F3 Knoxville

Movement is Life!

60 and Clear

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– SSH x30 (IC)
– Tempo Squats x15 (IC)
– Windmill Merkins x10 (IC)
– Reverse Lunges x10 each leg (IC)
– Arm Circles Forward x15 (IC)
– Arm Circles Backward x15 (IC)

Mosey to back side of the Asylum at the rock pile


Flintstone Quarry Carry (5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30)
Every man select a rock (or two).
Individual 30’s on the back hill with rock (going up and down by 5s from x5 to x25 at the top and bottom, total number of reps between the two exercises always equaling 30).  Start at the rock pile and run to the tree on the right.
– Overhead Press x25 (at the rock pile)
– Bent Over Rows x5 (at the tree)

Mosey to field on side of the Asylum.  Once there, partner up.


Battle Buddy Pyramid
Battle Buddy 1 runs to the top of the hill does 2 exercises while Battle Buddy 2 does shuttle runs in the opposite direction.  Rinse and repeat.

Each person will do three sets of the exercises in the following order: x5, x10, x15.

We will do 3 Rounds:

Rd 1
– Burpees
– Dry Docks

Rd 2
– Narrow Squats
– Wide Merkins

Rd 3
– Star Jumps
– Superman Swims

Mosey to other side of the front of the Asylum.


1st Battle Buddy lunges to the first cone, then sprints to second cone, does 2 reps of the exercise while Battle Buddy 2 is jumping air rope.  Switch.

Each round increase by 2 reps until each man does a total of 10 reps in one run.

We did two rounds:
– Rd 1 = Ranger Merkins (hands at should width, elbows in)
– Rd 2 = 4ct Flutter Kicks


American Hammers (4ct) – x15 IC


Number off and Name-O-Rama (16 PAX)


Be Present

This weekend, YHC took my oldest 2.0 to MTSU.  She’s is attending the Govenor’s School for the arts this summer.  She’s going to be gone for a total of 7 weeks.  She is our oldest and this is the first time she has ever been gone this long.  In many ways it’s prep for next year, she will be a senior in high school.  We had a great day getting her moved in.  We talked, laughed and enjoyed the time.  It wasn’t until I had to leave that it hit me…my role as her father is about to change.  My time with her in my home is passing.  It hit me harder than I could have ever expected, and in that moment I was so thankful to be there with her and for all the memories we shared together.  I’ll be honest, I wept most of the way home.  Not tears of sadness mixed with tears for pride and thankfulness.  I replayed all the times we hung out together, and mourned the times we didn’t.  It was a humbling time to realized just how important family truly is, and how irreplaceable our roles as dad truly are.  It may seem simple, but I also realized something else…you can’t cherish a memory you didn’t make.  The time to plant those seeds has gone.  Whatever relationship I get to enjoy with my kids as adults is sown while they are children.

I’m thankful beyond words for the men in my life who spoke life into me when I was a young dad.  The men who encouraged and exhorted me to be present with my kids while they were young.  We’ve all heard how fast time flies, but I think few of us realize how true it is.  And when it is gone, it’s gone.  There are no “redos” or “start overs.”  Each day is a gift and stewardship, and is connected to the days before it as well as those that come after.  Whenever you are with your family, be fully there!  Make the time, invest, plant the seeds.  I can honestly say I don’t regret a single thing I gave up to be with my daughter, and can testify that the fruit of those memories is the sweetest I’ve ever had.


Submitted by Cap’n Crunch

JUCO – Interlaken

THE SCENE: Beautiful sky and temp..  Humidity was cause for a quick sweat.

Praise the Lord for a great event this weekend.

Cherry Pickers, Lunges, Side-straddle-hops, Side toe touches, 4-count merkins

THA-THANG:  Interlaken
Using a FIFO Sprint Train,  inter link (connect) the three lakes on campus.

While one person sprints to the next exercise station, the rest of the group does the current exercise in place.  When one person finishes the sprint he calls out “Go” to the next in line person, who then stops doing the exercise and sprints to the next station.  Upon reaching the next exercise station, begin doing the next exercise until the whole group has reached the current station.  It works best if we all stay in the same order.   Sprints are designed to be mostly on the straight aways and about 100 yards.  Exercises are:

  1. Plank hold.
  2. Leg lift hold.
  3. Squat Hold.
  4. Side Plank Star Hold.
  5. Elbows to Plank.
  6. In place Lunges
  7. Rainbow Drops
  8. Windmills
  9. Burpees
  10. Side-Raises
  11. Sizzor Kicks
  12. Flutter Kicks
  13. Windshield Wipers
  14. Imperial Walkers
  15. Bicycles
  16. Toe Touches
  17. Merkins
  18. Hello Dollys
  19. Squats
  20. Big Boy Situps
  21. Jumping Jacks
  22. Cross Toe Touches


We made it to the third big lake about half way around and ran out of time on #13 Windshield wipers.  Sprint race back to the AO.

