F3 Knoxville

Bring your Rock to Work Day

THE SCENE: Low 30s and clear.  Perfect weather to wake you up

SSH x 20, with a stop, regroup and restart

CP x 10

BAC x10, forward and back

Little of This and That, waiting on Archie to join us

Tempo Squats x15

Tempo Merkins x15


  • Mosey to the rock pile, pair up (Sorry, Archie!)
  • Partners grab a good sized rock, make friends and give it a name.
  • P1 takes rock to the top of the space station to show it the view while P2 does set of 20 Merkins, 20 Hello Dollys and 20 Lunges.  Switch up
  • Mosey with your pet rock (switch carrying as partner needs) to station 1
  • Station 1:  20 BBS, feet to feet with partner, handing off rock every other time
  • Mosey to Station 2
  • One partner runs to front door of Asylum and rings the door bell while other does squats or overhead lifts.  Swap out, rinse and repeat.
  • Mosey to Station 3, back to back with partner, rotating and handing rock back and forth x 20. (I’m sure there’s an F3 name for this, but I have no idea what it is).
  • Mosey up the hill back to the rock pile.
  • P1 runs to the space station while P2 does curls, then switch out.  Then say bye to your pet rock.
  • Mosey to AO, where there’s time to Bernie up the hill and back down.

Gibbler leads us in some American Hammers.  Around 30 but I lost count.  Some box cutters and a little boat canoe
7 strong.  Gibbler, Code Brown, Streak, Archie, Waffle House, Crab Legs, Charmin
Dealing with our kids can seem like a cage match (especially during puberty) and tests ourselves as fathers.  A couple of key things for us Dads to remember:  Don’t exasperate our kids, but instruct with God’s Word (Ephesians 6:4) and remember that “A gentle answer turns away wrath, but a harsh word stirs up anger.”  (Proverbs 15:1)
Shout out to our pet rocks today:  Coolio, Peter, Rocky and Apollo Creed.
2nd F event this Saturday after the Big Ball.  No Asylum this Saturday.

Great day at the 1st F3 Knoxville Inner-City Kids Workout

God blessed us today with beautiful weather for F3 Knoxville  to come downtown and hold a kids workout for kids that need male leadership in their lives. 18 F3 HIMs came out to bond with 21 of their kid partners and crush the workout. We also had 8 F3 2.0s in attendance as well as an adult FNG or two that need to come out again!

During the BOM, We shared the importance of leaning on each other in tough times, keeping each other out of bad situations and trusting God to help us through those difficulties. At the end, Christmas came a little early as men brought a small gift for each of the kids. They were very happy and had a great time. Several were asking when F3 would come back again….This may be the start of a good relationship with these kids as we can plan other activities as well. Praise God for the opportunity to be with these awesome kids today. A special thanks to @Tinder (program director at WH) for getting the kids together and allowing us this opportunity to serve theses kids. He is a true HIM!


Kill the Turkey

THE SCENE: Gorgeous sunrise. At one point, we were just going to climb 1/2 of Everest, but with no view of the rising sun, Proton proclaimed, “Let’s just run to the top of Everest so we can see the sun rise.” A great idea. I almost puked.


-Mosey around parking lot x1

-Continue moseying around parking lot and periodically doing the following: Lunge / Reverse Lunge / Side shuffle / BBS / Bear Crawls / Merkins / Carolina Dry Dock (no more than 10 reps of each…just gettin’ the blood flowin’)


Mosey to Everest. Along the way at various locations in order to keep the PAX together—American Hammer, Derkins, LBCs, Merkins.

At the base of Everest.

  • SSH x30 seconds. Rest 30 seconds.
  • Squats x30 seconds. Rest 30 seconds.
  • Burpee x30 seconds. Rest 30 seconds.
  • Merkin x30 seconds. Rest 30 seconds.
  • BBS x30 seconds. Rest 30 seconds.
  • Sprint Everest…all the way up.
  • Plank at the top. Mosey back to base of Everest.
  • Rinse and repeat.

Mosey back to AO

Circuit. Groups of 3. 1st Pax on one line doing 1st exercise. 2nd Pax on line 20 yards away doing second exercise. 3rd Pax runs from 1st to 2nd and switches with 2nd Pax who then runs. AMRAP 3 Minutes per round.

