F3 Knoxville


The Scene

Perfect Gloom


F3 Welcome and Disclaimer

Fitness, Fellowship, Faith, Free, Modify, Not Professional, Own Volition, Social Distance, Phone



Cherry Pickers

Thai Fighter Arm Circles

Seal claps


Tempo Squats

Bear Crawl F/S/B/S/F




Mosey to track and field hill

13 one heel elevated squats 

Bear crawl to curb, run up hill, recover down and hold plank until everyone returns


Down to 1 by 3’s


Mosey to CMU pile stopping halfway for 10 BBS/Glute bridges


13 exercises – 13 reps – .13 mile run

We only got through exercise 8



CMU Box Jumps

CMU Swings

Overhead Press

CMU lunges

Carolina Dry Docks

Mountain Climber Knee Taps

Freddy Mercury

Curb Dips

CMU Squats


Burpees over CMU


Mosey to AO switching between Bernie and mosey



Imperial Walkers for 45 seconds



17 HIM’s



Joshua 1:9

“Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be frightened, and do not be dismayed, for the LORD your God is with you wherever you go.” 


Isaiah 41:10

“Fear not, for I am with you; be not dismayed, for I am your God; I will strengthen you, I will help you, I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.”  





100 yard Burpee Broadjump Dash

  • Scene: We thought it was gonna rain.. it was muggy damp for sure but no rain.  66 degrees felt like 77.
  • Welcome: FFF – Live it love it breath it – the only payment is in sweat 
  • Warm-up:
    • SSH
    • Slow Lunge stretch
    • Slow Cherry pickers
    • More slow lunge stretches with holds.
    • Slowsey
    • Several burpees combined with high knees on the way to Track
    • Couple random downward dogs + upward dogs
    • More high knee + burpees
    • Two Burpee broad jumps
    • Reverse Bear crawl across street
    • Two Burpee broad jumps
    • Bear crawl across street
    • Two Burpee broad jumps
    • Bernie across street
    • Two Burpee Broad jump
    • Sprint across street.
    • Slowsey to track.
  • Workout
    • In single file line progress down the football field using this pattern of exercise
      • Burpee Broad jump for 5 yards directly down the sideline
      • Reverse Bear Crawl Straight across field on the 5 yard line
      • Burpee Broad jump for 5 yards directly down the sideline to the 10 yard line
      • Bear Crawl Straight across field on the 10 yard line
      • Burpee Broad jump for 5 yards directly down the sideline to the 15 yard line
      • Bernie Straight across field on the 15 yard line
      • Burpee Broad jump for 5 yards directly down the sideline to the 20 yard line
      • Sprint Straight across the field on the 20 yard line.
    • Repeat the above pattern zig zagging across and down the field until time called. We made it to the 20 yard line.
  • Circle of Trust
    • Luke 8:15 “But the seed on good soil stands for those with a noble and good heart, who hear the word, retain it, and by persevering produce a crop.”  God’s word is the surgeon we need  (Hebrews 4:12), I encouraged and exhorted the men to retain and persevere with, in and through God’s word today. You won’t regret it, it will bear fruit.

  • Announcements
    • Congratulations to Judge Judy – our new Natan – transitioned this last weekend.  Remember to lift him up in prayer.



Out of Juice

THE SCENE: Clear and mid-40s. Just cool enough that you don’t drip too much sweat.

20x SSH IC
5x Cherry Pickers IC
9x Failure to Launch IC
15x LBAC both ways, Overhead Claps, and Raise the Roof
15x Crabettes IC
My third Q this week… Creative juices are running low. Today is half of each of two previous beatdows, smashed together.

Mosey/Bernie to the CMUs, each pick one.
Battle Buddy up for the first section, a modified Dora.
One PAX does specified reps of stationary exercise while the other performs the specified moving exercise.
When reps are done, stationary PAX goes to relieve moving PAX, who switches to the stationary. All exercies (stationary and moving) done with CMU.
When this was last Tuesday’s CMUesday at the asylum, each PAX did each exercise twice. Today, each exercise just once.

10 Bus Drivers / Mosey
15 Blockees / Bear Crawl
20 V-Ups / Rifle Carry
25 Derkins / Weighted Duck Walk
30 Squats / Murder Bunnies
35 Curls / Twist Lunge

After putting up the blocks, time for a little Bump and Run.
Exercises in each of the parking lot’s 4 corners. Start with PAX at each corner, plus one “bump” group. Begin work, each corner does reps until bumped. “Bump” group moseys from one corner to the next, bumping the group there to the next station.

