F3 Knoxville

Burpley Mile

THE SCENE: 30 and dropping

mosey to the elementary school, 20 squats , 20 merkins and 20 rows. Oh, so nobody brought a team weight, we had a 10 burpee penalty . Mosey in to BMS track

Burpley Mile;

  • Stop every 1/4 lap and do burpees. Starting w 20 all the way down to 1.
  • Ends up being just over a mile 1.25 +\-
  • 210 burpees total
  • Between each set of burps, front carry ruck to the next stop.
  • aftercompletion, we found the COW(150lbs), dead by the track. 8 pax cost shared carrying the COW ALL THE WAY back to the AO . The kicker was that we had to make it back by 6:15. It was a success!!
  • about 4.5 miles for the total Ruck

8 Pax strong!
What is your why? What pushed you through the suck? When things get tough, it’s easy to fall into a dark place but if you can or know your why, stay positive , you can push through anything !
Insert any personal comments, notes, devotion content, etc.
Insert information about upcoming events, 2nd or 3rd F opportunities, and any other announcements.

Stairs of Doom


A warm 40 and crystal clear sky

Cherry Pickers x10 IC, Baby Arm Circles (Forward/Reverse) x10 IC, Side Straddle Hops x25 IC

PAX formed two lines of 7 and we moseyed to the backside of The Hill on UT campus for some work on a beautiful and brutal staircase.  The PAX picked a battle buddy to complete the following:

Partner A sprint to the top of the stairs and do 2 burpees while Partner B does 25 merkins and jump rope at the base of the hill.  Partners A & B interchange and this will be completed 4 times for both partners.

As a PAX we moseyed up the stairs and reformed our two lines.  We kept a tightly formed two lines and moseyed to the Humanities building outdoor Amphitheater and performed the following:

  • 11’s with Prisoner Box Jumps (Hands locked behind head) and Dips

The PAX then did a two line indian run around the backside of campus and headed back to the AO.  Along the way we performed 40 Flutter Kicks IC  on a 4 count and moseyed to the AO.  As we came to the infield across from AO the PAX did a jailbreak sprint and we circled up. 

40 Flutter Kicks IC on a 4 count along the mosey back to the AO.
15 PAX (3 FNG’s)
“Don’t look out only for your own interests, but take an interest in others, too. (NLT)” -Phillipians 2:4

We all as human nature would have it worry about ourselves.  I know that I do the same at home with my wife in regards to helping at the house or with the dog, etc. after a long road game or a stressful day but she needs my help as a teammate and spouse.  This is true for all of us in lots of areas, the challenge today is to see how we can be sensitive to other’s needs and adhere to them today.

Insert any personal comments, notes, devotion content, etc.
Insert information about upcoming events, 2nd or 3rd F opportunities, and any other announcements.

Potato salad

THE SCENE: 33* or so and spitting snow every now and then

SSH x25 IC
Imperial Walkers x10 IC
Merkins on 4 ct, x13 IC
THA-THANG: Form two lines, begin mosey toward amphitheater.  Just past it at the first pedestrian bridge, stop and Al Gore waiting on the 6.  Once all in, PAX perform 5 burpees OYO.  Form back up into two lines, each line does Indian Run on mosey toward C15 parking lot behind Neyland Stadium.  C15 parking lot has eight cones prepared in an octagon, each with an exercise at the cone. Exercises as follows:

  • Hello Dolly
  • Burpees
  • Decline merkins
  • Lunges (count for each leg)
  • WWII Sit ups
  • Lion kings (with rocks)
  • Jump squats
  • Catalina wine mixers

PAX partner up and pick a cone to start at. Perform 8 reps of exercise, bear crawl to next cone. Make your way around the Octagon and back to the cone you started at. Meet in the middle of the Octagon (PAX finished about the same time). Once in the middle, Q leads 10 wide merkins, immediately followed by 10 regular merkins, immediately followed by 10 diamond merkins. Recover.

PAX go back to their original starting cone, repeating the routine this time performing 16 of each exercise. No bear crawls, once exercise is completed, PAX run on the outside of the Octagon making a loop and going to the next cone. Continue again until original cone is reached.  PAX again meet in the middle for Mary.  Q leads flutter kicks 20x IC.  Savannah then leads PAX in hello Dolly’s x20 IC.

Recover and 10 count.  PAX again form two lines and begin Indian Run back towards AO.  Stop again at pedestrian bridge where we did burpees heading out.  Q leads PAX in 8 ct body builders, 10x IC.  Form two lines again and Indian Run back to AO for Mary.

