F3 Knoxville

Working on the things I hate

Burbs, Friday 24, May, 2019

THE SCENE: 70°F, Pleasant Gloom



Up lovers lane, around the outdoor pool, and back to the start.


Mosey to the high ground (YMCA parking lot next to the pull-up bars)

5 pullups (no ruck), 10 pushups (ruck on), 15 squats (ruck on)- 3 sets

Speed ruck about a 1 mile loop

5 pullups (no ruck), 10 8-counts (ruck on), 15 ruck thrusters- 3 sets

Speed ruck about a 1 mile loop

5 pullups (no ruck), 10 ruck get-ups, 15 ruck swings- 3 sets

Ruck the parking lot loop

5 pullups (no ruck), 10 overhead ruck press , 15 BBS (ruck on front)- 3 sets

Speed ruck until time




Judge Judy, Cosmo, Barbie, Cap’n Crunch, Snorkel, Archie (QIC)


We prayed


THE SCENE: Mid to upper 60’s. You know, a little pre-summer Spring weather.

  • Side Straddle Hop x30 IC
  • Tempo Squat x10 IC
  • Cherry Picker x5 IC
  • Nancy Kerrigan x10 forward IC
        • x10 backward IC
  • Mountain Goats x15 IC
  • Booyah! Merkin x10 OYO w/ partner
  • Moroccan Nightclub x50 (awwwyeah!) IC *It’s a whole other exercise after rep count 25*
  • Mucho Chesto
    • Merkin x10 OYO
    • Werkin x10 OYO
    • Diamonds x10 OYO
    • Staggered Left Merkin x10
    • Staggered Right Merkin x10
    • Mosey around parking lot, then repeat above set for a total of 100 merkins

Mosey from AO to the back right corner of Maple Street Biscuit building

Read Joshua 6:1-5

Walls of Jericho (7 exercises, 7 reps, 7 laps)

  • Squat Jumps x7 OYO
  • Freddy Mercury 4ct. x7 OYO
  • Star Jumps x7 OYO
  • Lunges x7 ea. leg OYO
  • London Bridge aka Dirty Hookup 4ct x7 OYO
  • Groiners x7 OYO
  • Carolina Dry Docks x7 OYO

After completing exercises hold Al Gore until 6 is up, then mosey around entire building as a group. That’s one lap. We did 7. After each lap, we placed a letter into the cut out to spell out J-E-R-I-C-H-O. When we finished all 7 laps, we let out a battle cry. Walls didn’t crumble, but we did forget to bring our trumpets, so…

Mosey back to AO.


Gas Pump 4ct. x10 IC

Not-So Lazy Boys (Hold 15 sec middle, lean right & back to middle for 15 sec, lean left & back to middle for 15 more sec)

9 HIMs: Spotter, Judge Judy, Rocket, Cheatsheet, Trolley, 5K, Booster, Archie, Guano

Read Joshua 6:20

Remember that God is faithful no matter what. Sometimes our having faith in him doesn’t look like or appear that it makes a whole lot of sense. God told Joshua to run around a city and blow horns day after day. However, even when some things can be difficult or confusing, God is still in control and is faithful.


Pray for Cheatsheet’s daughter Willow and Trolley’s wife Tony.


Upcoming joint workout at the Asylum for Memorial Day.

Under Construction

THE SCENE: a great day in the gloom!

  • Cherry Pickers (IC) 4 CT X 10
  • Morrocan Night Club (IC) X 10
  • Baby Arm Circles (forwards) & Michael Phelps (OYO)
  • Baby Arm Circles (backwards) & Michael Phelps (OYO)
  • Windmills (IC) X 10
  • 5 burpees (OYO)
  • 10 Tempo Squats (IC)
  • 25 Side Straddle Hops
  • 50 Calf Raises
  • Sprints
  • Mosey


Under Construction 

  • AMRAP overhead press w/ CMU while partner does sprints; switch
  • AMRAP curls w/ CMU while partner does sprints; switch
  • AMRAP tricep extensions w/ CMU while partner does sprints; switch
  • AMRAP bentover rows w/ CMU while partner does sprints; switch
  • AMRAP squats while partner does sprints; switch
  • AMRAP big boy sit-ups while partner does sprints: switch
  • AMRAP burpees while partner does sprints; switch
  • Rinse and repeat for 30 minutes
  • Mosey


  • Flutterkicks
  • Side Crunches (X each side)
  • Big Boy Sit-ups


Archie, Creamsicle, Erector, Guano, Gump, Judge Judy, Kenjo, Rocket, Snaggletooth, Spotter, Waxjob & Booster


Just like the parking lot at JUCO that will be under construction the next 18 months, we are under construction in our lives every day.  Being under construction isn’t just the physical construction like me losing 40 pounds in the last couple of years.  Our spiritual construction is critical to our development as a HIM.  Some days, I do a decent jobs but most I do not.  That’s why it’s so important in F3 to lead, support, encourage, listen, etc. each other.

