F3 Knoxville

The Hunt for Red October

THE SCENE: the Asylum, a perfect 52°F

Welcome to The Hunt for Red October. My favorite month, and my favorite movie. A perfect pair. Today you will find your red line, that point right before you blow up, and hold the throttle right there.


SSH x 35 IC 4 CT
Squats x 35 IC 1 CT
BACs (17 fwd, 16 back)
6X run across the parking lot, intensity pyramid.
10 Merkins OYO after each 1-3, 10 squats OYO after each 4-6
5 Burpees OYO after Round 3 Merkins
5 Burpees OYO after Round 6 Merkins

4 stations in the *new* new parking lot, running between stations (RUN, not mosey)
2 x 5:00 minute rounds

Round 1:
1: 35 Merkins
2: 35 squats
3: 35 Dry Docks
4: 35 Bonny Blairs
Regroup with flutters and Hello Dolly

Round 2: Crazy Ivan, same stuff reverse order
Regroup with Al Gore and planks

Mosey to the playground, find a bench
13s (like 11s but better) with Step Ups and BBS

Mosey to bottom of Cardiac (shout out to Mogul with the eagle eye spotting the skunk, saved our bacon)
5 Burpees OYO then SPRINT to the top
Plank until regroup
Mosey to the AO

Cash out with ATMs

7 HIMs strong at the Asylum this fine Tuesday morning!

I want to talk a little bit about the grace of God. When I think of the grace of God, I think of my sins being forgiven. I think of Jesus on the cross. I think of his his life given for you and for me. I think of forgiveness. Unmerited favor.

And yes, my sins have been washed away, BUT my sin nature is still hanging on. Whether it’s lust, or pride, or greed, that nature is hanging on.

I must remember, I am FORGIVEN by his grace, AND by his grace I am given DIVINE STRENGTH to live in a way that pleases God. God’s grace is the power to obey. The power to change. The power to leave those sins behind and live a life of obedience to the glory of God.

It is no accident that all within the same chapter of James we read:

  • You do not have, because you do not ask
  • He gives more grace.
  • “God opposes the proud but gives grace to the humble.”
  • Resist the devil, and he will flee from you. 8 Draw near to God, and he will draw near to you.
  • What is your life? For you are a mist that appears for a little time and then vanishes.

Shut Up Legs!

70 and Clear

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SSH x 25 IC 4 CT
Toe Touches x 10 each leg IC 4 CT
Squats x 20 IC 4 CT
8X run across the parking lot, intensity pyramid.
After each length, 10 Merkins OYO.  (Yes Archie, this is still the warmup)

Mosey to benches at the top of Cardiac

4 stations on the hill (#1 at the top, #4 at the bottom)
Order of operations:
2 1
3 2 1
4 3 2 1
All reps OYO

Station instructions:
1: 25 SSH then run down
2: 30 squats then sprint up to 1 (station 2 is halfway between hairpins)
3: 10 lunges each leg and backpedal up to 2 (station 3 is at the false bottom we’ve been using lately)
4: 30 high knees each leg and high skip up to 3 (station 4 closer to the actual bottom of the hill)

Flutters, Bicycle kicks, and leg lifts until we regroup.

Round 2, let’s do it again.
“It never gets easier, you just go faster” – Greg LeMond
Al Gore, Plank, and bicycle kicks until we regroup.

Mosey down and up cardiac to fetch all the cones and instructions.  Mosey back to the AO

2 hill sprints to the gate, split up by Merkins OYO until we regroup

2 minutes of Boat-Canoe from Proton

Count off, Name-o-rama (11 PAX)

And now some good news:
Behold the Man upon a cross, my sin upon His shoulders;
Ashamed, I hear my mocking voice call out among the scoffers.
It was my sin that held Him there until it was accomplished;
His dying breath has brought me life, I know that it is finished.
Isaiah 53:5

But he was pierced for our transgressions; he was crushed for our iniquities; upon him was the chastisement that brought us peace, and with his wounds we are healed.

They call me Frenchie and its July, when the best cyclists in the world flog themselves in the mountains of France. Today we paid them tribute.  Fitting for the day, Code Brown came flying down the hill on his bike in impressive fashion just before we kicked things off.  11 strong for a Tuesday at the Asylum. It was an honor and a privilege to lead such a strong group of men.

Ambition and Contentment

The Scene: 65°F and Foggy

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  • Imperial Walkers x20 (IC)
  • Burpees x10 (OYO)
  • Baby Arm Circles x10 each (IC)
    • forward
    • backward
  • Squats x10 (IC)

The Thang:

  • Mosey to between the baseball fields
    • Pullups x10 (OYO)
    • Squats x20 (OYO)
    • Burpees x 15 (OYO)
    • LBC x30 (OYO)
    • Merkins x20 (OYO)
    • When everyone is done, Run the Loop (out to the greenway, up heartattack hill, and back to the fields)
    • Repeat (4 times)


  • Plank
    • Hand and leg up
    • Switch to other side
  • American Hammers x30
  • Hello Dolly x20


Circle of Trust/ Ball of Man

Ambition and Contentment:

We all long for contentment—and people with the right view of God’s ownership want to make sure they don’t fall into discontentment.

