F3 Knoxville

Jump and Roll

THE SCENE: 70 degrees and calm


WARM-O-RAMA: SSH IC x20, Cherrypickers IC x10, Tie Fighters IC X10 each leg, mosey around campus

THA-THANG: (Teams of 2)

  • Teammate 1 rolled a dice (dice has preset workouts on it) on a table and performs the workout. If dice falls on the floor during the roll reps are doubled. If the wildcard is rolled the pax must put on a 30lb vest run to the pull up bars, perform 5 pull ups and run back.
  • Teammate 2 is jump roping while teammate 1 performs their exercise
  • Once teammate 1 completes their exercise they run to teammate 2 and they swap positions. Teammate 2 rolls, teammate 1 jumps rope and so on.
  • Continue pattern until recover is called

MARY: Cool down stretching

COUNT-OFF & NAME-O-RAMA: Rep Sleepy, Pennies, Doctor, Cow Patty, Banjo, Dodger, Doppelganger, Shenanigans, Master, Streaker, Austin Clark FNG (Pious)

CIRCLE OF TRUST/BOM: Build habits from the bottom up (Principles from the book Atomic Habits)



  • 8/20- 5k or 10k walk/run for Hope Resource Center
  • 9/10 Beer mile at Moses’s house
  • 9/10- Memorial Stair Climb at Lakeshore Park

The Speedway Joker


It was an unusually warm and muggy morning at the Speedway and some Jokers came to play a card game.


Gathered at flag.

SSH 20x

Cherry Pickers 10x

Baby Arm Circles 10x forward 10x backward


Moseyed around the track and then around the playground. Ended at the playground where I put all of my cards on the table. The Pax would pair off and each member would draw a card to reveal the number of each exercise they would accomplish. Number cards = number of exercises on card, Ace = 10 exercises, face cards = 15.

The exercises in order:

• Merkins

• Big Boy Sit-ups

• Dips

The Pax that drew the card would start on those exercises in order while his partner ran a lap around the playground (drew a 5 = 5 merkins, 5 BBS, 5 dips, then draw another card). When the runner Pax returned, he would take over and finish out the “hand” that is partner was on and then draw another card. Then rinse and repeat.

The Twist:

when a Joker was drawn, that pax would yell Joker and everyone had to stop and do 20 burpees.


Moseyed back to AO where we circled up and did

• Little Baby Crunches = 1 min

• Plank = 30 seconds

• Stargazers = 1 min



“Imitate God, therefore, in everything you do, because you are his dear children. Live a life filled with love, following the example of Christ. He loved us and offered himself as a sacrifice for us, a pleasing aroma to God.”

‭‭Ephesians‬ ‭5:1-2‬ ‭NLT‬‬

As Christians, we are called to show Gods love. It is so important in our day and age to lead by example. Lead the way Jesus leads, by love! We need to love one another, love the outcasts, love the people that are hated, love the oppressed, love the marginalized, love the minorities, love the people you disagree with, etc, the list can go on and on. But we need to love as Christ loved!

As a group of men, we have to lead by example, we have to stand up and show Christs love. It is extremely important that with all of the division, hatred, bullying, etc, that others see Christ through us. The easiest way for a stranger to see Christ in our life, is by love!

You never know how impactful one act of kindness/love can have on someone who is having a bad day, week, month, or year! By showing love, you could possibly change their outlook on their struggle or bad situation. So do something nice for a stranger today! Show Gods love! It could be buying food or coffee in the drive thru for the car behind you, opening a door, smiling at someone, letting a car turn in front of you when you are in traffic, genuinely asking some one how they are and how you could help or pray for them, the list is endless! But by doing one little act of kindness we can show Gods love, little by little! Remember, there is good out there, so be the change that you want to see in the world! Show Christ’s love!

Be Love!


