F3 Knoxville

Don’t Over Indulge


THE SCENE: Crisp but Coolish June Morning

Tie Fighters
Cherry Pickers
Arm & Shoulder Stretching


1st & 10
Start at goal line, do 11’s.
end zone 1 pickle pounders (4ct)
end zone 2 LBC’s (4ct)
do 10, sprint to endzone and do 1, slowsey back to 10
do 9 at 10 YL, sprint to endzone, do 2, slowsey back to 20
do 8 at 20 YL, Sprint to endzone, do 3 and slowsey back to 30
do 7 at 30 YL, Sprint to endzone, do 4 and slowsey back to 40
do 6 at 40 YL, Sprint to endzone, do 5 and slowsey back to 50
do 5 at 50 YL, Sprint to endzone, do 6 and slowsey back to 40
do 4 at 40 YL, Sprint to endzone, do 7 and slowsey back to 30
do 3 at 30 YL, Sprint to endzone, do 8 and slowsey back to 20
do 2 at 20 YL, Sprint to endzone, do 8 and slowsey back to 10
do 1 at 10 YL, Sprint to endzone, do 10 and slowsey back to the last guy and finish with him
Aiken Legs
Repeat this combo with no rest
20 squats, 20 box jumps, 20 lunges (10 ea leg), 20 twinkle toes

We did Aiken legs 2x then did 75 merkins.  25 wide, 25 regular, and 25 diamond
We circled up and a Pax would call out an ab exercise and lead us, then we would flip over and perform 10 merkins.  We did this for the last 10 minutes of the workout.  We were 5 people short of making it all the way around the circle.

Referenced Judges newsletter topic of Gluttony and explained how that struck a chord with me.  Don’t be a Glutton, and don’t do things in excess.  Eating, drinking, working, etc in excess can become a sin.  We did a lot of Ab work today so that we may have sore abs and remember to make better choices about what goes into our bodies.

We need Q’s and coffeeteria.