But you might wonder: Does being content mean you’re not charging forward toward God’s call for your life? Because those same people don’t want to do that, either! They don’t want to feel like they’re standing still in life, unmotivated and unambitious.

Proverbs 13:4 (NIV) offers an answer: “A sluggard’s appetite is never filled, but the diligent are fully satisfied.”

In other words, standing still doesn’t equal contentment, and ambition doesn’t equal discontentment.

Here’s the thing: Contentment is spiritual. It’s a sense of peace in the middle of a storm. And it has nothing to do with ambition.

Take Paul. He was constantly going, moving, preaching, teaching, discipling and ministering, even when it was really, really hard.

“I have learned to be content whatever the circumstances. I know what it is to be in need, and I know what it is to have plenty. I have learned the secret of being content in any and every situation, whether well fed or hungry, whether living in plenty or in want” (Philippians 4:11–12 NIV).

A content person still wants to do better and be better; he’s just not pinning all his hopes and dreams on that one thing that the culture is telling him he needs to fill the void in his heart. He’s grateful for what he has and thanks God for all of his blessings, even if they’re all he’ll ever have. But he’ll continue to grow, change and make a bigger impact on the world, as long as he’s able. That’s ambition.

Paul describes it this way in 1 Timothy 6:6–8 (NKJV): “Now godliness with contentment is great gain. For we brought nothing into this world, and it is certain we can carry nothing out. And having food and clothing, with these we shall be content.”

See the difference? Content people may not have the best of everything, but they make the best of everything.

And all the while, they still pursue everything with passion.

From< https://www.stewardship.com/articles/how-to-balance-contentment-and-ambition>


It was an intimate workout this morning, a nice break from the typical crowds that are known to gather at the Asylum. I was very glad that Waffle House and Snitch showed up so I wasn’t working out by myself 🙂

Tombstone Toss

The scene: low 70’s & clear

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Merkins IC x 10
SSH IC x 10
Tempo Squat IC x 10
This / That stretches

Tha Thang:

Mosey to knee wall in courtyard
• 10 incline merkins, 10 decline merkins, run to bottom of stairs & back.
• Rinse & repeat x 3

Mosey to hill at back of property
• 6’s on the hill: burpees at bottom, squats at top

Mosey to coupon pile
• Pick out a rock
• Curls x 10, OH Press x 10, Tricep Press x 10.
• Rinse & repeat x 3

Mosey with rock to bottom of Sophomore
• Tombstone toss up the hill
• Throw rock as far as possible using a squat press motion
• Lunge to rock, then throw it again
• Rinse & repeat until all the way up the hill

Mosey back to AO
• Stop at each tree & alternate 10 merkins, 10 squats

Ring of fire x 2: leg levers
In & outs (gas pumps) x 20
V-up roll-ups OYO x 10
Nose wipers x 10

Count off and name-o-rama

Today is Memorial Day. Work hard, enjoy the day and be thankful for those men & women who have given their lives so that we have the freedoms we enjoy each and every day.

Leg Day!!

The Scene:  60 Degrees and awesome.

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  • SSH x 35 (IC)
  • Windmills x 15 (IC)
  • Cherry Pickers x 10 (IC)
  • BAC’s F&R x 10 (IC)
  • Burpees x 10 (OYO)

 The Thang

Mosey to the walls

  • Step-Ups x 10 then 10 dips x3
  • Raccoon Crawl the wall.

Mosey to the coupon pile

  • Curls, Tri-Ceps, Weighted Squats
  • Curls, Overhead Press, Weighted Squats
  • Run the steps with the coupon
  • Merkins x 15 (IC)
  • Rinse and Repeat.
  • Burpees x 5 (OYO)

Mosey back to The Sophomore

  • 10 Bobby Hurley’s
  • Bernie Sanders up the hill
  • Iso Squats, Mosey across
  • Lunges x 20
  • Mosey down, Squats x Bobby Hurley’s x 10
  • Bernie Sanders back up the hill
  • Squats x 30 (IC)

Mosey back to the start


BBS x 15


Name-O-Rama: 7 PAX

BOM: As described in the book of 1 Samuel, David did not take the advice of his peers which was to seek revenge, retaliate, and kill Saul. Although he had ample opportunity, David was wise enough to call on God for the strength and wisdom for self-control.  People will attack us and hurt us with words and actions.  As much as we really want to, don’t take the low road.  Be like David and call on God.  Don’t let someone else’s sins and mistakes cause you to be less of a man.  David was an Old Testament HIM that we could learn from.

Moleskin:  Friends don’t let their friends skip leg day.  The Men of the JUCO burned some goo this morning and should be feeling a little wobbly for a while.  The energy and effort was good this morning.  Way to go, HIM’s!