F3 Knoxville

Flipping cards

THE SCENE: Breezy and in the 40s

Monkey humpers, merkins, big boys , burpees
Deck of cards on the tennis courts

  • Hearts – burpees
  • Diamond-merkins (4ct)
  • Spades -monkey humpers (4ct)
  • Clubs -big boys
  • Face cards are 15 reps
  • aces -21 reps
  • 7-10 card , do those reps
  • 2-6 cards , suicides w cones. Pull a 2, suicide 2 cones, pull a 6 suicide 6 cones. Etc…
  • joker-run to the pavalon and back
  • we got close to finishing the deck of cards. Lots of suicides and merkins in the front end of the stack ! Deck of cards is always great because you never know what is coming next.

Insert information about any additional post-THANG work (if applicable).
13 pax
Let’s keep leading ! The only way to get better is to practice. Sign up to Q not only at the Bombshelter but sign up to Q at another  AO and lead a group of men you don’t know . It will only help you be a better leader.
I think I am a social introvert. I like being social but I will never be that guy that will out talk you! I like being alone but only for short periods. Signing up to Q and leading workouts is good for me. It’s not my comfort zone to be in front of a bunch of people talking but leading workouts has helped me overcome those fears. I encourage everyone to get out there to lead! It’s what we are meant to do as men and men of action lead

Announcement s

convervgence this Saturday and the Equalizer launches in April during the week

Who’s on Q?

THE SCENE: Cool and Clear
WARM-O-RAMA: (By Dreamer!)

  • SSH’s x20
  • Cherry Pickers x10
  • LBAC’s Fwd/Rev
  • Tempo Merkins x 10

The Escalator

From the AO to the parking lot for the middle school baseball field and back to the AO (adding an exercise each 100 yards or so and then dropping one off on the way back)

    • 10 Burpees
    • 20 Star Jacks
    • 30 Merkins
    • 40 Squats

The Quarter Pounder w/ Cheese

Bernie there and run back to the start (10,25,50,75,100)

    • 10 Yards (Burpees) x10
    • 25 Yards (Merkins) x25
    • 50 Yards (Squats) x50
    • 75 Yards (Mtn. Climbers 4xCount) x75
    • 100 Yards (Big Boys) x100

Ab-kraken ( LBC’s, V-Up, BB’s, Flutters, LBC’s, V-Up, BB’s, Flutters)
Abscess, Backup, Butterfingers, Dreamer, Drifter, Fins, Hammy, Moses, Pinocchio, Proton, Snorkel, Woodshack,
Men spend their live in anticipations, in determining to be vastly happy at some period or other, when they have time.  But the present time has one advantage over every other: it is our own.      -Charles C. Colton
I’ve been working quite a bit lately and this Q sorta slipped my mind.  However, as with all of life’s unexpected moments we always have the choice of how we react.  What a great lesson we can all learn when we stop to listen, ask for help, and rely on our fellow HIM’s.  Thank you all for your help today and every day!  -Butterfingers 🙂

7 Come 11

THE SCENE: 58 degrees with partly cloudy night skies.

SSH x20, Imperial Squat Walkers x10,  Overhead Clap x20, Cherry Pickers x12

Skip across parking lot and proceed to Waxjob Hill.
7’s on Waxjob Hill – Burpees to WWII Sit ups, run down – bear crawl up.

1/2 mile Indian run.  Front man carries 40# sandbag, man from back takes sandbag performs 3 squats while rest of group performs 3 WWII sit ups. The pack then catches up to front man to continue transfer routine.

11’s on the Grinder – Running the length of the Grinder (Had to modify due to CMUs being removed from the Bomb Shelter)

Three set of 11’s consisting of:

  • 2 Rocking Chairs ⇒ 20 Dips (increase/decrease by 2 at each end)
  • 1 Burpee ⇒ 10 Dry Docks
  • 2 Decline Merkins ⇒ 20 WWII Sit Ups (increase/decrease by 2 at each end)

In all three sets the 11’s were stopped before completion to move to the next one as time was running out.