Archie, Bartman, Booster, Pink Eye, Snaggletooth, Crotch Rocket, Trolley,
Humility over Pride. https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Proverbs+18:12&version=NIV

Humility https://www.biblegateway.com/quicksearch/?quicksearch=humility&version=NASB&resultspp=25


Keeping It Close To Home

THE SCENE: 70 and Clear


BOCs front and back

Cherry Pickers

Tempo Merkins

Few Burpees


Station 1 — Pavillion

**Battle Buddy**

HIM 1 does single leg step-ups (10 each leg) with concrete paver while HIM 2 performs wall sit.

Switch and repeat

Reps of 10/8/6/4/2

Station 2 — Dugout

Each HIM alternates 10 pull-ups, 10 Tempo merkins; 9 pull-ups , 9 Tempo merkins etc. Work way down to 1.

Station 3 — Playground

HIM 1 does 10 Bulgarians per leg while HIM 2 does LBCs then switch.

Reps of 10/8/6/4/2

Station 4 — Flagpole

Him 1 does dips at flagpole while HIM 2 bear crawls up hill and back(wards) x 3 sets each

Station 5 — AO

**Groups of 3 so as to have enough pavers**

HIM 1 grips a paver in each hand and speed walks to other side of parking lot and back while HIMs 2 & 3 perform 20 squat jumps and 20 BBs. Switch and continue giving each man a turn with the pavers.

PacMan, Bluebird, Rainbow, Archie, Snitch, Rusty, Kentucky, Proton, Uncle Jesse, Slim Shady, Full House, Music City, Redo (FNG-Jason Cruze), Clooney (FNG-Isaiah McGill)
Shared a little about sacrificial hospitality and bringing people into out lives; people different from us etc. Jesus dined with sinners but did not sin with sinners. Jesus lived in the world, but did not live like the world.
Pretty challenging workout. Next time make all reps 10/8/6/4/2
Hardship Hill announcement.

Roll On

THE SCENE: 60ish and cloudy

BOCs front and back, Cherry Pickers, Single arm plank extensions, tempo merkins, tempo squats, lap around AO with some shuffling and skipping.

Split into 2 groups of 3. Start from baseline / sidewalk.

HIM #1 rolls a wheel (old wheel/tire from a popup camper) in a squatting position to the other side of parking, does 10 Wheel Merkins then drags wheel back in a reverse bear crawl. During this time, HIMs 2 & 3 are doing the following………

  • 20 Dry Docks
  • 20 Squats Jumps
  • 20 Shoulder Taps
  • 20 Sumo Squats with weight
  • 20 4ct LBCs
  • 20 Tempo Derkins
  • 20 4ct Flutter Kicks                     ******REPS DECREASE WITH EACH ROUND: 20, 18, 16 , 14 ETC….********


When HIM 1 returns from dragging the wheel, all 3 HIMS run the hill. Upon returning, HIM 2 takes “THE WHEEL” and HIM 1 & 3 perform above exercises.


After all 3 men complete the wheel drag, begin round 2. Same as above. However, substitute with “Wheelies (burpees with wheel) and Lunge across the lot holding the wheel. Run lower loop instead of hill.

******Alternate between rounds 1 and 2.
Archie, Uncle Jesse, The Force (visitor from F3 Lake Norman), Gibbler, Fabio, Music City
I saw a post on FB that said something like “If you get plenty of sleep, exercise regularly, eat healthy and limit alcohol, you die anyway.” Although a funny post, it made me think.  I shared James 4 where it talk about life being like a vapor that appears for a little while then vanishes.” We’re not guaranteed tomorrow. Our time is limited. Make the most of it and invest your life in things that matter.

A little training for Hardship Hill

THE SCENE: 58 degrees and humid



  • SSH IC x 20
  • Tempo Squats IC x 10
  • Cherry Pickers IC x 10
  • Merkins IC x 10


Set up a miniature obstacle course around the new path. Not sure the exact distance, but each lap was probably somewhere between 1/2 – 3/4 mile long. The objective was to put in some miles, so there were only 4 “obstacles” along the way.

  • 5 Dive Bombers
  • 10 Hand-release Merkins
  • 10 yard Crab Walk
  • 20 yard Bear Crawl up the hill

Ended up doing 4 laps.


  • Sweat Angels IC x 15
  • SSH IC x 10
  • Flutter Kicks IC x 20
  • SSH IC x 10
  • Finished off with some plank work


21 strong – 1 FNG (Contact)


Nothing groundbreaking – just have been reflecting on how F3 has impacted my life, how much each of these brothers means to me, and how God has used them in my life. I’m thankful for the opportunity to be around so many HIMs.

Also, a big shift for me in how I viewed F3 happened when I started Q’ing. By leading the group, I felt a sense of ownership and accountability that wasn’t present before. I cared more deeply about the other men, about the mission of F3, and it gave me confidence to push past my own comfort level. If it’s been a while since you’ve Q’d or if you’ve never Q’d before, there are so many guys that would love to help you to plan/execute a workout. It’s not only a great way to serve others, but it’s also a great way to grow as an individual and as a leader.