Captain Thor (reach 16:4) IC
Box Cutters x20 IC
Iron Cross Flutter Kicks (led by Pfeiffer) x20 IC (we were all dead except him)
18 PAX: Quarantine, Butterfly, El Presidente, Plunger, Pfeiffer, Frank, Rousey, Ponder, Savannah, Amazon, Swanson, Gretzky, G6, Sugar Daddy, Petey, Bessie, Rascal, Abort
Q brought potato salad ingredients as props.  The same boiling water that softens the potato hardens the egg.  Life isn’t about your circumstances, it’s about what you’re made of.  Challenge us all to view our obstacles and hardships as opportunities to better ourselves.
Pray for Petey as he begins interview process, that interviews go well and that he is able to stay in Knoxville.

Tour of Downtown Powell

THE SCENE: A balmy 36 degrees.  Clear skies.


  • Side Straddle Hop
  • Baby Arm Circle
  • This Right Here
  • That Over There
  • Susan Somers

Tour Of Downtown Powell – Three Laps around the circuit below

  1. Powell High School – Curls for the Girls with CMU
  2. Frontier Phone Company – Mountain Climber Merkins
  3. First Tennessee Bank – ATMs
  4. Steamboat Subs – Monkey Humpers
  5. Half Time Pizza / Cajun Cookhouse – WMDs
  6. Splash Pad – Squat Jumps

Walls of Jericho – 7 reps of 7 exercises followed by 7 laps around a building to tear it down

  1. BBSU
  2. Merkins
  3. Squats
  4. Flutter Kicks
  5. Carolina Dry Docks
  6. Iron Mike
  7. LBC

Train Tracks – after a mosey to the Powell High football field – modified Indian Run starting on the goal line – first man runs to 5 yard line then lays down, next man run over him and lays on the 10 yard line, next man runs over both and lays on the 15.  When last PAX has run over the 5 yard line, first man gets up and runs over all PAX members and lays down on the next yard markers.  Down to one endzone and back to starting point

Return to AO
No time here…
11 total including one FNG – we christened him “Zamboni” for busting his tail while reffing his first Ice Bears game
Psalm 46:10 – “Be Still and Know that I am God” – Encouragement today to trust that God has you and takes care of you.  As the chaos of life can overwhelm us take comfort in the fact that God is in control.  Don’t panic…relax and Be Still.

Prayers for Logan (a teenager) as he battles cancer in Madisonville.  Continued recovery for the Brickyard PAX as we fight off the flu.

Lifehouse Coffee was on point this AM

Part of your balanced breakfast

THE SCENE: Like 26 or something.  Dry and comfy… good grief, I don’t think I even feel the daggum air anymore.

SSH x15 IC, then x15 more I-Faster-C
Burpees x5 OYO
Plank Twist and Reach Through x10 IC each side
LBAC x15 each way IC
Hindurkins x10 IC
Burpees x5
Al Gore Tuck x10 IC
Bear Crawl around the outside of the circle!
Dang, that feels farther than it looks.

Insert information about the workout.
Mosey over to the amphitheater… Balance set up at the top.
14 PAX, so load one side with 2 handfuls of gems (about 60)
PAX gather at the bottom of the stairs
Everyone does sets of 15 merkins OYO, taking a gem up the stairs to the balance and moseying back around the path.
Once the balance tips, dump one side and everyone switches to sets of 15 BBS.
One more tip, switch to sets of 10 Box Jumps on the stage.

After about 3 sets of Box Jumps we’re running out of time. Gather at the top and Indian Run back to the AO

Circle up on your six:
Flutter Kicks x15 IC
Slutter Kicks x15 IC
Side Crunch x15 IC each side
Superman Swims x15 IC
AMRAP Merkins until time called!

14 today – 2x the number of completeness. Perfectly balanced!  Sorry Petey, couldn’t find you on the site to tag you…
1 Corinthians 9:24-27
Do you not know that in a race all the runners run, but only one gets the prize? Run in such a way as to get the prize. Everyone who competes in the games goes into strict training. They do it to get a crown that will not last, but we do it to get a crown that will last forever. Therefore I do not run like someone running aimlessly; I do not fight like a boxer beating the air. No, I strike a blow to my body and make it my slave so that after I have preached to others, I myself will not be disqualified for the prize.

We are all out here this morning exercising physical discipline in training our bodies. I probably wouldn’t exactly call F3 strict training, but it does take a good amount of self-discipline to pull your socks on at 5am and get out in the cold. And, as anyone who’s been away from the gloom for a while can tell you, the “crown” we gain out here of a modicum of physical fitness certainly doesn’t last.

So I want to encourage you throughout the day to exercise in your spiritual life that same level and more of self-discipline and the intentionality of action, looking forward to the prize that your Lord has for you.

It was great sharing the gloom with you HIMs this morning! Sorry to Peach Fuzz for getting the “same Q second verse” treatment, having experienced the balance at JUCO on Monday…
Pray for Popeye and a group from Celebrate Recovery heading down to St Kitts to minister to people whose lives are gripped by destructive addictions!