F3 Knoxville

Around We Go

AO: the-farm
Q: Lightweight
PAX: Bartman, Choir Boy, Badger, Pew-pew, Einstein
FNGs: None
We warmed up

Mosey up to the causeway
11s w/ coupon
Presses/rail rows

Mosey to stairs
calf raises up × 5 each step – ten merkins at top
Calf raises up x 3 each step – ten merkins at top
Al Gore to wait on 6

Mosey to lower lot
50 Lunges & 50 squats
10× rocky balboas i/c

Mosey back to AO – 5 monkey humpers to each car we passed

Find a bench for 26 step ups and 25 incline merkins

Georgia cheerleaders
Hello Dollys
Flutter kicks

2nd F lunch Friday?, Choir Boy will make a post

We don’t always have to follow the same routine.

Lucky 7’s

AO: the-farm
Q: Bartman
PAX: Oil Check, Aladdin, Choir Boy, Einstein, Monstar, Pew-pew, Badger
FNGs: None
SSH, tempo merkins, tempo squats, lbac, rockettes, oyo stretch

7’s: lunges, jump squats, bear crawls in between
7’s: big boys, American hammers, hill run in between
7’s: curl & oh press, dips, mosey in between
7’s: calf raises, parking curb merkins, mosey in between

MARY: no time


COT: talked about the history of Labor Day. Thanked everyone for their contributions to their work.

Fun Farm Friday – Dark Mode Ultimate Football

AO: the-farm
Q: Lightweight
PAX: Aladdin, Bartman, Choir Boy, Einstein, Madoff, Mayberry, Badger, Oil Check
FNGs: 1 Oil Check
We did

Mosey around basketball court back to AO, grab gear and head to soccer field.

5 vs 4 Ultimate Football. Merkin every time the football hit the deck (it hit a lot)

Ring of fire
V ups

Monday, West hills launch
Wednesday, Blue Grass launch
Tomorrow is the mud run

COT: Enjoy your family this holiday weekend!

Just Keep Movin’…

THE SCENE 59 and Clear

F3 Welcome and Disclaimer

Quick Mosey around bathrooms
High knee skips on way back
Side straddle hops 15
Power T stretch 10 each side
Morning Wood-5 each hand (Turkish get up)
20 mericans
Mosey to Matterhorn stopping at cones
Cone 1: 20 mericans
Cone 2: 20 BB sit-ups
Cone 3: 10 x jacks?
Cone 4: 5 burpees
Cone 5: 10 rocky balboas
Planks or sit ups for challenge participants while waiting on 6

Mosey to pavilion
On your own 2 sets
10 pull-ups
20 incline mericans
10 decline mericans

Mosey to top of Matterhorn (cone 5)
Repeat exercises at each cone on way down

Wagon wheel At bottom of Matterhorn till 6 joins
Mosey to tennis courts

Ascending Testicals with sprints X2
Start on line, sprint to other side and back
5 15 degree
Sprint down and back
5 45 degree
Sprint down and back
Hold 90 degree 60sec

1 round Duck duck goose style bear crawls around tennis court

Mosey back to SP
20 sit ups
15 flutter kicks
25 american hammers
15? Hello dollys

Count off/name o Rama

Ephesians 5:25
Spoke about relationships and how Christ loved the church. How we should love our spouses as he loved us. Unconditionally and not selfishly.

“Love seeks its happiness in the happiness of the beloved. It will even suffer and die for the beloved in order that its joy might be full in the life and purity of the beloved.This is how Christ loved us, and this is how he calls us to love one another.” From Desiring God pages 206-7.