Do you not know that your bodies are temples of the Holy Spirit, who is in you, whom you have received from God? You are not your own; you were bought at a price. Therefore honor God with your bodies. – 1 Corinthians 6:19-20

Therefore, I urge you, brothers and sisters, in view of God’s mercy, to offer your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and pleasing to God—this is your true and proper worship. – Romans 12:1

So whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God.  – 1 Corinthians 10:31

…but those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint. – Isaiah 40:31

For physical training is of some value, but godliness has value for all things, holding promise for both the present life and the life to come. – 1 Timothy 4:8

I can do all this through him who gives me strength. – Philippians 4:13


  • Hardship Hill is coming up this weekend
  • Sign up to Q
  • We will probably have a convergence at the Asylum on Monday, May 27th for Memorial Day


THE SCENE: 71°F, Pleasant Gloom 

  • Imperial Walker x20 
  • Butt kicks across parking lot
  • High knees across parking lot
  • Run loop around parking lot
  • Merkins x10 IC (4-count)
  • Imperial Squat Walkers (or Imperial Squawkers) x20

Mosey to the court
Partner up and line up along sidewalk at one end of courtyard
Partner wheelbarrows to first sidewalk
Partner leap frog to next courtyard crossing sidewalk
Partner wheelbarrow (partners switch roles)
Partner leap frog to cones
Run back to original sidewalk
Repeat (first time all groups stay together, second time race)

Partner Derkins (3 sets of 10 OYO)

Mosey over to a clear, blank wall
Wall Sits 1 minute
Balls to Wall 30 seconds
Wall Sits 1 minute
Balls to Wall 45 seconds
Wall Sits 1 minute
Balls to Wall 1 minute

11s thru the courtyard
BBSs and Squats

Mosey back to SP


  • Flutter kicks
  • Heels to the heavens
  • Plank
    • Right arm and leg up
    • Left arm and leg up

Chaco,  Spotter, Judge Judy, Erector, Black Box, Guano, Booster, Gump, Commission, Kenjo, Archie (QIC)

One of Christianity’s greatest idolatries today is also one of the most subtle and insidious: the idolatry of comfort. 
Widespread especially in affluent Western contexts, comfort idolatry is the product of a consumerist context that frames everything—including spiritual things—in terms of expressive individualism, self-fulfillment, and “bettering yourself.”

In this context, going to church is just one among many other curated things (which may also include podcasts, self-help books, juice cleanses, yoga, backpacking, the Enneagram, Jordan Peterson, and so forth) that can add something to one’s unique spiritual path toward wisdom and wellness and becoming a “better person.”
Because it is so widespread and subtle, this framing doesn’t often seem so deadly. But it turns Christianity into a product akin to a smartphone app: something the “user” can opt in or out of as is convenient, or appropriate as needed but only insofar as it suits them. If it is in any way uncomfortable or costly, the “app” is easily deleted. 

But a Christianity that’s accessed only as it suits us, only when it’s comfortable and on our terms, is not really Christianity. To truly follow Jesus is to flip the cultural script on comfort. It is to shift one’s gaze away from a consumer self and toward our worthy God; from an inward, self-help orientation to an outward, others-helping orientation. Healthy Christians are always wary of easing into comfortable Christianity.

I am very guilty of this form of idolatry. My life is not comfortable right now because of my children. Two of my four are really stressing me out, and honestly, I find myself dreaming of the days when the last one is out of the house. I look forward to just being comfortable all the time, but that is not the life I have been called to as a Christian. I need to set my mind on staying faithful to God’s will and not on my own comfort.

Shaking the Rust Off

THE SCENE: 49°F, chilly and clear spring morning
WARM-O-RAMA: (all IC 4-count)

  • SSH x20 
  • Merkins x4 
  • Imperial Walker x20 
  • Merkins x6
  • Imperial Squat Walkers (or Imperial Squawkers) x20
  • Merkins x8

Mosey to the Square w/ the fountain
Complete exercises at each cone and keep running around the loop. Rinse and repeat until time is up.

  • Cone 1 – Jump Squats x20
  • Cone 2 – Shoulder Taps (4ct) x20
  • Cone 3 – Mountain Climber 4ct x20
  • Cone 4 – Squats x20
  • Cone 5 – Smurf Jacks x20
  • Cone 6 – Merkins x20
  • Cone 7 – Dry Docks x20
  • Cone 8 – Lunges x20 (10 each leg)

Short mosey to the large square planter area
Using 4 planters to make a large square:
At first corner: Scorpion Dry Docks x20
Bear Crawl to next corner
Next corner: American Hammers x20
Lunge to next corner
Next corner: Scorpion Dry Docks x20
Bear Crawl to next corner
Last corner: American Hammers x20
Lunge to next corner
Rinse and repeat

Mosey to Civic Center front walk
Merkins on 1 end of walk, squats at other end of walk

Mosey back to SP


  • Captain Thor (1 BBS for 4 American Hammers, up to 5 and 20) IC single count
  • Plank Jacks x20 IC
  • Flutter Kicks x20 IC
  • LBC x50 IC
  • Plank
    • Hand and leg up
    • Switch to other side
  • Stretching

8- Salad Boy, Samaritan, Kick Flip, Frenchie, Erector, Chaco, Snaggletooth, Archie (QIC)

An excerpt from Day 2 of “Known- Finding Deep Friendships in a Shallow World”
Theologian Paul Tillich articulated the distinction beautifully when he said, “Language…has created the word ‘loneliness’ to express the pain of being alone. And it has created the word ‘solitude’ to express the glory of being alone.” One is toxic. The other is life giving.
The alone we speak of here is the toxic kind. Almost anything can trigger it. Aloneness unchecked turns us in on ourselves and destroys perspective. The gathered pain is an inch-by-inch slide off an emotional cliff. It is isolating. Left unresolved, it is a cancer.
Who chooses to be alone and disoriented in the dark? No one. Who wants to experience moments of unbridled joy or great hardship by themselves? No one. Human contact is life itself.
It is important to remember that F3 is intended to be more than just a fitness class. It is a venue for relationships. F3 is an excellent way to prevent loneliness for men.