Flutter kicks x10, wide flutter kicks x10, box cutters x10, LBC’s x40, box cutters x10, LBC’s to cash out.
Total of 10 battle hardened HIM’s.

Last time I reminisced about the last 10 years.  It was 10 years I was able to experience and Staff Sgt. Jason Dahlke was not.  He was killed in action while service in Afghanistan during 2009.  Today I want to talk about one of the major lessons I learned since that time.

I have always been “right.” Since I’m right either everyone agrees with me or they are wrong.  I got into some family trouble several years ago because of my “I’m right” attitude and it really caused some problems.  There were deep wounds and healing was not overnight.  It was a gradual process, took a lot of work, and a message to self hit me hard. Thankfully, the storm has been weathered and family relations are better than ever.

Life is not about being right all the time.  Sometimes (maybe most of the time) it doesn’t really matter.  What matters is listening to the other person(s) and picking the right battles.  It reminds me of my faith.  There are definitely essentials to the faith, but others are not. It seems to be the non-essentials that cause the problems in Christianity.  The division into denominations has mostly been the results of differences over non-essentials, the man made religion.  We should concentrate on the one place where Christians all come together – at the foot of the Cross.

Ashley’s beloved dog may be near the end and will be a hard loss after so many years.
3rd F is March 30th at The Outlook, 716 20th St, Knoxville, TN 37916.  All area AOs will converge at the Asylum that morning before heading over to the 3rd F at 8:30 am.

Mount Butterbilly

  • THE SCENE: Cool and Foggy (43 F)

    Short run and then (15 SSH’s, 10 Tempo Merkins, 5 or 6 Hillbilly’s, and 10 Cherry Pickers) in the crosswalk leading to Mount Butterbilly.
  • 11’s on Mount Butterbilly….(Burpees at the top and 2 count Mount Climbers at the bottom)….3ish miles of awful 🙁
  • Short run back to the grinder for some Tibata 30 seconds step up and 30 seconds of Merkins for 2 rounds each.

Ab-Kraken (Flutters 20, LBC’s 20, BBS 20, V-Ups 20) about 1.5 times around.
Eleven Enjoying some Rich Living at the Bomb Shelter!  Backup, Butterfingers, Cable Guy, Dreamer, Hammy, Moses, Pinocchio Sake, Snorkel, Tinman, Woodshack,
One of the most tragic things I know about human nature is that all of us tend to put off living.  We are all dreaming of some magical rose garden over the horizon-instead of enjoying the roses that are blooming outside our windows today.  -Dale Carnegie

One important source of unhappiness is the habit of putting off living to some fictional future date.  Men and women are constantly making themselves unhappy because in deferring their lives to the future they lose sight of the present and its golden opportunities for rich living.

-W. Beran Wolfe

Route to the Plateau of Pain

THE SCENE: Mid 40s. A little damp. Didn’t really start raining until the BOM.

High knee skips across parking lot and back
Butt kicks across parking lot and back
20 4-count hillbillies
Mosey around the fountain and back to road and stop at greenway by Crumpet.
Route 66:
Dry docks
Iron mikes 2-count
While waiting On the six, run up crumpet and back down for 20 4-count flutter kicks.
Mosey to Plateu of Pain
Colombian necktie
Start with run to nearest cone. Grab cone and run back for 20 burpee squats and decrease burps each time.
We run at the same time every round. In between BBS.
Sun salutation
Warrior 1
Sun salutation
Warrior 1 other side
Sun salutation
Warrior 1, 2
Sun salutation
Warrior 1, 2 other side
Sun salutation
Warrior 1, 2, Reverse Warrior
Sun salutation
Warrior 1, 2, Reverse Warrior other side
Sun salutation
Chair 30 seconds
Boat, single leg right, single leg left, boat
8 men put in the work.
Again, I gotta say – it’s all about attitude. A guy at my work spoiled my attitude and I let it ruin a day and half for me. I made a conscious decision to be positive (or not negative) and it completely turned things around for me. Just enter every situation, every new day, every greeting with positivity. Smile, great pleasantly, banish negative thoughts and you will feel so much better.