, and slippery

10x BAC IC

10x Chinooks IC

25x SSH IC

20x Imperial Walkers IC

x10 lunge, to instep, with rotation (5 each side)

x12 Merkins IC

x20 MTN Climbers IC

x15 Tempo Squat IC

x10 Burpees OYO


Mosey on over to the 11th street garage, started at the bottom and partner up! 3 exercises completed with partner.  One partner exercises while the other runs up one level, turns and runs back.

  • 300 Squats
  • 200 LBCs
  • 100 Merkins

Mosey up one level and a little variation on the BurpBack Mountain.  One PAX Devin Hesters halfway up a level of parking garage, runs back down to rest of crew at the bottom.  Alternate one PAX running at a time until all have Devin Hester and run back twice.  All non-running PAX do burpees until their turn is up for a Devin Hester

Watch what you eat in the broadest sense possible. Be mindful of what your consuming (reading, watching, etc) and who you are listening to… Jeremiah 3:15 & Proverbs 11:14

3rd F Prep Work

THE SCENE: Brisk morning, temp in the 30’s

SSH, A little of this and a little of that, Tempo Squats, Tempo Merkins

Mosey to Sunsphere to tackle the stairs.

  • Bear crawl up stairs with 5 Merkins at the middle and top
  • Lunge up stairs with 5 squats at the middle and top
  • Repeat

Mosey to parking lot S7.  Divide up into 4 teams for a relay.  One man runs the length of lot while others do flutter kicks.  Each man takes a turn running.  Recover.  Same thing with plank/Merkins.

Mosey to parking lot C15.  Everyone grabbed a coupon for the following:

  • Curls x 10 – run up stairs and back
  • Presses x 10 – run up stairs and back
  • Flutter kicks with coupon over head x 10 – run up stairs and back
  • Squats x 10 – run up stairs and back

Recover then everyone does American Hammer with coupon x 10 IC.  Also a round of circle burps without coupons.

Mosey to amplitheater for some SSH IC.  Mosey back to AO while Steam lead F3 cadence. Wrap up with a round of “leg pushes” (not sure if it has a name, everyone on their backs, legs up pointing outside circle. Each man runs around pushing everyone’s legs down.)  Over head claps x 25

22 HIM’s total with 3 FNG’s
Philippians 2:3-4  Do nothing from selfish ambition or conceit, but in humility count others more significant than yourselves.  Let each of you look not only to his own interests, but also to the interests of others.

We can all be selfish with our time and resources.  Let’s humble ourselves and seek to serve others in a way that glorifies God.  Put others first and seek to do what we can to meet their needs and not just our own.
Everyone keep in mind the Fountain City AO that they are trying to get started.  If anyone can attend some of those workouts it would be greatly appreciated especially to the Mend House guys who have been coming out.

3rd F event immediately followed.  Great job to the guys who spoke!!  Very encouraging and insightful.

Big Ball Ladder

THE SCENE: Cold and Frosty
DISCLAIMER: Yup, still not a professional!

15 Merkins IC

15 HillBilly’s IC

Mosey to the base of the Big Ball

Ladder from 1 to 10 to 1

at the base of the Big Ball 1x the rung of the ladder – Pull-ups

at the first landing of steps 3x the rung of the ladder – Merkins

at the top landing of steps 5x the rung of the ladder – LBC

make sure to explain that once you climb the ladder, you have to come back down!

do the right thing, not the convenient

mend house on Wednesday and Friday. 3rd F on Saturday

Big Ball Holiday Lights Tour

THE SCENE: 39 degrees + windy with plenty of Christmas lights to warm the heart

SSH, Merkins, Imperial Walkers, BBS.

  • Mosey down to WFP waterfall bridge to bear crawl across / plank when done
  • Mosey to base of Big Ball stairs
    • 15 BBS at base level
    • 15 Merkins at middle level
    • 15 BBS at top level / plank when done
  • Mosey to Henley St. pedestrian bridge
    • Monkey Drill (modified) across
    • Al Gore at the corner
  • Mosey to Market Square
    • Partners pair up – one runs a lap around the square enjoying the holiday lights while the other does the thing – repeat as necessary
    • 200 Merkins (or until 2 laps are completed by both partners – then next exercise)
    • 200 LBCs (or until 2 laps are completed by both partners – then next exercise)
    • 200 Imperial Walkers (or until 2 laps are completed by both partners)
    • Plank


  • Mosey back to pedestrian bridge – mini Bear Crawl across the middle portion
  • Mosey to top of Big Ball stairs
    • 15 Burpees OYO at top level
    • 10 Merkins OYO at middle level
    • 10 BBS OYO at bottom level / plank when done
  • Mosey back to AO

Quote from Pat Summitt’s “Definite Dozen” – Discipline yourself so no one else has to.

We work on our self-discipline by posting and working hard in the gloom while making ourselves and others better.
No prayer requests. Thanks to Hostage for joining us from Texas!
3rd F is this Saturday!