F3 Knoxville

Don’t Over Indulge

THE SCENE: Crisp but Coolish June Morning

Tie Fighters
Cherry Pickers
Arm & Shoulder Stretching


1st & 10
Start at goal line, do 11’s.
end zone 1 pickle pounders (4ct)
end zone 2 LBC’s (4ct)
do 10, sprint to endzone and do 1, slowsey back to 10
do 9 at 10 YL, sprint to endzone, do 2, slowsey back to 20
do 8 at 20 YL, Sprint to endzone, do 3 and slowsey back to 30
do 7 at 30 YL, Sprint to endzone, do 4 and slowsey back to 40
do 6 at 40 YL, Sprint to endzone, do 5 and slowsey back to 50
do 5 at 50 YL, Sprint to endzone, do 6 and slowsey back to 40
do 4 at 40 YL, Sprint to endzone, do 7 and slowsey back to 30
do 3 at 30 YL, Sprint to endzone, do 8 and slowsey back to 20
do 2 at 20 YL, Sprint to endzone, do 8 and slowsey back to 10
do 1 at 10 YL, Sprint to endzone, do 10 and slowsey back to the last guy and finish with him
Aiken Legs
Repeat this combo with no rest
20 squats, 20 box jumps, 20 lunges (10 ea leg), 20 twinkle toes

We did Aiken legs 2x then did 75 merkins.  25 wide, 25 regular, and 25 diamond
We circled up and a Pax would call out an ab exercise and lead us, then we would flip over and perform 10 merkins.  We did this for the last 10 minutes of the workout.  We were 5 people short of making it all the way around the circle.

Referenced Judges newsletter topic of Gluttony and explained how that struck a chord with me.  Don’t be a Glutton, and don’t do things in excess.  Eating, drinking, working, etc in excess can become a sin.  We did a lot of Ab work today so that we may have sore abs and remember to make better choices about what goes into our bodies.

We need Q’s and coffeeteria.

CMU Yoga

The Scene

Beautifully Humid

F3 Welcome and Disclaimer

Fitness, Fellowship, Faith, Free, Modify, Not Professional, Own Volition, Social Distance, Phone



Cherry Pickers

Redneck Rockettes

Mountain Climbers




Mosey to CMU pile and grab 1

Swings and Yoga-ish

1st station

10 Swings

Down Dog on block (45 seconds, 15 seconds)

5 Swings

Standard plank on block (45 seconds, 15 seconds)

2nd station

10 Swings

Lizard Pose Left (45 seconds, 15 seconds)

Lizard Pose Right (45 seconds, 15 seconds)

5 Swings

Upward Facing Dog (45 seconds, 15 seconds)

3rd Station

10 swings

Hollow body hold (45 seconds, 15 seconds)

5 Swings

Clinched Pickle Pointers (45 seconds, 15 seconds)

4th Station

10 Swings

Split Squat Hold Left (45 seconds, 15 seconds)

Split Squat Hold Right (45 seconds, 15 seconds)

5 Swings

Straight arm CMU hold (45 seconds, 15 seconds)


5th Station

10 Swings

Calf Raise Hold (45 seconds, 15 seconds)

5 Swings

T Plank Hold Left (45 seconds, 15 seconds)

T Plank Hold Right (45 seconds, 15 seconds)

6th station

10 Swing

CMU Squeeze hold (45 seconds, 15 seconds)

5 Swings

Superman hold (45 seconds, 15 seconds)





13 HIM’s



Isaiah 40:28-31

28Have you not known? Have you not heard?

The LORD is the everlasting God,

the Creator of the ends of the earth.

He does not faint or grow weary;

his understanding is unsearchable.

29He gives power to the faint,

and to him who has no might he increases strength.

30Even youths shall faint and be weary,

and young men shall fall exhausted;

31but they who wait for the LORD shall renew their strength;

they shall mount up with wings like eagles;

they shall run and not be weary;

they shall walk and not faint.





Endeavor Exicon

THE SCENE: High 50’s/Low 60″s, comfortable

SSH, Rockette’s, Deep squats, Mountain climbers, Alternating mountain climbers, Plank jax, Baby arm circles, Reverse baby arm circles, Slow neck rolls
Diving into the rolodex of the F3 Exicon.  Q named off a “deep cut” exercise found in the F3 exicon and called out a PAX to demonstrate the exercise.  If the PAX performed it correctly, they took the Q for that exercise and called out the number of reps.  If performed incorrectly, the original Q led the correct iteration of said exercise for a certain number of reps.  Fun was had by most!