Trousers – job situation

Doppelgänger – grandfather

Rep Sleepy – daughter

Burnout – wife pregnant

Master – wife pregnant


  • Bible study at Food City – Wednesday at 6am led by Doppelganger and Cow Patty.
  • Work day at Cerebral Palsy Center – August 6 starting at 7am.
  • Run with HOPE on 8/20.  Shenanigans is putting together a team.  Sign up to support Hope Resource Center.


Speedway Kraken in the Storm

THE SCENE:  “It was a dark and stormy (morning)!”  We were soaked to the bone but it kept us cool!



Gathered at the flag.
SSH x20; Tie Fighters x10 each leg; Cherry Pickers x10.
All done IC.

Moseyed down the parking lot to other side of church in the pouring rain where the 8 stations of the KRAKEN were set up in a large circle around the parking lot.  Pax spread out at different stations and as they completed the exercise, they would run the whole circuit before going to the next station in a clockwise rotation.  Rinse and repeat.

Kraken stations were as follows:

  • 10 hand release Merkins
  • 20 mountain climbers (2 count)
  • 10 Iron rockets (2 count)
  • 20 leg lifts
  • 10 Carolina dry docks
  • 20 Imperial storm kickers (2 count)
  • 10 Burpees
  • 20 crunchy frogs

Moseyed back to the flag.  We didn’t have a whole lot of time left so we just held squat for time.


Proverbs 11:10-11
“When the righteous prosper, the city rejoices; when the wicked perish, there are shouts of joy.  Through the blessing of the upright a city is exalted, but by the mouth of the wicked it is destroyed.”

We all have “cities” that God has placed us in charge of: our employees, our families, our circles of influence.  Through our actions and our words, we can build up and bless our “cities” or we can destroy them.  We can tear down people and destroy them with our words and inflict generational curses on our children, or we can be a blessing to them and build them up and help them to prosper.

Let’s choose to lead our “cities” well today and build them up through our words and actions, so that they will see Christ in us.

Rep Sleepy’s mom – in hospital.
Pennies – traveling to Florida this coming weekend.


  • Bible study at Food City – Wednesday at 6am led by Doppelganger and Cow Patty.
  • Breakfast at Rep Sleepy’s after Saturday’s beatdown.  Sign up on Slack.
  • Work day at Cerebral Palsy Center – August 6 starting at 7am.
  • Run with HOPE on 8/20.  Shenanigans is putting together a team.  Sign up to support Hope Resource Center.

Two Faced

THE SCENE: ⚡Wet and stormy ⚡


Danger Zone- Roughly 1 minute each of SSH, high knees and butt kicks to the Danger Zone by Kenny Loggins. Each time the words “Danger Zone” are uttered you do a burpee.

THA-THANG: Performed in teams. In this case with three teams of 3 and one team of 2. Parking lot setup with cones in a roughly 400m loop with 4 stations setup along the loop. Three CMU’s, a coin and workout list placed at the 4 stations. Each team starts at a station. One team member flips a coin and everyone does the workout listed on the paper based on if the coin lands on heads or tails. If you get to a station and another team is there bypass the station and proceed to the next open station. Station workouts as follows:

  • Station 1: Heads- Merkins x20 / Tails- Manmaker Merkins x20
  • Station 2: Heads- BBS x20 / Tails- BBW w/CMU x20
  • Station 3: Heads- Burpees x20 / Tails- Blockees x20
  • Station 4: Heads- Carolina Dry Docks x20 / Tails- CMU overhead press x20

MARY: Burpees x25 and light stretching

COUNT-OFF & NAME-O-RAMA: 11 HIMs- Streaker, Cow Patty, Doppleganger, Doctor, Rep Sleepy, Pennies, Shenanigans, Banjo, Trousers, Halfday and Shocker

CIRCLE OF TRUST/BOM: Do what you don’t like (Romans 7:15)

MOLESKIN: Prayer Requests- Gibson family, Doppleganger’s grandfather and Streaker traveling

ANNOUNCEMENTS: Breakfast at Rep Sleepy’s on 7/16 and workday at the Cerebral Palsy Center on 8/6