F3 Knoxville

Tuesday Feb 25, 2025

AO: dogpound
Q: Madoff
PAX: Lightweight, Mayberry, Earmuffs (Dan Studt), Einstein, Bartman
FNGs: None
20 Rockettes
10 Tempo Squats
10 TN Rocking Chairs
10 SSH
10 Plank Jacks
10 Little Baby Arm Circles Forward and 10 Backwards

Tabata – 20 secs work 10 secs rest x8
1. Jump Squats
2. Freddie Mercury
3. Deep Incline Merkins
4. Toe Taps while leaning back on wall
5. Reverse Lunges
6. Box Cutters
7. Tempo Squats

25 Plank Jacks
25 Imperial Walkers
10 Jump Squats

ANNOUNCEMENTS: Check newsletter. Mentioned Escape Haw Ridge and Hardship Hill

COT: Men typically do not get their feelings hurt often, and when they do it’s most likely by someone you love or respect…because you have to care what they think in order for their thoughts to be valuable enough to “hurt” you. Your first response to hurt is likely to be anger or defensive. I challenged myself and the men to try and calmly process the situation and be introspective to see if there is something you need to learn. If someone important to you has something to say you do not like, then the leader must take that information and do something positive with it. It’s hard in the moment to do it, but I think it’s one way we can grow. Gave an example from my life recently.

Let’s talk AB-out some Merkins

AO: dogpound
Q: Lightweight
PAX: Bartman, Einstein, Madoff
FNGs: None
We did
Merkin/AB ladder
10 Diamond Merkins
20 Hollow Rocks
10 wide Merkins
20 Plank Hip Dips
10 Incline Merkins
20 Dead bugs
10 Decline Merkins
20 X-factors
10 Merkins
20 Shoulder taps
Drop 2/4 each round, went back up
COT: it is on us to make sure we are making time for our loved ones, especially our kids. Find ways to engage, like asking them what they’d like to learn with you (H/T Madoff)


AO: the-farm
Q: Einstein
PAX: Choir Boy, Bartman, Pew-pew, Lightweight, Einstein
FNGs: None
SSH, LBAC, Cherry Pickers, Tempo Merkins and squats, Downward dog and cobra

We ran the loop around the bball court stopping at each corner. First corner 40 reps, next 30, next 20, last 10. Total of 100.

Did Merkins, Squats, Georgia Cheerleaders, Pickle Pounders, LBCs.

To kick it off and in between each of the above, we took a trip around the loop doing 5 burpees at all four corners. In all we accumulated 100 burpees.

No time

Lightweight wants everyone to join him at a father daughter dance

Escape Haw Ridge


“Humble yourselves, therefore, under the mighty hand of God so that at the proper time he may exalt you.” – 1 Peter 5:6 (ESV)

Men are often admired for their strength, leadership, and independence. However, true strength in the eyes of God doesn’t come from asserting our own will or proving our might; it comes from submission. Submission to God means trusting His plan over ours, acknowledging our limitations, and leaning on His infinite wisdom and power.

In our daily lives, this means letting go of control: Recognize areas where you’re trying to steer your life without God’s guidance.

Leadership in Christ’s model is also about service. How can you serve your family, friends, or even strangers today in a way that reflects Christ’s love?

Lastly, understand that God’s timing is perfect. Even when you feel powerless or delayed, trust that He is working for your good.

Today, identify one area in your life where you’ve been resistant to God’s leading. Pray for the humility to submit that part to Him. Ask for the strength to wait patiently on His timing and to serve others in humility.

Confidence under the Pavilion

AO: dogpound
Q: Madoff
PAX: Ribbed (Joshua Sagraves), Snitch (Cory Beilharz ), Bunches, Einstein, Bartman
FNGs: None
20 SSH
10 Windmills
10 TN Rocking Chair
5 Knox Cherry Pickers

8 rounds 20 sec Work 10 Sec Rest – 1 min rest between sets
1. American swings
2. Figure 8s
3. Thrusters
4. Static CMU Hold with Pointed Toe Heel taps
5. Static Hangs from Rafters
6. Static CMU Hold with Flutter kicks
7. Calf Raises on Bench
8. Curls

ANNOUNCEMENTS: Roco Ice Bears event

COT: Confidence plays an important role in Mens’ lives. Whether you are working to gain/strengthen it or simply maintain confidence through hardships. I shared that it wook me almost 7 months at F3 before I felt personally confident to Q. Now I regularly do it once a week or more and have complete confidence not that it’s a “good Q” but that I am doing my best and am capable. Be confident!

My Wife’s Birthday

AO: dogpound
Q: Madoff
PAX: Mayberry, Lightweight, Aladdin, Bartman, Einstein
FNGs: None
20 SSH
20 Rockettes
20 TN Rocking Chairs
10 Tie Fighters Forward
10 Tie Fighters Backward
Mozy to Rockpile

4x10reps (wait for 6 each round with a Plank)
Inch Worm Out – 2 Merkins – Inch Worm In – Imperial Walker
Together Run up hill 15 wide rail merkins and run down hill

4×10 reps each
L Sit Passover
L Sit Seesaw Press
Together Run up hill 15 wide rail merkins and run down hill

4×10 reps each
Kneeling Passover
Kneeling Seesaw Press
Together Run up hill 15 wide rail merkins and run down hill

Step Ups with Rocks – Alt curls with static hold

25 flutter kicks
10 suitcase crunches
Something Mayberry did
15 GA Cheerleaders


COT: read Jeremiah 29:11 and shared that birthdays are a good time to reflect on what’s been accomplished and what you want to still do. Also discussed that we tend to overestimate what we can accomplish is a short time and greatly underestimate what can be accomplished longer. So please look at any hardship through the lens of the last several years vs minutes, hours, or days. It will help you recognize that there’s a process happening and right now you might just be at a hard point.