Pickle Pounders
Embrace the Earth Burpees

Just a little mosey back to the AO
Perfect 10 today, ideal number for both beatdown fragments.
Utmost.org from yesterday (Nov 5):

Partakers of His Suffering

…but rejoice to the extent that you partake of Christ’s sufferings… —1 Peter 4:13

If you are going to be used by God, He will take you through a number of experiences that are not meant for you personally at all. They are designed to make you useful in His hands, and to enable you to understand what takes place in the lives of others. Because of this process, you will never be surprised by what comes your way. You say, “Oh, I can’t deal with that person.” Why can’t you? God gave you sufficient opportunities to learn from Him about that problem; but you turned away, not heeding the lesson, because it seemed foolish to spend your time that way.

The sufferings of Christ were not those of ordinary people. He suffered “according to the will of God” (1 Peter 4:19), having a different point of view of suffering from ours. It is only through our relationship with Jesus Christ that we can understand what God is after in His dealings with us. When it comes to suffering, it is part of our Christian culture to want to know God’s purpose beforehand. In the history of the Christian church, the tendency has been to avoid being identified with the sufferings of Jesus Christ. People have sought to carry out God’s orders through a shortcut of their own. God’s way is always the way of suffering— the way of the “long road home.”

Are we partakers of Christ’s sufferings? Are we prepared for God to stamp out our personal ambitions? Are we prepared for God to destroy our individual decisions by supernaturally transforming them? It will mean not knowing why God is taking us that way, because knowing would make us spiritually proud. We never realize at the time what God is putting us through— we go through it more or less without understanding. Then suddenly we come to a place of enlightenment, and realize— “God has strengthened me and I didn’t even know it!”
Not sure what was going on in that white van that was idling in the parking lot with an empty driver’s seat. Kinda wanted to run close by it so maybe the doors open and I get snatched in and don’t have to do any more burpees.
Tomorrow! Tomorrow! Convergence! Tomorrow!

Shamrock – Prayer Run

THE SCENE: 34F at Shamrock

Side Straddle hop (IC) 4 CT x 25

Monkey Humpers (IC) 4 CT x 10

On your back Side Straddle hop x25 OYO

Freddy Mercury – (IC) 4 CT x 10


Line up at one end of parking lot. 

Round 1: Bear Crawl to each line and do 2 Peter Parkers for 20 total

Round 2: Crab walk with 3-5lbs rock on stomach to each line do 20 American Hammers single count, utilizing rock as your hammer. 

Mosey – stop for Irkins, Dips and squats on sidewalk

Mosey to the CMU pile and circle up: 

If you finish early you choose an Ab exercise that everyone does while we wait for the six. 

#1: 25 Bench Press, 25, Curls, 25 rows

Pray for our leaders ( in office, pastors, bosses ) while we run a lap

#2: 50 Bench Press, 50, Curls, 50 rows

Pray for someone who is on your heart ( wife, girlfriend, family member or friend ) while we run a lap

#3: 75 Bench Press, 75, Curls, 75 rows

Pray for you ( have an honest time of reflection with God about yourselves ) while we Mosey back to the AO

Lunge to each line and do 5 squats for 50 total

13 HIMS including 1 FNG “Nanner”

Anchorman, Baby Boomer, Betty, Curveball, Finger Food, Flower Pot, Hurl, Jenner, Mermaid, Nadia, Pringle, Waxjob, Nanner


Prayer. I felt called to exercise my communication with God today. I’m great at praying with my family at the dinner table and with my kids at night before bed. During the day I tend to put God on mute and I always kick myself for not praying more. 

1 Thessalonians 5:16-18NET

16 Always rejoice, 17 constantly pray, 18 in everything give thanks. For this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus.

Betty’s wife – newborn recovery.  Baby Boomer’s kid with broken leg.


Pre Halloween Mullets and Treats

THE SCENE: Crisp and Clear Fall Morning

Motivators from 7, Tempo Squats, baby arm circles forward & Backward, shoulder stretches

Mosey to CMU pile
Grab 2 cmu’s, one for each hand
four corners have exercises, rinse and repeat at each corner
farmer carry between each station
corner 1 arms
25 curls
20 Alpos
15 Tri extensions
Corner 2 legs
25 Squats
20 Lunges
25 calf raises
Corner 3
25 shrugs
25 vertical bench press
10 each single arm rows from plank
Corner 4
20 dips
20 deep merkins
20 straight leg dead lift

Sparrow (11 years old) called out Cheatsheet (51 years old) for not doing a leg exercise.  Cheatsheet became animated and talked a bunch of trash.  Sparrow challenged Cheatsheet to a race, so after the workout was over, we did about a 100M sprint where Cheatsheet narrowly edged out Sparrow.  Cheatsheet was going crazy, and we reminded him that he beat an 11 year old in a race.  Good times were had by all!!!


No time for poor Mary


We are living in a world where God is not put first, and the world suffers from the works of the flesh.  We need to make God a priority, and exemplify the Fruit of the Spirit.