The following exercises were attempted w/ a side of laughter (in no particular order, see Exicon for descriptions):

  • Air Drama 
  • Apple Turnover (YUM!)
  • Alphabet (or ABCs)
  • Australian Snow Angels
  • Bobby Hurley
  • Booyah! Merkin (air fist pound, instead of shoulder tap)
  • Captain Morgan
  • Escalator (did not perform, time constraint)
  • Goofball
  • Hatching Butterfly
  • Howling Monkeys (a favorite)
  • Little Mermaid
  • Merkin Jax
  • Jumping Bean Squats
  • Pretzel Stick
  • Prime Time Merkin
  • Protractor
  • Rockette Hillbillies
  • Vacuum Cleaners (DNP, time constraint)
  • Welsh Dragons (DNP, time constraint)
  • Zebra Butt-Kicks

16 PAX + 1 FNG (name TBD, previously Captain Obvious but need to re-name due to duplicate in F3 Knoxville)
Please check out WiRE Strength in Numbers: Men Are Waiting Devotional series through the Bible app.

With Whom Do You Gather?  If we are followers of Jesus, we must take the time to gather with other brothers in Christ.  God designed the Church this way for the Holy Spirit to flow from one to another in these instances.  Isolation is not the answer.  “For if they fall, one will lift up his fellow. But woe to him who is alone when he falls and has not another to lift him up.” Ecclesiastes 4:10  “You see, God the Holy Spirit dwells within each follower of Jesus.” John 14:17

Take the time to connect with a FNG.  The brotherhood of Christ is a powerful force.  We never know how a kind word, working out with someone for the first time in a long time, battling through sweat in the gloom etc. can inspire and affect a fellow brother in Christ!

Prayers for F3 Nation, Cheatsheet’s family, racism/division, Jinxy’s family, Pom-pom’s marriage/honeymoon, all our F3 brother’s!

Thanks F3 Dortmund


Clear Temperature Humidity Feels like Wind Speed Wind Direction
60 ℉ 93% 60 ℉ 3.1 mi/h ENE

I am not a professional.  The following workout created using a sampling of Thangs recently done at F3 Dortmund.


20 – SSH
10 – Tie Fighters 10 forward 10 backward.
10 – Tempo Merkins
3 – Cherry Pickers

Mosey to football field.
11’s. Start at goal line. To the 30 yard line. Burpees at both stations. So, 110 burpees.  (Murphy’s Law @F3Dortmund offered this up.)

I felt like many of the BB from Dortmund included Ring of Fire.
7 points. 1 minute at each. 15 seconds rest in between.
#1 – Shuttle run.
#2 – LBCs
#3 – Merkins
#4 – Bleachers/Stair Loops
#5 – Dips
#6 – Jump Squats
#7 – Plank

Two circuits.

6 Minutes of Ab work. Including BBS, Heal Taps, LBCs, and Flutter Kicks.

14 men.

God has given us the Holy Spirit to help us along our paths. So long as what we are doing, or the path we are trying to explore is not in violation of the small still interior voice, we are probably alright. If the action or considered action causes us any sort of distress, it is most likely not in accordance with God’s plans for us.


For the sick and elderly.  For our brothers battling illness and their wives.


Take the stairs

THE SCENE: Perfectly cool and dry 

4ct SSH x 25 (IC); Merkins x 10 (OYO); Tai Fighters x 10 F/B (IC); Merkins x 10 (OYO); 4ct Flutter Kicks x 15 (IC); Merkins x 10 (OYO); Mosey to track… stop for Rocky Balboas along the way
Dora Goat Trails:  pick battle buddies; HIM1 runs in bleachers for 1 stack of stairs while HIM2 works toward 100 Merkins then swap; next do 2 stacks of stairs while the other works toward 200 LBCs then swap; lastly do 3 stacks of stairs while the other works toward 300 Side Squats then swap; mosey to patio by stadium gate

11’s by the rock:  spread out along short wall; perform 10 wall jumps (or step ups) then run to and around shamrock rock back to wall and do 1 incline or decline merkin; run back to and around the rock to the wall and continue by reducing wall jump by 1 and adding 1 to merkins

Speed round: battle buddies again… 1 wall sits while other sprints to fix location and back; swap and repeat until Q is satisfied; repeat with lunges replacing sprint; mosey back to AO

Howling monkeys around the circle; box cutters led by Mermaid
“Taste and see that the Lord is good. Oh, the joys of those who take refuge in him! Fear the Lord, you his godly people, for those who fear him will have all they need. Even strong young lions sometimes go hungry, but those who trust in the Lord will lack no good thing.”
‭‭Psalms‬ ‭34:8-10‬ ‭NLT‬‬
Went to Vegas on a business trip this week and everyone I mentioned it to laughed and said stuff like “sin city”, “what happens there stays there”, and “try not to lose your shirt” in an approving and joking manner.  Having battled sexual sin and the temptation of pornography in media most of my life… I see sin as no laughing matter.  As a believer and follower of Jesus Christ, I choose to battle my sin on my knees looking to a good and loving Savior who willfully died a brutal death on the cross to free me from the power of sin.  Encouraged the PAX to pray for and help those fighting various sin and temptations in their lives.
Bring donations!