  1. SSH + Squats
  2. Calf Raises + Lunges
  3. Peter Parker + Sundials
  4. Mountain Climbers (or Merkins) + Hello Dolly

5 minutes of Dealers Choice.

28. High Heels, Pluto, Abacus, Proton, Pheiffer, Hawk, Abcess, Sleepwalker, LillyDipper, Saul, CheatSheet, Scooter, Hooker, Cap’N Crunch, Umbro, QVC, LifeChamp, Rainbow, Pablo, Pinto, Gus, Anklet, Archie, Abort, A-Rod, Mr. Jinxy

FNG: Probe

I spent several hours on Thursday looking through pictures and videos from the past 5-10 years.

  • Epiphany #1: There were always more people surrounding me in community than I realized during that period of life.
  • Epiphany #2: There was always more joy than I realized during that period of life.

New personal goal: Shorten the time gap between the Present Moment and the Moment of Realization.

lots of leg, thigh, and breast meat…

THE SCENE: 32°F and clear

• SSH x20 (IC)
• Ankle Biters x10 (IC)
• Imperial Walkers x20 (IC)
• Peter Parkers x10 (IC)
• SSH x10 (IC)

• Escalation
Two minutes each drill, 1 round (30 sec break between drills, 2 rounds)
Learn about what the other guys at your station are thankful for. Share after the first round.
Drill    Shuttle Exercise       Exercise On Spot
○ 1          Sprint                    Merkins
○ 2         Lunges                     BBS
○ 3       Bear Crawl                Burpees
○ 4          Sprint              Carolina Dry Docks
○ 5       Broad Jump                Squats
○ 6        Crab Walk                Burpees
None- ran out of time
8- Snitch, Umbro, Neutron, Music City, Hawk, Gibbler, Slide Rule, Archie (QIC)

My take away from GrowRuck:
Knowing how to follow is just as important as knowing how to lead. It’s all about balance and knowing what role you are in. Be humble.

“So if there is any encouragement in Christ, any comfort from love, any participation in the Spirit, any affection and sympathy, complete my joy by being of the same mind, having the same love, being in full accord and of one mind. Do nothing from selfish ambition or conceit, but in humility count others more significant than yourselves. Let each of you look not only to his own interests, but also to the interests of others. Have this mind among yourselves, which is yours in Christ Jesus, who, though he was in the form of God, did not count equality with God a thing to be grasped, but emptied himself, by taking the form of a servant, being born in the likeness of men. And being found in human form, he humbled himself by becoming obedient to the point of death, even death on a cross.”
‭‭Philippians‬ ‭2:1-8‬ ‭ESV

The Tuesday Thursday Asylum regulars are a solid group. I look forward to getting to know these guys better going forward.

Barkley Returns!

THE SCENE: 48 Degrees with a slight breeze. Very Nice!

1. Cherry Pickers IC x 10

2. Baby Arm Circles IC 10 front and 10 back

3. SSH (aka Jumping Jacks LOL) IC x 10

4 Imperial Squat Walkers IC x 10

5. Lap around the AO x 1
Mosey towards gate to start Barkley.

Stopped half way to start of Barkley and did 10 burpees OYO

We did three loops of the Barkley. Each lap had 4 stations.

Round 1: Station 1 – 20 merkins, Station 2 – 20 curls with rock and 20 rows with rock, Station 3 – 20 Carolina Dry Docks, Station 4 – 20 Dips

Round 2: Station 1 – 30 Starjacks, Station 2 – 30 rock squats, Station 3 – Reverse lunges x 15 each leg, Station 4 – 30 Monkey Humpers

Round 3: Station 1 – 40 LBCs, Station 2 – 40 Hello Dolly’s, Station 3 – 40 American Hammers SC, Station 4 – 40 Flutter Kicks 4 count

Finishers rotated through 15 shoulder taps, 15 squats and 15 big boys until pax finished.

Mosey back to AO.

Coolio led the group in American Hammers to finish out the workout.
34 PAX today including 2 FNGs. Nicholas Generaux (Ponder) and Anderson Olds (Tinder)
Share today about working in faith. It is easy to think about achieving in terms of oneself. I did this or I did that and this happened or that will happen. But just like the farmer who plants we cannot control the out come…only God can. We must work in faith for God!
None today
Tank and Tinder shared about an F2 event for inner city kids on December 3rd. Tank has details.